andielyn Member


  • Hi folks....thanks cjdsign for starting this conversation. I have been sick for awhile but just recently left my job due to my illness. I have gained a lot of weight being sick, and haven't been able to be active or exercise for awhile now. I started back here because I am gaining weight and need to get it under control.
  • Hi...I'm in the same boat and need new friends here who get the physical limitations we face. Please add me!
  • I have the FT4 (I think)...cannot go wrong with Polar. I also have a Fitbit Flex that does not have a built-in HRM. The Fitbit is good for all day/night tracking and is great for determining your daily overall calorie burn, but is only good for step based exercise. A HRM is good for other activity, and not good for an all…
  • I do Prime Pantry and I love it. I use it for both food and household items. Since everyone's idea of "healthy" varies and there are no fresh fruits, veggies or meats, I suggest just looking through the Prime Pantry. I get Nutrigrain bars, Clif bars, raisins, Progresso soup, calrose rice, Grape Nuts cereal, nuts, to…
  • Just curious, where did you find info on what the step count is for sedentary, lightly active, etc? I am dealing with anemia and maybe some bigger issues so I'm actually using my Fitbit to pace myself. Some sort of guidelines would be very helpful. (Sorry to hijack this thread :blush: )
  • Yay, another Orphan Black watcher!
  • Scandal Orphan Black Daily Show w/Jon Stewart Archer (Do you not?!?) B)
  • Awesome! Thank you!
  • I gave up artificial sweeteners about 5 months ago--and thus diet sodas--and drink sparkling water now when I want something bubbly, and completely kicked the diet soda. Was much easier than I thought and I don't miss it.
  • When I'm sick to my stomach I usually go with the BRAT diet--bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. :smile:
  • REO Speedwagon. My daughter's first concert (with me)--Evanescence. AMAZING concert! (Much better than REO Speedwagon). :smiley:
  • I gave up artificial sweeteners (including the ones touting themselves as "natural" like stevia and agave) and have for the last several months have drank almost exclusively hint fizz (unsweet sparkling water.) Once you make the adjustment you will likely not miss soda at all. Sparkling Ice is great but is sweetened with…
  • Great tips. Raw is ideal, but impossible in most instances for me because I cook for more than just myself. I am not, for example, going to weigh dry pasta and cook it separately for just myself when I'm cooking for more than just me!
  • It's amazing how you can increase your step count by doing little things like that. I also work in an office, one of the first in, park in the furthest space. Always take steps. Make the morning coffee and instead of standing there while it's brewing, I take a little walk. I have a Fitbit, too, and wear it 24/7.
  • Until I hit my mid-40's this was me, EXACTLY. I had to reply because it is uncanny--I literally was always 127-133, same height. I never "dieted". I really never tried to get below 125.
  • Oh darn you for mentioning Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade! I have to agree it is sooooo good and I also completely kicked my soda habit drinking Sparkling Ice, but for the last several months I've given up artificial sweeteners of any kind. So now all I drink is hint fizz. If I ever fall off the artificial sweetener wagon it…
  • To measure burn just during a gym class then a heart rate monitor (HRM) is probably better. I have a Polar HRM (one that uses a chest strap) and also a Fitbit. The Fitbit is great for my total daily calorie burn and step-based activities like walking, but I also use my Polar HRM for specific activities. Newer Fitbits have…
  • So purely anecdotal on my end but I quit consuming artificial sweeteners (including the ones considered natural like stevia and Truvia) and chronic issues I was having my skin have completely gone away. Not rosacea, and I don't even know if there is a direct relationship but it might be worth a try. I did it because of…
  • Unless you are iron deficient it probably isn't an issue...I recently learned that men in particular usually have years' worth of iron in storage. I, on the other hand, have the opposite problem. You can only absorb a very small percentage of iron you actually ingest. All this according to the doc who's treating me for my…
    in Iron Comment by andielyn March 2015
  • The salad thing is kind of insulting, imho. There are clearly people for whom salad is an UNHEALTHY choice for medical reasons. I don't think personally I'd go the route, "my food is yummier" and I'd just say you don't think there are options on the menu you can eat and leave it at that. You don't have to explain why--and…
  • Colds last 7 days untreated, but if you treat them they only last a week. :wink:
  • My ferritin was low last year (9.5 I think) and I was on 3xday supplements. I was very fatigued, short of breath, and had no energy. I don't know if there is a direct correlation to metabolism or not but I felt like a mud turtle. :( Good luck on getting your levels back may take awhile. Being diligent is my best…
  • Any ideas for substitutes for the almond milk? Would regular milk work? Can't wait for overripe bananas to make these. :)
  • I definitely don't get enough sleep/deep sleep, and it affects both my appetite and energy, which affect my food choices/exercise. I have a Fitbit so I use the sleep tracker there, but I think it would be helpful for MFP to have that and also have the ability to sync that data between apps.
  • Blaming others for sabotaging their success is more in the pathetic excuses category in my book.
  • Darn you! I am trying hard to kick my Reese's addiction and of course the eggs are the absolute best. I am sure if I had a brain scan right now there would be a big spot lit up where the Reese's eggs receptors reside.
  • In addition to the above, they are delicious!! :) If you take any kind of meds, though, be careful, grapefruit and grapefruit juice are known to affect the metabolism of many drugs.
  • Motivation comes from within. My advice would be to start every day reading what you just wrote and put that into doable daily goals and motivation. "I know I can do it." "I will push myself today." "I will eat proper portion sizes today." I will eat fruit and veggies instead of fast food today." "I do not want surgery, so…
  • This Moroccan chickpea stew. I bump up the spices by adding 2 jalapenos, seeds and all, as well as the other spices (I don't measure, just spice to taste/smell. :wink: ) Plus, you can log it on MFP right from the recipe. Bonus!
  • I discovered this Moroccan chickpea stew recipe a few months ago and it's fantastic! We have it regularly now. Best thing, it's from and you can log it on MFP directly from the recipe! LOVE this feature!!