Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    So happy you are here Nam!!!!!!! love ya!!

    Thanks Jess!! Love ya too!

    I'm presently failing on my second goal because I'm still logged on! I'm going to fix that now (or maybe in 5 mins) so until later...!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Ravyn glad you're back!! I know I should call you Beth since that's your name but I've called you Ravyn from the start so I guess it's sticking!!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Just realized I didn't introduce myself in my first post in the January thread on Sunday. Oops! lol

    My name is also Shannon. I work as a substitute teacher in the South Hills of Pittsburgh and am looking to either (or possibly both) find a full-time position or get into a grad school program at Pitt.

    This isn't the first time I've been at my current weight. During the beginning of 2009, I got down to around 145-150 by limiting portions, (Honestly, partially because of not really having a lot of food due to financial reasons. :ohwell:) but then I started overeating again and gained it all back in about the last year and a half. When I realized that I had done that, and just how overweight I was, I knew I had to get back into the habit of limiting how much I ate.

    Even more important than my weight, though, is that I've been out of shape pretty much all my life. I can get slightly winded just by walking up two flights of stairs and I can't run more than MAYBE 50 yards, if that. :embarassed: So, as much as losing weight would be terrific, my main goal right now is to be in better general physical shape!
    1-31 goals:
    1. Stay within nutritional goals - Missed on salt and sugar. :ohwell: Beginning to wonder if I just shouldn't bother with them yet....
    2. Get to the gym - YES!! :happy:
    3. Do "initial test" for "200 sit-up challenge" - Turns out I actually did this Sunday night, thought I hadn't, lol.
    4. Write letter of interest/career goals essay for grad school application - No....
    5. Do those finances! - Yep!

    2-1 goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt
    3. Do first day of "200 sit-up challenge"
    4. Do a cardio work-out of AT LEAST 30 minutes, not counting cool down
    5. Write that letter and essay!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Ravyn glad you're back!! I know I should call you Beth since that's your name but I've called you Ravyn from the start so I guess it's sticking!!

    Nam, calling me Ravyn is ok too:) Its a nickname I've had since I was 15!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    So happy you are here Nam!!!!!!! love ya!!

    Thanks Jess!! Love ya too!

    I'm presently failing on my second goal because I'm still logged on! I'm going to fix that now (or maybe in 5 mins) so until later...!

    How is the smoking?
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy February, everyone! agcinspiration4.gif
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    To recap:

    Goals for Jan. 31:
    1. WATER!!! (Remember to drink it at work!)--Did REALLY good!
    2. Stay in my calories.Yes (barely).
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes, at least.--No
    4. Meditate and early to bed.--Yes.

    Now for a new month!

    Goals for Feb. 1:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal.
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    4. meditatew before bed.

    I changed my ticker to reflect my actual weight goals. I sure plan on seeing it move again soon!
    I was so tired after working yesterday that I did not get a workout in. I know that will get better. I did walk about 4.5 miles while at work, though!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    YAY Ravyn!!!!!
  • frubjious

    Thanks Jess for starting the new thread! Welcome to the newbies and hello again to all the regulars :flowerforyou:

    I'm Kim, I tend to ramble but I'll try and keep it down. I'm also in the UK. I started trying to lose weight back in June last year but it only really started coming together when I joined MFP in October. I couldn't manage with out this thread and the lovely people on it. Its been a bit of a struggle since Christmas as I wasn't able to exercise after a bad chest infection, but have returned to the gentler stuff in the last week and I'm feeling fabulous for it.

    Its almost 7pm here but here's what I've been working on today:

    1. Water - Only two glass left to go!
    2. Under on the calories - Its looking good
    3. Laundry! Yes er I haven't started yet so I'd better get on that!

    Hope you're all doing brilliantly!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Hello Kim!!! so glad you found us!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    It's already mid afternoon here but I'll still post goals for today...
    1. Combat and Tri class tonight. Carry a bit of a muscle strain in my shoulder but really want to go to class so will have to make sure I don't overdo it. *DID TRI CLASS BUT THE MUSIC SYSTEM STOPPED WORKING AT COMBAT SO WE DID CIRCUITS INSTEAD. *
    2. Log off from MFP and get on with some work!! *I DID EVENTUALLY BUT NOW I'M BACK!!!*
    3. At least 10 cups of water today. *8 CUPS SO FAR*
    4. Stop stressing about the annoying man trouble I'm having. Honestly. Men. Why do they have to be such arses (excuse my bad language)?!! *BIG FAIL. HE CAME OVER. *

    Shoulder is bad after my workout so going to need to take it easy for a couple of days.

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. Lots of water.
    2. Take lunch from home.
    3. Only one glass of wine after work.
    4. Will be going over cals because no training but try to limit the damage by making healthy choices.

    Kathy how's your job going? Are you enjoying being back?
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    today's goals
    1. water
    2. gym for 5km run and weight training
    3. lay off the chocolate
  • frubjious
    1. Water - Yes
    2. Under on the calories -Yes
    3. Laundry! A bit bust still have loads to do.

    Morning Everyone!

    I had a great moment this morning. I was rushing through to the bathroom in a towel (I normally shamble about in a very large dressing gown in the mornings) and caught sight of myself in the mirror. I have legs again! Even when I was at a healthy weight my legs have always looked more like supporting columns. I learned to be cool with that, I scuff about in jeans and trainers to most things while dresses and skirts largely happen to other people. Any way what I'm trying to say is ankles people! I now have ankles! I should have done this years ago.

    Wednesdays Goals:

    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Walk
    4. More laundry

    Good luck everyone!

    No surprises for todays goals:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Ok so here I go

    Feb 1 Goals:
    2.) NO poptarts!! NONE whatsoever!!! GOT IT??? lol
    4.) Clean as much as I can from the time I get home until the time I go to bed. My house is a mess where my back has been on the fritz, I've had this nasty cold, and hubby working nights...... NO EXCUSES!!

    Feb 2nd Goals: GREAT MOOD AND HIGH ENERGY!!!

    1.) work work work-get everything on mydesk finished so tomorrow I won't feel bad about paying my personal bills while on the clock!!! lol.
    2.)Clean out my van at lunch it's a wreck!
    3.) suck up the water. it can be done. it's not that bad!!!!!
    4.) tan after work-i haven't been in a couple days.
    5.) clean when I get home and maybe even step in and do some laundry to help out hubby (he usually takes care of the laundry)

    I am so glad that we have the oldies and the newbies here. I am stoked that I am up and running again. I really need to show my tastebuds whose boss and I am working on that. I need to buy tons of that dessert gum. I think that will help because I love that stuff. Well I better hop to it while I have all this energy. My keyboard is about to spontaneously combust because I am typing so fast!!!! It's like I'm on speed and that doesn't happen very often!!!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    I had a great moment this morning. I was rushing through to the bathroom in a towel (I normally shamble about in a very large dressing gown in the mornings) and caught sight of myself in the mirror. I have legs again! Even when I was at a healthy weight my legs have always looked more like supporting columns. I learned to be cool with that, I scuff about in jeans and trainers to most things while dresses and skirts largely happen to other people. Any way what I'm trying to say is ankles people! I now have ankles! I should have done this years ago.

    LOL! Always nice to see improvement like that, isn't it? I'm very hopeful that part of what I get out of this is decent legs, but we shall see....

    Sounds like everyone had a pretty decent Tuesday..... Here's hoping we all can keep up the good work! :smile:
    2-1 goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals - Did it!
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt - 7 cups, and even stayed under on my sodium!
    3. Do first day of "200 sit-up challenge" - Yep! :smile:
    4. Do a cardio work-out of AT LEAST 30 minutes, not counting cool down - No.... :ohwell: Had something come up that took about 4 hours out of my afternoon/evening.
    5. Write that letter and essay!! - See above.... Of course, the "something" that came up had to do with some of the things I also need for my application, so I don't feel quite as bad about it.

    Today is gonna be a freaking CRAZY day because I'm working two jobs and going straight from one to the other, but here we go:

    2-2-2011 goals
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt
    3. Fit in at least 15 minutes of some type of exercise
    4. Get to the bank and post office
    5. In bed by 11, unless job #2 keeps me out later than that
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Any way what I'm trying to say is ankles people

    Such a GREAT feeling!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
  • rmeadows71
    Hi! My name is Roberta. I am married to my high shool sweetie (been together for 22 yrs, married for 16). I have a wonderful 10 yr old son who is hearing impaired and he keeps me on the go constantly. I have tried several weight loss attempts, only to fail and gain everything (plus some) back. I have decided that this is not a "diet" because that sounds so temporary...This is my new lifestyle of healthy eating. Since the end of September I have lost 30 pounds (with lots more to lose) but with the help of all MFP buddies I CAN DO THIS!!!

    My goals for Feb 1, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water----Yes I did it!!
    2) Get in some type of excerice today---Not as much as I wanted, but yes I got a little walking in
    3) Read a book with my son (been slacking with this lately)---Yes he read one his library books to me before going to bed!!

    Feb 2, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water
    2) Get in some type of excercise
    3) Clean up around the house
    4) Read a book with my son before bed
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Here are my goals for today!
    1. No snacking and not tracking it. This means no sneaking bites of this and that.
    2. Go to bed before midnight.
    3. No snacking after 7:00 pm
    4. Get my cardio workout in today.

    1. Goal accomplished
    2. Got to bed at 11:45 (its still before midnight)
    3. This didn't go so well we were running late last night stopped after 8 tho
    4. Two cardio workouts.

    All in all not to bad

    Goals for today

    1. Go to bed before 11:30
    2. Get in at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardio
    3. Get the house cleaned (hey thats some cardio)
    4. NO EATING PAST 7:30
    5. Start on my psychology essays that are due in 2 days

    Good luck everyone!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    Goals for 2/1
    1. clean out fridge in basement.
    2. move camping gear to under stairs storage area.
    3. log everything I've had today no matter how small.

    Hope you all have a good day and I look forward to catching up with you all!!

    Well with the weather the way it was yesterday with the blizzard and all I didn't get time to do the first two. But I did log everything I ate and that was the important one.

    Goals for 2/3
    1. Log everything again
    2. Enjoy the snow day with my hubby:) He didn't have to go into work today.
    3. Dishes and clean kitchen.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 1:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal.--Just barely!
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes.--No.
    4. meditate before bed.--Yes

    Well, still did not exercise outside of work yesterday. I am just too worn out yet. I will try again today.

    Goals for Feb. 2:
    1 Water.
    2. Stay UNDER (a little) my calories!
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    4. Meditate.

    Nam--I am SO glad to be back at work. I LOVE my job--even though it's not a very fancy one. I work part-time in a garden center and get dirty and sweaty. The store employees are all glad I'm back, too.
    I'll have 5 racks of primroses and pansies, etc. waiting for me when I get there today. Going to be busy!

    Kim--Ankles! Nice!

    Everyone with snow and ice--be careful!
  • Annybel
    Yesterday's Goals:
    1) Do some laundry (it's been piling up)
    2) Drink 5 bottles of water - at least 2 without flavor packets in them
    3)No Fast Food!

    I didn't get around to doing the laundry, and I only drank 2 1/2 bottles of water, all of which had flavor packets in them... Although I did manage to get through the day without eating fast food which put me under for my calorie count yesterday.

    Although I didn't do everything on my list, I did manage to walk on the tredmil and I managed to walk 2.25 miles (not all at once, but that's still better than the nothing I've been doing). I've laid out a sort of schedule that works in walking and my wii fit game into my already planned afternoon schedule... I had to work in some extra time and shorten some things to work in time for my online class, so the walks during the week will be short. Again... It's better than not walking at all, and it's a start to work me toward being able to finish (without collapsing) the 8k for H2O and the LifePoint Gift of Life 5K/2K this month.

    Today's Goals (2/2):
    1) Do the Laundry! (I have to get to it sometime this week...)
    2) Devote an entire hour to playing with my son (probably teach him a new word if he'll let me)
    3) Hydrate - Drink 5 bottles of water!