Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • rmeadows71
    Feb 3, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water - Accomplished!
    2) keep carbs low - Stayed under 60
    3) Read with Jordan before bed - Yes!
    4) Get to bed earlier - Not so much earlier, but I did get better sleep!!

    Feb 4, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water -
    2) Some type of excercise -
    3) Keep MFP numbers within goal
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Feb 3 Goals:
    1.) Keep up on my work AND clean my office. --- I did and it feels sooo awesome!!!!
    2.) Tan at 10 or 10:30. --- yes I did. Thank the goodness that I have an awesome boss.
    3.) ONLY eat the lunch and snacks that I brought. --- Stuck to it!!!
    4.) WATER -- not as much as I should have but not mad at myself over the amount
    5.)Work on laundry and cleaning out the junkroom/office tonight just as hard as I worked on the rest of the house last night. -- I did not. Hubby got an unexpected night off of work and I really missed him so we cuddled.

    Feb 4th Goals:
    1. I have 3 docs I need to call and keep forgetting. I need to do it TODAY!!
    3.Stick to my salad at lunch
    4.Cook a home cooked dinner this evening.
    5. CLEAN the office OR Exercise.............

    Leela. I have so much respect for you. You are amazing. Wisdom teeth pulled and you are still exercising!!! You blow my mind!!

    Hi Amber!! Welcome aboard. This is the best and my fave thread I have participated in since I started MFP in August. Joined the thread in September and I still love it. Hope you newbies do too.
  • amberdiprima101
    Hello, my name is Amber and I am new on here. I have been married for 11 years. I have 3 children, a 11 year old daughter, a 4 year old son and a 18 month old son. I am a stay at home mom.

    My goals for 2-3-2011
    1. Drink water----Not well
    2. Clean my house----got it done
    3. Do Laundry
    got interrupted yesterday, I got half of it done

    Goals Feb. 4
    1. Drink plenty of water
    2. Finish up my laundry
    3. Exercise
    4. Play a game with my kids this afternoon
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    . Get TO SLEEP before 12:00
    2. Try to get some sleep even though my legs are killing me
    4. Wash @ least 3 loads of clothes
    5. No weighing today
    6. No eating after 7:30

    1. Did it
    2. I don't y i typed that brain freeze
    3. Did it
    4. Did it
    5. Not talking about it
    6. Not talking about this either

    Goals 2/4/11

    1. Behave myself this weekend well at least eating wise
    2. Work on my transcription
    4. Not to weigh in
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for 2/3
    1. Log everything again---DONE
    2. Enjoy the snow day with my hubby:) He didn't have to go into work today.---SORTA as much as was possible with having to clear all the snow
    3. Dishes and clean kitchen.----DONE

    So missed yesterday but goals were accomplished just was a hetic day for me.

    Goals for 2/4
    1. Log everything
    2. laundry
    3. water since I'm just starting on this again I'm gonna make a goal of at least 4 12oz glasses.

    Now I'm off to read what all you fine people have been up to the last 36hrs or so.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 3:
    1. Water--even at home!--Better but needs to be mor!
    2. Stay under my calories.--No. (UGH!)
    3. Meditate before bed.--Yes.

    I did REALLY bad with my foods yesterday! Good thing this is a new day.
    We got our 'new' (refurbished) computer for our living room. Works MUCH better than our poor old one!

    Goals for Feb. 4:
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Get all my stuff onto the new computer. (That will take a few days!)
    4. Meditate before bed.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Amber!:flowerforyou:

    SKismet--GET THE GRAD SCHOOL STUFF DONE!!!! You will REALLY regret it if you don't! (Trust me on this one--I know!)

    Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.3.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - OK
    2) Power 90 - CHECK
    3) Laundry - Realized tomorrow was Friday (Today) so am waiting

    same goals for 2.4.11:
    1) WATER
    2) Power 90
    3) Laundry
  • Annybel
    February Third's Goals:
    1. Finish my Online Class assignments!
    2. Walk 2+ Miles
    3. Drink 5 Bottles of Water

    I didn't do any of these unfortunately, but I made up for it today. Today I walked 3.66 miles; I drank all 5 bottles of water; I finished all of my work for class... All goals accomplished!

    Goals for tomorrow (2/5):
    1. Buy my nephew a great gift for his 2nd birthday (the party is tomorrow)
    2. Enjoy the party, maybe eat some cake and ice cream
    3. Squeeze in some Exercise some time
  • frubjious

    1. Water - Yes
    2. At least an hour drawing - No
    3. Laundry - Yes

    I spent most of yesterday evening tidying the house. Its in a desperate state. In fact that is my main plan for the weekend it to get rid of all the junk and clean like a crazy lady. I've even bought some thing called a magic mop. I suspect I still have to do the actual mopping though. :wink: I'm also going to try and reorganise the way I'm eating, I seem to spend my life going to the supermarket or just eating the same few meals because I know they're low calorie which then makes me want the old bad stuff.

    So the weekends goals:
    1. Tidy the house
    2. Look up interesting low cal recipies and plan the weeks meals
    3. Go through draws and get rid of stuff that no longer fits.
    4. Water!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    HI! Sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days. Have been having a crappy week but am pleased it's the weekend. I'm off to Brighton shortly and back tomorrow night. Going with the girls for some much needed fun and some dancing!

    Saturday goals:
    1. Circuits & Combat
    2. Make sensible choice at dinner
    3. Try not to drink too much booze.
    4. Have fun!

    Sunday goals:
    1. If I am successful on 3 for Sat I won't need to eat junk food. If I'm not succesful then limit junk to a bare minimum and try and get lots of fruit and goodness in my diet.
    2. Loads of water.
    3. Walking on the beach.
    4. Have fun!

    Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll try and catch up with all your posts on Sunday when I get back.
  • rmeadows71

    Feb 4, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water - Yes
    2) Some type of excercise - not as much as I should've
    3) Keep MFP numbers within goal - well carbs calories & protein were all in check

    2/5/11 goals:
    1) Get some cleaning done around the house-
    2) lots of water (I tend to slack on this during weekends)-
    3) exercise-
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Major failure on my goals yesterday..... :embarassed:
    2-4-2011 goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals - Went over on fats.
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt - No where near it.... :ohwell:
    3. Do some type of cardio - A whole 11 minutes of Wii Fit!! :laugh:
    4. START grad school writing..... (Cause apparently getting them completely done is too much for me to ask of myself.... Also hoping this is a case where getting started is the toughest part!) - No..... Boyfriend came over earlier in the evening than I'd expected, and I only had time to eat dinner before he got here.

    2-5-2011 fitness goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt
    3. Do some type of cardio
    4. Do Day 3 of "200 sit-up challenge"

    2-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Get grocery shopping
    2. Be at my grandmother's by noon like I told her I would. (I have a slight, unfortunately earned, reputation in my family for always being late. :frown: )

    Hope everyone has a TERRIFIC weekend and meets their goals!!
  • amberdiprima101
    Hello, my name is Amber and I am new on here. I have been married for 11 years. I have 3 children, a 11 year old daughter, a 4 year old son and a 18 month old son. I am a stay at home mom.

    My goals for 2-3-2011
    1. Drink water----Not well
    2. Clean my house----got it done
    3. Do Laundry
    got interrupted yesterday, I got half of it done

    Goals Feb. 4
    1. Drink plenty of water---Yes
    2. Finish up my laundry----yes
    3. Exercise----Yes I did this
    4. Play a game with my kids this afternoon
    No instead we went outside and played in the snow

    Goals Feb.5
    1. Exercise
    2.Drink plenty of water
    3. spend the afternoon with the kids today
    4. Clean my house
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 4:
    1. WATER!!!!--Eh--not so good!
    2. Stay in my calories.--This, either!
    3. Get all my stuff onto the new computer. (That will take a few days!)--Got some things moved. Need to work on some others.
    4. Meditate before bed.--Not really--fell asleep instead!

    So, kind of fell off the wagon big-time yesterday. I think it may be that I am back at work and am just tired from that. Luckily, that is something that will resolve itself in time!

    Goals for Feb. 5:
    1. WATER!!!! (Have already had a good amount!)
    2. Watch my portions AND my choices.
    3. Get more stuff onto the new 'puter.
    4. try to get a workout done--I would like at least 30 minutes, but we'll see.
    5. Meditate before bed.

    Yesterday at work we arranged a shipment of arborvitae (screening shrubs) that weighed between 25 and 100 pounds each. Got my strength training in for the day! LOL!

    We are having a small Super Bowl get-together tomorrow and I need to make sure ther are plenty of veggies to go with the KFC me DD is getting!
  • Annybel
    2/5 Goals:
    1. Buy my nephew a great gift for his 2nd birthday (the party is tomorrow)
    2. Enjoy the party, maybe eat some cake and ice cream
    3. Squeeze in some Exercise some time

    So... I enjoyed the party, snacked, ate cake, ice cream, and pizza, but I did manage to exercise some and I stayed over but within 200 calories of my goal. Blake loved his birthday gift... Can't go wrong with toy cars I guess.

    2/6 Goals:
    1. Plan out and shop for the first cycle of "The 17 Day Diet" (my mom got the book and wants me to do it with her)
    2. Cook and freeze meals for later consumption (at least 4 so I have some to eat at school this up coming week)
    3. Teach my son to say the word "Please"
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 5:
    1. WATER!!!! (Have already had a good amount!)--Could have been better.
    2. Watch my portions AND my choices.--Don't want to talk about it!
    3. Get more stuff onto the new 'puter.--DS has decided to upgrade it to Windows 7 so won't put any more stuff on it just yet.
    4. try to get a workout done--I would like at least 30 minutes, but we'll see.--No.
    5. Meditate before bed.--Yes.

    Well, I didn't do as well as I would have liked yesterday. It wasn't a total bust but it could have been SO much better. I will do better today!

    Feb. 6:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay in my calorie goals.
    3. Exercise!!!
    4. Meditate.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    I'm Nicole and I've been MIA for forever. I'm a Penn State student and your typical idealist, save the world kind of person which causes me to always be running around like crazy volunteering and getting ready for THON and Relay for Life. I'm so happy to be back and to get back on track. Two weeks ago I lost my uncle and even though we knew it was coming, they gave him 6 months, 6 years ago, (cancer) it was a lot harder than I thought. So after two weeks of emotional eating (I missed a day of school and felt a week behind) I'm at my heaviest weight. So, I reset my clicker and am starting over.

    Goals for today:
    1. At least 8 cups of water.
    2. Laundry! There isn't a bathroom floor right now. It's completely covered and it will take all day.
    3. Homework! (Get ahead for the week so I have time for other things.)
    4. Log all my calories.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday! I will be back tomorrow morning to check in!

  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-5-2011 fitness goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals - Yep!
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt - Not quite.... Only 5.
    3. Do some type of cardio - No, but with how much I was under on calories I almost couldn't afford it.
    4. Do Day 3 of "200 sit-up challenge" - Yep!

    2-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Get grocery shopping - Yep!
    2. Be at my grandmother's by noon like I told her I would. (I have a slight, unfortunately earned, reputation in my family for always being late. :frown: ) - Yep! (11:55, lol)
    3. GRAD SCHOOL APP WRITING!!!!! - FINALLY!!! :happy: It needs some polishing, but at least I have a complete rough draft!

    Now, for today.... SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!!

    2-6-2011 goals
    1. Drink at least 8 cups of water
    2. Don't go TOO crazily overboard with snacking during the game. (Allowing myself 500 calories over my normal net goal.)
    3. Do some cardio, preferably at least 20 minutes.
    4. Polish up Career Objective Statement with Mom's help since she'll be here for the game
  • amberdiprima101
    Goals Feb.5
    1. Exercise---yes
    2.Drink plenty of water---not very well
    3. spend the afternoon with the kids today----yes and had fun
    4. Clean my house-- yes

    Goals Feb. 6
    1. Drink plenty of water
    2. Exercise
    3. Play with my kids this afternoon
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well I've been MIA all weekend on here... But I found out that we had a wedding to go to yesterday that both me and the hubby for got about. It was for his cousin. He was quite happy we made it. Found out that The little girl I've been babysitting on Mon-Wed and Sat will no longer be coming over on Sats:) I'm happy about that cause her mom's schedule on the weekends is crazy!! hehe Been really good about what I've eaten so far this weekend until tonight but with watching the Super Bowl for the commericals only, I've eaten a few things I shouldn't have snack food wise and am indulging in some Diet Dew. Enjoying watching the commericals tonight and liked the half time show:)

    Looks like you all have been doing well. Keep it up!!

    Welcome back Nicole!! I also was MIA for awhile so its nice to see you come back to this as well!!

    My goals for Mon 2/7
    1. Make all the phone calls I've been putting off for awhile now.
    2. Drink water and only water all day and make sure to get enough in that I flush all this salt out from tonight.
    3. Do some sort of exercise to help burn off the extra unhealthy calories I've had today.
    4. Not sit on my butt all day like I've gotten used to doing when the baby girl is here. She's lazy and it rubs off on me when she's here. I've got to get her used to the idea that its ok to run around and play since her mom doesn't seem to do it. She also only really eats nothing but junk food cause of her mom and I've been trying to change that slowly hehe:)

    Well I'm off to snack some more even though I probably shouldn't. Hope you all have a good evening and Day tomorrow. I'll be back on sometimes tomorrow night to check in on you all:)