

  • I'm down for some new friends ;) Can never have too much motivation backing you! ADD ME !!!
  • 183.4 this week :happy: down 1.2 lbs!!!
  • Weighing in at 184.6. Just a little over 1 lb lst, hey a loss is a loss....I'll take it!
  • Apparently I weighed in on the old page. oops! My weight was the same as starting because I had just joined the day before weigh-in. Also, I didn't see my name on the spreadsheet :ohwell: Luckily I have planks in part of my normal routine anyway, so I'm on track for this challenge even though I missed the link for the new…
  • I'm sticking with my starting weight because I just joined yesterday :) 185.8 Sorry if I am a little late. Gotta figure the time change in because I'm in Okinawa :blushing:
  • I am soooooo in on this one!!! I am currently 185.8lbs & want to be down to 125 by Christmas. I know its a lot more than 40, but the prior Marine in me is stubborn & ready to kick my own a** :laugh: It's not so much a Christmas goal for me though...My husband leaves for Drill Instructor School in October & will be back…
  • Checking in at 183. Down 5 lbs this week  Have to admit that I cheated a lil tho... I'm sure comin down with a bad case of e-coli helped to drop some lbs this week!
  • Weigh in: 188 up 2 lbs :sad: But, I have been pretty much confined to my bed/couch for over 5 days with neck problems. Also started a new blood pressure med that makes u retain a LOT of water weight. So, with all considered, I'm not too terribly upset with a 2 lb could have been worse. Hopefully I can get the all…
  • Check in: 186 lbs, down another 2 :) Whoo Hoo!!! I thought for sure I was gonna gain because I have been horribly sick & we have been eating like crap all week. Maybe now that I'm feelin better it will be an even bigger loss this week. Great job everyone!
  • Checking in...188 lbs. Down 1.6 this week :)
  • Checking in for the week. No change, still 189.6 :( Not what I was hoping for, but it's better than gaining!
  • Ughhh, 2 people away from the top 5!!!! Gotta bust my a** this week huh?! You ladies put up a good fight! WTG everyone :happy:
  • Stress on your body from exercise can alter your period drastically. I was in the Marine Corps & during bootcamp there were a lot of variations on peoples response to the stress. Some girls had their periods every single day for the entire 3 months while others didn't have it even once. Some also stayed normal. You should…
  • Stress on your body from exercise can alter your period drastically. I was in the Marine Corps & during bootcamp there were a lot of variations on peoples response to the stress. Some girls had their periods every single day for the entire 3 months while others didn't have it even once. Some also stayed normal. You should…
  • You look absolutely AMAZING!!! Great pics :) I plan on doing a bouduoir shoot when I reach my goal too.
  • I know I am a little early compared to most of you, but my weight for the week is 189.6, down 3lbs :drinker:
  • Haha, just realized that Linda is in NY. So, that means that midnight on Saturday your time will be 2 in the afternoon Sunday for me!lol That actually works perfectly, cuz I had already planned on having Sundays as my WI day :) BTW....I might be stuck on an island in the middle of the ocean right now, but I am actually…
  • I sooooooo want in! I know I'm a few days late on this, but my weight as of 7 Feb was 192.6. As a former Marine, a swift kick in the a** is exactly what I need to get back on track! Since I can't have a clone of my Drill Instructor at my house everyday, this is the next best thing :) I currently live in Okinawa, Japan so…
  • I would LOVE to join you all on this journey! Please add me as a friend :) I just started using this site this week, so it is a good time to get involved here. As it is already mid-week, I will wait to give my starting measurements this weekend. The only thing I need to know is what time zone do you work off of? I…
  • Good luck to you too! We can keep each other on track...dedication, motivation, determination!!! Oh, & I <3 Scentsy too ;)lol
  • Thanks so much Elia! I would LOVE some good cross-continental motivation! Distance doesn't matter (unless you're tracking the miles you walk/run!lol). Good luck reaching your goals & thanks for the add :)
  • Great to have you as a friend! It's always comforting knowing that there are other people near that are in similar circumstances. I gained even more weight after being here too, but not because of the Japanese food (my kids are entirely too picky & we don't eat off base much). My problem was having a 6 year old who had…
  • My daughter is Tiana (yep, she came before Disney!lol) Rochella-6 yrs & my son is Otis Victor Gordon IV-2 yrs...yes, that's the FOURTH! He was supposed to be Trevon Orion, but at the last minute my husband decided to torture him! If we ever have another (not likely) a boy will get the previously agreed upon name wether my…
  • Thanks all :) @ elizwelshman: What base do you live on? My husband was gone for the first 2 years that we lived here, I know what you're going through. My husband currently works on Foster, but we live on Kadena.
  • This sounds like a great way to keep myself focused, thanks so much for starting these posts! I would love to have all of you add me as a friend, motivation is key to weight loss success :) My 3 goals: 1) Get my sons laundry husband is usually the laundry guy, weird but awesome!lol 2) Up my water intake 3) Zumba…
  • Wow! That dress looks great on you! Congrats on your success thus far:happy:
  • Thank you all so much for the adds & great motivation! This is what I was missing last time when I first started this. Had I gone through & found so many amazing people, I probably would have stuck with it then!lol This time is different & I am so glad that there are so many wonderful, kind-hearted people in the great big…
  • Thanks Tamika! I look forward to working towards my goals with all the support on here :)
  • Thanks :) I am soooo ready for this!:happy: