Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • JUST TO UPDATE....................

    Feb 7th goals
    1.) wish my mommy a happy birthday. I DID THIS, DIDN'T FORGET THIS YEAR!!!! YAY ME!
    2.) water water water --- DIDN'T DO SO HOT
    3) virtually no carbs! NEVER MIND......... BOSS BROUGHT DOUGHNUTS.
    4.) restart the shred-nomatter how my back feels. ---NEVERMIND.............. IT HURTS WAY TOO BAD. I AM IN TEARS WAITING ON MY CHIRO APT.
    5.) treadmill is now working so use it! --CHIRO SAID NOT ALLOWED

    Welcome Jess (I'm Jess 2) and Steph!!! Good to have you.

    Leela. Nah Not yet. My dad took her out to dinner but I plan to do something nice for her when I get the chance. Mom won't go anywhere or do anything with me so I have to be creative sometimes. She's a weird homebody. I love her, but she's had a hard life.

    Yesterday was an extreme bust for me. I had big plans and my back and my lack of willpower when the boss brought doughnuts messed me all up.

    Feb 8th Goals.
    1.) water. PERIOD no excuses it only requires swallowing!!!
    2.) don't forget to go to the dentist.
    3.) get all the work on my desk finished BEFORE i go to the dentist.
    4.) TAN after the dentist
    5.)go home and ice my back.
    6.) Against doctors orders--I am going to slowly walk on the treadmill. I Promise not to speedwalk or jog, but I really need to move I can't just set still. At least for 15 minutes.... something!

    Love you all. Have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Mid day check in!
    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Go to kickboxing, its been a few weeks since I've gone.
    2. drink water, no matter what time of day. I've been really thirsty lately.
    3. Try to get in a few miles on the bike before class.
    4. Try not to take a nap in the middle of the day, instead, have an earlier bedtime. I'm not in pain when I'm sleep and the medication makes me sleepy, so this one is hard. Yesterday, I had a nap AND an early bedtime.
    5. Continue working on abs, I'm really starting to feel it!

    1. Kickboxing was great. I'm so glad I went.
    2. I am already at 6, going to have more as soon as I post. You should do the same :)
    3. I did 3.14 miles today.
    4. ughh...I'm getting ready to give in to this one. I have a headache that won't quit. I'm going to relax, maybe not sleep, but definitely relax.
    5. we did a lot of ab work in kickboxing, but I still may try to do a quick ab video before the night is over.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I think I like to do this..good way to keep motivated daily.

    Tuesday 2/7

    1. Water- at least 8 cups. (I'm at like 3 cups so far..i know..bad)
    2. Strength training..done (30 minutes on Wii)
    3. Under calories (I might have to work to stay under)
    4. Walk 90 minutes.
  • February 8th goals:
    1.) water. PERIOD no excuses it only requires swallowing!!! ---I'VE DONE GREAT!!!
    2.) don't forget to go to the dentist. ---I WENT!!
    3.) get all the work on my desk finished BEFORE i go to the dentist. --- I DID!!!
    4.) TAN after the dentist --- MMMMM NICE AND WARM!!!
    5.)go home and ice my back. --CHECK
    6.) Against doctors orders--I am going to slowly walk on the treadmill. I Promise not to speedwalk or jog, but I really need to move I can't just set still. At least for 15 minutes.... something! --20 MINUTES TOTAL. HURTING NOW.......

    Poud of myself today! I didn't do half bad!

    Feb 9th goals:
    1.) water. Drink it up.
    2.) no cheats. Even if someone at the PD brings doughnuts. (damn cops and their doughnuts!!!!)
    3.) focus on fiber
    4.) walk again
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-8-2011 goals
    1. SERIOUSLY back to staying under on calories, carbs and fats (If possible, a bit extra to make up for the last two days. My goal is losing 1 lb/week with a moderately active lifestyle, so I can afford it.) - Yep! :smile:
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - Only 5.... Fortunately, was pretty well under on sodium, though.
    3. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-ups - Just finished a few minutes ago, but I MOSTLY finished before midnight.
    4. Wash dishes - Not so much.... Though I did unload and reload the DISHWASHER! :laugh:
    5. Bed by 10 - HAHAHA!!
    In my defense for goals 4 and 5, I spent a good bit of the evening on the phone with my mom polishing up my Career Goal Statement for my grad school application. You know, the one I had listed as a goal pretty much all last week? :laugh: :laugh: I think the blasted thing might FINALLY be finished!!

    2-9-2011 goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. 30 minutes of cardio
    4. Read through Career Goals one final time, then complete grad school application
    5. Wash dishes
    6. Bed by 10
  • hi, 26yr old mum of three and wife to be in 2012.

    1. keep up the boxing two days a week, and treadmill and strength training at lest 1hr 3 days a week.:bigsmile:
    2. Drink the 8 cups of water a day.:noway:
    3. Stop the snacking habit at night after 8pm.:sad:

  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Oh hi...didn't know about this one....I'm in. I write my own Daily Goals challenge thread, did not know there was an official one that has other people in it....

  • Today I WILL achieve everything on my list.

    1. Water – Yes, 10 cups! :drinker:
    2. Under on calories - Yes
    3. Shred, walk & something else – Yup
    4. Drop off old clothes at the charity box. - Yes

    List accomplished :glasses:

    Nam – No way! I was in Brighton 2001-04, how about you? What do you think of the north laines development?

    Yesterday was great I was really motivated all day. I tried a Traci Anderson DVD and boy it was TOUGH! I thought my legs might actually drop off a few minutes into it. :sick: The phone rang during the arm track, I’ve never been so grateful for a cold caller phoning up ever! I’ve got to say though I didn’t have the same buzz that I normally have after 30 day shred or the lovely chill after body balance. I’m going to give it a month and unless I get amazing results off it I think I’ll leave Traci to Gwyneth Paltrow.

    Any way enough of that, today’s goals are:

    1. Water
    2. Healthy choices at dinner tonight. No booze.
    3. Walk, shred & if I’m up to it Traci Anderson.

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • Ok I'm joining, simple things but it's got to help...

    Oh by the way I'm Nichole, 26, mummy to Joe 4 and Jules 1, and engaged to Dan. Just had a week off the healthy eating and exercise due to being SO poorly with flu, but I'm excited to start again this week.

    1. Up the water intake, usually manage 3 glasses so I'll double it today.
    2. Do SOME exercise. Busy night after work but whack a dvd on and DO IT!
    3. Do not snack after dinner tonight.
    4. No chocolate at all today.

  • Hey everyone,

    I'm Marianne, 32 mommy of a sweet little girl and a stay at home mom at the moment. I've been fighting depression all my life, had 3 suicide attempts until I decided to go to therapy and take meds, which helped me deal with my issues. I have my bad days and my good days but I have my bad days under control now, which was a huge step for me to accomplish and took me years of effort. I have started eating because of my severe depression, I am now at 115 kilos (253 pounds). I want to change my lifestyle around and start eating healthier and LIVE healthier, for myself. I try to keep a positive attitude about this, it's not always easy but I at least try! I hope I am welcomed here.

    Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day.
    Walk EVERY day at least 40 mins, do NOT make excuses not to go.
    Do some housework done, it burns calories and makes the house look nicer.
    Go to the local swimming pool tomorrow and take up swimming classes for me and my little one.

    If anyone wants to make me their friend here, go ahead please, I'd love the support.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Morning everyone!

    So goals for tomorrow 2/8
    1. Water no excuses!!
    2. Some kind of exercise!
    3. Be careful how much pizza I eat tomorrow night. I'm going to be part of a focus group for a local radio station and they are feeding us pizza while we are there

    1. I got some in but not nearly enough
    2. I didn't get in any but I was under my cals still so I'm ok with it:)
    3. I didn't go all out although it was one of the best local pizza places that they got it from:) I stuck with just cheese so I would avoid the pepperoni or sausage. I didn't need the added fat of those meats!!

    Goals for today.2/9
    1. Water, more than yesterday!
    2. go grocery shopping
    3. do laundry.

    Welcome to all the newbies:) We love having people join us!!

    Well I'm off of here to go get ready for the day.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member

    So today's goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water (have had 2 already) ( I had 8 glasses yesterday!!!)
    2) Track EVERYTHING that enters my mouth!! ( done)
    3) Put away all my clean laundry ( not done :(
    4) Get at least a 1/2 hour workout in after I put Reagan to bed. (done)

    2/9/11 Goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water
    2) Track EVERYTHING
    3) Move my living room around tonight
    4) 1/2 hour workout after Reagan goes to bed.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.8.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - Poor
    2) Bowling - BAD NIGHT
    3) Eat before going to bowling - Had cake so skipped dinner

    2.9.11 Goals:

    1) WATER
    2) Power 90
    3) Make GOOD food choices!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 8:
    1. Water--lots of it!--Did well at work but REALLY need to drink more at home!
    2. Stay in my calories.--Over a little.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.--Yes.
    4. Meditate and earlier bedtime.--No.

    Goals for Feb. 9:
    1. Drink more water when I get home!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.
    4. Meditate and get to bed on time (9-9:30).

    SKismet--Sometimes I feel too tired to get up and go to bed. Isn't that silly?:ohwell:

    Hi Newbies! Welcome!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I came recap Wednesday's goals, realized I didn't post any, so I'll just recap the things I did.

    1. ZUMBA....I burned almost 900. I was standing in the front and by the mirror, I guess that was great motivation. You know, kinda like how a student who sits closer to the teacher feels more pressure to behave! :)
    2. TRAIN...we trained hard today in pod training. We worked legs, arms, abs after an hour of zumba!
    3. WATER... I've had a gallon of water before 4pm.
    4. LAUNDRY... I did 3 loads before working out. There was no way that I would feel like it afterwards.

    I'll post Thursday's goals:
    1. Go to Curves before going to the dentist.
    2. Go to evening Zumba if my pain level is low.
    3. Abs. Try some of the ab moves that I did it training.
    4. Eat solid foods if I can tolerate it.
  • Hi,
    Wow Leela, I dont know how you do all that activity in one day! Very inspiring, I seriously must try harder!

    Yesterdays' goals
    1. Up the water intake, usually manage 3 glasses so I'll double it today. - FOUR GLASSES, NOT GOOD
    2. Do SOME exercise. Busy night after work but whack a dvd on and DO IT! - DIDNT DO DVD, BUT DID SOME BEDROOM CARDIO, DOES THAT COUNT??
    3. Do not snack after dinner tonight. - DID SNACK! STUPID TUCK SHOP AT SONS SCHOOL DISCO
    4. No chocolate at all today. SEE ABOVE, IT WAS A MINI KINDER BAR THAT BROKE ME!

    Ok so todays goals are as follows;
    1. Try for the 6 glasses of water! It will be good for you walking all the way to the water cooler so many times!
    2. Some exercise you weakling!
    3. No snack after dinner!!
    4. Seriously no cake/chocolate.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Welcome everyone! It's great to see so many new people!!! :happy:
    2-9-2011 goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats - Yes
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - Only 4..... :ohwell:
    3. 30 minutes of cardio - No.... Made these goals thinking I was going to have more of my evening free....
    4. Read through Career Goals one final time, then complete grad school application - Yes, but no. :ohwell: Had some technical difficulties.
    5. Wash dishes - No.... Same reason as #3.
    6. Bed by 10 - No, was really trying to do #4!

    2-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. 30 minutes of cardio
    4. Week 2, Day 2 of sit-up challenge

    2-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Wish my sister happy birthday! (And HOPEFULLY go shopping for a present for her.)
    2. Complete grad school application
    3. Update finances (Hopefully doing this won't mean I learn I can't afford #4...)
    4. Bed by 10
  • Feb 9th goals:
    1.) water. Drink it up.--I DID GOOD!!!
    2.) no cheats. Even if someone at the PD brings doughnuts. (damn cops and their doughnuts!!!!)---I UNEXPECTEDLY WENT TO A PIZZA PARTY.... :(
    3.) focus on fiber---SEE ABOVE
    4.) walk again

    Feb 10:
    1.) water
    2.) work
    3.) keep my cool with my daughter today when we have a very serious discussion.
    4.) walk on treadmill
    5.) straighten up the house the best I can.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member

    2/9/11 Goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water ( Completed)
    2) Track EVERYTHING (Yep)
    3) Move my living room around tonight ( Completed)
    4) 1/2 hour workout after Reagan goes to bed. (Completed)
    I completed all my goals yesterday and I feel great about it!! Hope I can do the same again today!

    2/10/11 Goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water
    2) Track EVERYTHING
    3) Do my dishes adn 2 loads of laundry
    4) 1/2 hour workout after Reagan goes to bed

    Hope Everyone has an amazing day!! Remeber to SMILE :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 9:
    1. Drink more water when I get home!!!--Did better but still need to drink more.
    2. Stay in my calories.--Not quite, but close.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.--Got in 30 minutes!
    4. Meditate and get to bed on time (9-9:30).--No (watched the season finale of Human Target--LOVE that show!)

    Goals for Fed. 10:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.
    4. Meditate and EARLY to bed!!!

    Have a good day, everyone!
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