

  • I am here :) Moltisanti
  • Thank you! I will certainly add you :)
  • I was referring to my personality and lack of self control which as a mentioned is a problem for me.... part of a life change is trying to become more accountable to yourself and sometimes being accountable to other people helps too. This is true not only for eating habits but other life situations as well. Never hurts to…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Sarah and I am 24 years old. Weight has been a struggle for me my whole life. I am from East Tennessee so we are around all this great fatty Southern food ;). I have spent the last few years yo-yoing back and forth in weight. Summer of 2 years ago I managed to lose a little over 70 pounds. Needless…
  • Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support! I have gotten so many friend requests and I can not begin to tell you how much I appreciate them along with all of the sweet messages. I look forward to our Journey :)
  • I am in the same boat as you. Currently at 282.6. I will add you.
  • I know we have already added each other on here but I just wanted to post on here and let you know that YOU CAN DO IT!!! I felt like I was reading about myself while reading your post. I can relate completely. We will make this happen :). I am excited for the change!