

  • Is this for over 50 yrs old or those who need to lose 50+lbs. I'm 51 yrs old, but don't have 50 lbs to lose. Just on maintenance & trying to gain more lean muscle.
  • Kiwi here too. Throat swelled up after an itchy tongue. Related to a latex allergy. If you're allergic to Kiwi, you may be allergic to avocado as well. Now I'm afraid to try avocado. Last year, I developed a Nut allergy too.
  • I didn't start running til I was 48 yrs old; 2 years ago. My first 5k was around the 34 minute mark. Second 5k was 32 minutes and third 5k was 31 mintues. I am attempting the Disney 1/2 Marathon in Sept for my 50th B Day. Really planning on run/walk. Have to keep under the 16 minute mile mark or they pick you up & drive…
  • I have to constantly monitor my weight to stay above 130. I'll be putting myself at risk of osteoporisis, if I don't. I workout 4 days a week and like to keep busy. I had to change from 0% fat Greek Yogurt to full fat. I do like peanut butter and nuts, so that helps. I've been blessed with always having a high metabolism.…
  • I tried for years to teach my mom about healthy eating; she was disabled from uncontrolled diabetes, so I did most her grocery shopping. Never forget the time I served her up some low-fat cottage cheese and she asked me to get the "salad dressing." I said "salad dressing???, on your cottage cheese?" She proceeded to wheel…
  • REALLY like the last quote.
  • I get that too, since people call me skinny. Or I get comments if I do eat a dessert "you are so lucky you can get away with eating that and stay skinny like you do....." I just tell them it's my active lifestyle that affords me to indulge occassionally.
  • Love all the posts and support. My topic was actually for my daughter (on MFP and has lost 40 lbs) who is constantly critiqued by in-laws about how she needs to eat "normal food" and normal to them is Pork Ribs, Beef, Fried foods, Potatoes, Pizza... Most of their cooking is out of a can, jar or prepared type foods. The…
  • Love that one!