1. First Name: Donna 2. Single/Married/Divorced: Married for 35 years 3. Children: 3 - boy 35 years old, boy 31 years old, girl 28 years old, 4 grandchildren - girl 14, boy 12, girl 9 and girl 5 4. Where do you live: Saskatchewan, Canada "Go Riders!" 5. Favourite Non-Healthy Food/Favourite Healthy Food: Anything with…
I am amazed by all of you, good job, but none of you say how you did it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Wow, congratulations guys. Good work!
So what do the different FitBits cost?
Congratulations to all. So tell us what you did to be successful. Did you follow a special diet, are you doing a specific workout, what worked?
Ok, week 1 is in the bag. Posting the whole week worked great. I was able to switch a couple days around to work into my schedule better. Thank you so much for doing this, greatly appreciated. Looking forward to a lazy tomorrow!
Hi, I'm Donna and I live in small town Saskatchewan. I am 51 years old and have been married for 34 years. I have 3 kids and 4 grand children. I work as an office adminstrator for a small company close to home. AIways been very active and very fit. I quite suddenly put on about 30 lbs a year and half ago and have been…
This was the one I was looking for, thank you. Can't seem to get stage 2 sheets to download. Anyone else have this problem?
This sounds good, please include me.
Wow, good job.
1 more to add to the list please. <email removed by allabtlm> Thank you
So I did stage 1 / level 1 but when I went to input it, it wasn't in the datat base. How is that with the number of people on here doing it? Have I just not looked in the right place?
I'm in. I will be starting on Jan 1 and would love to be a part of your group. Have only ever posted once before as I'm not real sure how to do this but will give it a go. Good luck everyone!
Check out the skinnykitchen web site. I believe there was an apple recipe on there.
Loving the mini challenges, thx.
Thanks so much, this is exactly what I needed.
How do you enter this in your excersise log? How many calories do you think you burn?