Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • TheNewJessieMae
    Sorry I've been gone all weekend guys, but I've been super busy trying to get my house in some kind of order. The junk room has now been morphed into a workout room and the next thing on the agenda is to buy a new flat screen to mountto the wall!!! I'm excited. I've done good for the most part. Only a coue bad choices but I think with all the work I've done; I worked them off!!! Only thing I regret is not getting enough water. So..

    Feb 7th goals
    1.) wish my mommy a happy birthday.
    2.) water water water
    3) virtually no carbs! Way too many today.
    4.) restart the shred-nomatter how my back feels.
    5.) treadmill is now working so use it!
    6.) tan.
  • frubjious

    So the weekend’s goals:
    1. Tidy the house – Yes
    2. Look up interesting low cal recipes and plan the week’s meals – Yes!
    3. Go through draws and get rid of stuff that no longer fits. - Yes
    4. Water! – No

    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome back Nicole! I feel a bit rude welcoming someone to their own thread. I should be saying thanks instead. :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone across the pond enjoyed the super bowl and that you had loads of fun in Brighton Nam. I went to Uni there near the place pier and had far too much fun in general.

    This weekend was really productive in terms of getting the house straight but a bit of a food disaster. It’s a developing pattern that I’ve got to kick in the head before it gets ingrained. The good news though is that I’ve looked up loads of new recipes and my boyfriend is on a business trip this week so I have a chance to test them out with out having to inflict any culinary disasters on him.

    I have also signed up for a 5k sponsored run, I know plenty of people can run 5k in their sleep but the only thing I would run for normally is a plane so I’m pretty nervous. I keep having awful flashbacks to school sports days. I’d better look up Couch to 5k.

    Wow I’m rambling today. Sorry, I’ll get to the point.

    1. Water, no excuses!
    2. Walk, Body Balance & Body Attack – Hello deep end!
    3. Under on calories
    4. More housework

    Have a great day everyone! See you later!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks for all the welcome backs!! I love that no matter how long I disappear for when I return there are always some of those waiting!

    I did fairly well yesterday! I didn't surround myself with food for the superbowl... which... if the Eagles couldn't have gone and won, at least the Packers did. Aaron Rodgers really is an excellent quarterback.

    Goals from yesterday:

    1. Log all calories: Check! I didn't stay under... but that wasn't the goal quite yet. I did do better than usual though.
    2. Laundry: Check! Took me alllll day. literally. But it's done.
    3. Get ahead in homework: No... didn't even get everything done for today but it wasn't for lack of trying. I was doing homework allll day too.
    4. 8 cups of water: check!

    So goals for today:

    1. Water.
    2. Gym for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Log all calories and keep it between 1200-1500.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • rmeadows71
    2/5/11 goals:
    1) Get some cleaning done around the house- Lots accomplished over the weekend
    2) lots of water (I tend to slack on this during weekends)- Drank lots of water!!
    3) exercise- I'm counting my extensive cleaning as excercise! (I skipped yesterday goals due to cleaning all day)

    2/7/11 goals -
    1) At least 10 glasses of water -
    2) Get a walk in today -
    3) Clean my desk -
    4) Read with Jordan before bed -
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Feb. 6:
    1. WATER!!!--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goals.--No.
    3. Exercise!!!--Only 15 minutes, but it's a start!
    4. Meditate.--No, fell asleep instead!

    While I drank lots of water yesterday I probably should have had more, considering the sodium in the foods we had! At least I know I will be drinking plenty today!
    It is SO good for me to read all your post! I need to get back on track here--I have been letting all kinds of stuff get in my way and that is not the way it should be!
    So, I am starting fresh today (once again!).

    Goals for Feb. 7:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal.
    3. Exercise--at least 15 minutes before work and try more after work.
    4. Meditate and get to bed early.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Happy Monday! lol Glad to see that it seems everyone had a pretty good weekend!
    2-6-2011 goals
    1. Drink at least 8 cups of water - Just, but yes.
    2. Don't go TOO crazily overboard with snacking during the game. (Allowing myself 500 calories over my normal net goal.) - Yep, actually went less than 400 over, so technically I still had a deficit from what I probably burned.
    3. Do some cardio, preferably at least 20 minutes. - Yes and no.... Jumped rope, but only for 10 minutes.
    4. Polish up Career Objective Statement with Mom's help since she'll be here for the game - No, but I'm not taking complete blame for this. Mom got to my place late and we were then busy doing other stuff/watching the game the whole time.

    2-7-2011 goals
    1. Back to staying under on calories, carbs and fats
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-ups
    4. Wash dishes
    5. Bed by 9:30
  • frubjious
    Just... ...need... ...more...
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.7.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - so far doing well
    2) Power 90
    3) Practice my presentation for tomorrow!!!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    JUST TO UPDATE....................

    Feb 7th goals
    1.) wish my mommy a happy birthday. I DID THIS, DIDN'T FORGET THIS YEAR!!!! YAY ME!
    2.) water water water
    3) virtually no carbs! NEVER MIND......... BOSS BROUGHT DOUGHNUTS.
    4.) restart the shred-nomatter how my back feels. ---NEVERMIND.............. IT HURTS WAY TOO BAD. I AM IN TEARS WAITING ON MY CHIRO APT.
    5.) treadmill is now working so use it!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Jess, did you do anything special for your mom's bday?

    Monday's goals:
    1. I have been slacking on posting goals, so my first goal is to post my goals! :)
    2. workout before 12.
    3. drink only water today to help flush out my system from the weekend.
    4. work up to solid foods.
  • Annybel
    Haven't gotten on recently...

    Goals for tommorow (2/7):
    1. Eat Plenty of Veggies
    2. Drink 5 Bottles of Water
    3. Finish My Homework
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi! Totally forgot to post my goals today! Nevermind on to tomorrow...

    1. Lots of water.
    2. Go to circuit class in the morning.
    3. Sensible food choices all day.
    4. Only 1 glass of vino in the evening. We are having a 'team cohesion meeting' which is code for going to the pub!! My lot are all big drinkers so I need to be well behaved so I can remind them of their antics the next morning!

    Kim I also went to uni in Brighton!! How strange maybe we were there at the same time!!

    Everyone is doing so well posting their goals! Let's keep the momentum going!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    My goals for Mon 2/7
    1. Make all the phone calls I've been putting off for awhile now. DONE
    2. Drink water and only water all day and make sure to get enough in that I flush all this salt out from tonight. FAIL
    3. Do some sort of exercise to help burn off the extra unhealthy calories I've had today. FAIL
    4. Not sit on my butt all day like I've gotten used to doing when the baby girl is here. She's lazy and it rubs off on me when she's here. I've got to get her used to the idea that its ok to run around and play since her mom doesn't seem to do it. She also only really eats nothing but junk food cause of her mom and I've been trying to change that slowly hehe:) FAIL

    So major fail today. I got the phone calls done and that got me no where. Gotta call them again tomorrow. I will continue to call daily until I get the info I need from them. It's 2 different Dr offices and they should have called me over a month ago about what I'm calling for so I'm gonna keep on them this time. My daughter needs orthodic insoles before she starts getting all the problems that come from having flat feet.

    So goals for tomorrow 2/8
    1. Water no excuses!!
    2. Some kind of exercise!
    3. Be careful how much pizza I eat tomorrow night. I'm going to be part of a focus group for a local radio station and they are feeding us pizza while we are there.

    Hope you all have a good day tomorrow!
  • JessG83
    This sounds like a great way to keep myself focused, thanks so much for starting these posts! I would love to have all of you add me as a friend, motivation is key to weight loss success :)

    My 3 goals:
    1) Get my sons laundry husband is usually the laundry guy, weird but awesome!lol
    2) Up my water intake
    3) Zumba tonight (no matter how much the kids & dogs try to climb on or under me)

    I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you. Good luck!
  • frubjious

    1. Water, no excuses! – Yes!
    2. Walk, Body Balance & Body Attack – Yes to the walk but balance and attack didn’t happen
    3. Under on calories – No, I ate my exercise calories but missed the exercise.
    4. More housework – Yes.

    Welcome Jess!

    Today I WILL achieve everything on my list.

    1. Water
    2. Under on calories
    3. Shred, walk & something else - Shred already done!
    4. Drop off old clothes at the charity box.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's goals:
    1. I have been slacking on posting goals, so my first goal is to post my goals! :) yes
    2. workout before 12. yes
    3. drink only water today to help flush out my system from the weekend. ONLY HAD A HALF OF DIET SODA, BUT TONS OF WATER.
    4. work up to solid foods. NOT REALLY :(

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Go to kickboxing, its been a few weeks since I've gone.
    2. drink water, no matter what time of day. I've been really thirsty lately.
    3. Try to get in a few miles on the bike before class.
    4. Try not to take a nap in the middle of the day, instead, have an earlier bedtime. I'm not in pain when I'm sleep and the medication makes me sleepy, so this one is hard. Yesterday, I had a nap AND an early bedtime.
    5. Continue working on abs, I'm really starting to feel it!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 7:
    1. Water.--Yes but need to drink more while at home.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal.--Yes.
    3. Exercise--at least 15 minutes before work and try more after work.--Did 15 before work but not after work--too tired. It's a start, though.
    4. Meditate and get to bed early.--Meditate--yes, bed early--no.

    Yesterday was a half-and-half kind f day when it comes to my goals. It COULD have been a total bust again, though, so I feel like it was a success.

    Welcome, Jess. I found that this is a really good way to stay focused.

    I almost blew it yesterday when I wanted a snack but then remembered the cut-up veggies from Sunday and had bell peppers and hummus for a snack--YUM!

    Goals for Feb. 8:
    1> Water--lots of it!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.
    4. Meditate and earlier bedtime.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Complete and total FAIL yesterday. :embarassed:
    2-7-2011 goals
    1. Back to staying under on calories, carbs and fats - Bf invited me to go to the Cheesecake Factory so....... Yeah, right! (Did do a whole lot better than I'd expected, though!)
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - Only 4
    3. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-ups - No. :ohwell: Basically went straight from work to dinner and when I got back didn't feel up to doing more than vegging for the evening due to being tired and the start of sinus issues of some time.
    4. Wash dishes - See above
    5. Bed by 9:30 - You would think with my reasons on #3 this would have happened, but no! (There are times I seriously confuse myself!)

    Fortunately, today is a new day!! Unfortunately, I've still got this sinus issue and am REALLY tired, so I don't foresee gym time today, much as I had planned on it with last night's dinner.

    2-8-2011 goals
    1. SERIOUSLY back to staying under on calories, carbs and fats (If possible, a bit extra to make up for the last two days. My goal is losing 1 lb/week with a moderately active lifestyle, so I can afford it.)
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-ups
    4. Wash dishes
    5. Bed by 10
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I know I'm a few days late, but I would love to join your group!! I need the daily accountability to keep me going.

    So quickly a little about myself. My name is Stephanie, i'm 22 almost 23, I've been married for 2 years, and have a beautiful 11 month old princess, Reagan Mae. I have been "dieting" since I can remember, always been overweight. I want to get into shape to be a better mother, wife, and to love myself again!!!

    So today's goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water (have had 2 already)
    2) Track EVERYTHING that enters my mouth!!
    3) Put away all my clean laundry
    4) Get at least a 1/2 hour workout in after I put Reagan to bed.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.7.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - 8 cups in! Which is awesome for me.
    2) Power 90 - Ended up doing a yoga video for an neck and back were killing me
    3) Practice my presentation for tomorrow!!! - Changed my presentation from dance to cards...ready to present whenever these people will have me

    2.8.11 Goals:

    1) WATER
    2) Bowling
    3) Eat before going to bowling