

  • I'M IN!!! I am 39 years old and live in Atlanta, GA. My current weight is 162 and I would like to weigh 135 by Christmas. I have a big birthday in December, so I would love to showcase a leaner, healthier me. Good Luck Everyone!!! SW: 167 Start weight for Christmas Challenge: 162 Goal weight for Christmas: 135 CW-162 lost…
  • Way to Go!! You look great!
  • I'm in! August 22nd: SW 166.5 August 29th: SW 163.5 GW for September 20th: 156.5 Overall GW: 135 September's Personal Challenge: Lose 10 lbs by my hubby's b-day (Sept 20th); stay under 1000 calories Mon-Thurs. Increase calories Fri-Sat, but also increase exercise. Overall Challenge: Lose 30 lbs by my 40th b-day (Dec 24th).
  • Welcome to MFP!! I'm also new to the message board. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by December. My mini goal is to lose 10lbs by my hubby's b-day. I lost 3 pounds last week and I am hopeful that I will lose the additional 7 lbs in the next 3 weeks. I really need to incorporate more exercise. So glad I found this site =).
  • Woohoo!! Great job on your weight loss. How did you lose the weight so quickly? I am trying to lose 30lbs before my 40th birthday, so I need all of the help I can get...Lol
  • Hello Everyone! I absolutely love this site. It is so easy to navigate and it's FREE!! I have a big birthday coming up, so I am serious about getting the weight off. My goal is to lose 30 pounds before my 40th B-day. I officially started my diet last Monday. I lost 3 pounds last week and I am hoping to lose another 3…