September Weight Loss Challenge (Open)



  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in!

    SW as of 09/01: 241.3
    Goal for September: 232.3
    Self-Challenge: walk / job a minimum of 35 miles by september 30th [00/35]
  • August was a horrible month, stopped all my momentum. Need to get back on track and hopefully this Challenge will help (First time I've been in a challenge. I've been to this stage before and have never 'righted' the ship. Hopefully I can catch myself before I fall further cause the 300lb mark is just around the corner and I worked so hard to get below it.

    SW (my last weigh in for August): 290.2
    Goal for September: 278
    Self-Challenge: Gym 4 times a week,
  • Let's do it!
    SW: 156.0 (as of 8/31/11)
    Goal weight for September: 152.0
    Pesonal Goal: Be more joyous with my family. Not allow daily pressures to impact my mood.
  • lewisduckie02
    lewisduckie02 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, here i go........

    start wgt 178.
    sept goal-170
    self goal-exercise more....

    I have just had knee surgery-had arthritis and torn meniscus so I have been a couch potato.......
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Your starting weight for September: 142 lb
    Your personal goal for September: 138 lb
    Your personal self-challenge for September: not let the scale control my mood -- especially if I see inches/% body fat drop!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    SW for September : 291lbs
    Goal for September : 279lbs
    Personal challenge : Don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't reflect the work I put in - especially if I can see a difference in the mirror and inches lost
  • SW for Sept: 166.4, a few lbs of water I think
    Goal for Sept: 155

    Personal Challenge for Sept: Stay consistant!
  • I'm in! I'll keep up from my new apartment in the UK so I can be fit and fabulous when I come back to the states :)

    Current weight: 127
    Challenge Goal weight: 120
    Personal challenge: Take up an exercise class overseas. Train for a 5k.
  • Your starting weight for September : 309
    Your personal goal for September : 299
    Your personal self-challenge for September: One hour on the elliptical at least five days a week.
  • Would love to join

    Your starting weight for September : 169
    Your personal goal for September : 159
    Your personal self-challenge for September: :drinker: To drink 8 x glasses of water EVERY day :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • chaoticlove
    chaoticlove Posts: 9 Member
    Time to get back on track!
    SW: 138
    GW: 133
    Personal Goal: Eat better, move more! :smile:

    Add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • im in just a bump for in the am when i weigh myself then ill get on here and finish this sounds great another thing to keep me in line
  • I'm in!

    August 22nd: SW 166.5
    August 29th: SW 163.5
    GW for September 20th: 156.5
    Overall GW: 135

    September's Personal Challenge: Lose 10 lbs by my hubby's b-day (Sept 20th); stay under 1000 calories Mon-Thurs. Increase calories Fri-Sat, but also increase exercise.
    Overall Challenge: Lose 30 lbs by my 40th b-day (Dec 24th).
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Starting Weight: 200.4
    Goal for September: 190
    Self-Challenge: Do 30 Day Shred, 2x a day, for the full 30 days (take Fridays off)
    Self-Challenge: Burn 5,000 calories a week, for each week of September
    Self-Challenge: Walk every day until I've burned 500 calories
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    If you need more support, feel free to friend me. I can use it too!!
  • Yvette2u
    Yvette2u Posts: 35 Member
    I would luv to join:

    SW: 246.9 As of 9/2
    GW: 236
    PG: Drink 8 glasses of water!!

    Pllease add me as a friend, I am new just started on 9/2. Currently using MFP App.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    My first weigh in for the month is 169.6 which is what I weighed last week when I signed up for this challenge. I did devour half a bowl of chips and salsa yesterday; however. Lol everyone can feel free to add me aswell!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    *** PLEASE READ ***

    This topic has been moved to a "closed" thread. This is ONLY for those of us who have signed up. Follow the link below to continue weigh ins & such.
  • Hi all,

    Your starting weight for September -171lbs
    Your personal goal for September -160lbs
    Your personal self-challenge for September-only weigh in once a week (such a challenge for me)

    I am really looking forward to our time together!
  • Im In!
    Walking more, eating healthier~