
  • mamawriter
    mamawriter Posts: 15 Member
    If it's not too late I'd like in on this too. I'm 150 right now and I'm aiming for a healthier 135ish by Christmas. I'm not getting the support I need from family and friends so how about random strangers going through the same thing lol :)
  • Ok I'm in. I'm at 160 as of Sept. 28. Would like to be at 145 by Dec 30.
  • I have been exercising and keeping my calorie intake in check for 1 week now...still no change in weight, but I am going to give it some time. Playing racquetball with my husband after work today.

    Hey any kind of movement is good...Keep it up
  • So yesterday I had 4 slices of sicilian pizza.
    Instead of feeling like it was a waste of a day I went to the gym and worked out hard core for an hour then biked home. In all I worked off all the calories from those pizzas. When I came home I had a nice small salad. I guess once in a while it is okay to fall off the wagon as long as you are prepared to work hard to back on.

    Have a great day girls!

    That is so true...Thanks for sharing that with us...Some think that when they mess up once on a day, that they might as well eat like crap the rest of the day and get back on track the next day....Nope...Stay focused. Its ok to have something you want once in awhile, but don't eat like crap the WHOLE stinken day lol
  • I am in. I am just starting my weight loss journey and had already decided to lose 15 pounds before years end. I am starting at 201 and plan to be 186 max before 2011 comes to an end.

    That is Defetely possible girl...Great goal
  • juliabereza
    juliabereza Posts: 8 Member
    How do you join? I want to do it too
  • I would love to join if it's not too late. I am doing WW too and am on a plateau and can't seem to get out of it. I would like to be 150 or lower by Christmas. That's approximately 12 lbs or more. I am excited!!!! Let's do this!

    How is everyone doing so far?
    Can anyone give tips on how they are losing their weight?

    That's great...12 lbs is just about where I am as well...And Ive lost a total of 2.2 lbs so far...YAY!!! And Im just watching my calories..I was on WW but after my accident I couldn't afford to go to the meetings every week and I quit. I put on 14 lbs and have managed to get almost 5 lbs back off
  • I want to join this challenge.
    Current weight: 243.2
    Christmas Goal weight: 215

    Glad you joined...LETS DO THIS
  • If it's not too late I'd like in on this too. I'm 150 right now and I'm aiming for a healthier 135ish by Christmas. I'm not getting the support I need from family and friends so how about random strangers going through the same thing lol :)

    I know what you mean by no support at home...Yeah they care and my husband doesn't say anything, but him eating the fat stuff around me does not help...So I need all my MFP friends to keep me motivated...
  • How do you join? I want to do it too

    All you have to do is post your current weight and your goal weight for Christmas...we weigh in the last day of each month till Christmas...Also you can come in occasionaly and let people know how your doing and give tips and so forth...Thanks for Joining the Christmas Challenge
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm having trouble right now getting in enough calories. My net for the day is less than 500, which is not even close to enough. Trying to add in at least somewhat decent foods to replace my exercise calories, but it's hard.
  • I'M IN!!! I am 39 years old and live in Atlanta, GA. My current weight is 162 and I would like to weigh 135 by Christmas. I have a big birthday in December, so I would love to showcase a leaner, healthier me. Good Luck Everyone!!!

    SW: 167
    Start weight for Christmas Challenge: 162
    Goal weight for Christmas: 135

    lost Total: 5lbs
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    I would be game! 15 pounds will be my goal! I'm currently 168, and would like to be down between 155-153
  • yay i cant wait till christmas, also that means only 10 months till our big day :)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Do we post out numbers here or will there me another thread?
  • How do I upload a before pic to this thread?
  • I'm in I will promise myself to work harder than ever to accomplish this goal.
    I'm Michelle and besides Christmas I'm getting ready for a wedding as well to be with the one I want to impress the rest of my life.

    SW: 130.5
    Start for Christmas Challenge: 120
    Goal weight for Christmas: 115
  • I'm in I will promise myself to work harder than ever to accomplish this goal.
    I'm Michelle and besides Christmas I'm getting ready for a wedding as well to be with the one I want to impress the rest of my life.

    SW: 130.5
    Start for Christmas Challenge: 120
    Goal weight for Christmas: 115 :happy:
  • How do I upload a before pic to this thread?
  • Ok I figured it out. ......i think. Here is my before pic.
