Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I've had an ok couple of days. I've been doing much better with water at least. Unfortunately, I pulled an all nighter on Tuesday night to get some homework done so yesterday I had to keep myself eating because my body needed something to keep it going due to the lack of sleep it got. But with all the crazy running around I've been doing I should still be ok for a loss this week! Ok so goals for today:

    1. 8 cups of water.
    2. Log all calories and stay between 1200-1500
    3. Keep myself motivated and on task so I don't have to pull another all nighter. (Will probably happen anyway but I can hope right? lol)

    So... I know you've all heard me talk about THON in earlier threads but Penn State THONs in 8 days!! 8 days!! I cannot believe it. It came on so fast and I've never been so excited. It's my favorite weekend of the year by far. For those of you who don't know... we have a 46 hr. no sleeping so sitting dance marathon where we raise millions of dollars for the four diamonds fund at the Hershey med Center. For the kids!!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    So... I know you've all heard me talk about THON in earlier threads but Penn State THONs in 8 days!! 8 days!! I cannot believe it. It came on so fast and I've never been so excited. It's my favorite weekend of the year by far. For those of you who don't know... we have a 46 hr. no sleeping so sitting dance marathon where we raise millions of dollars for the four diamonds fund at the Hershey med Center. For the kids!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Wow! That's incredible! I was wondering what that was. Good luck Nicole!!! :o)
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.9.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - POOR
    2) Power 90 - Tried Yoga Booty Ballet...did both discs :o)
    3) Make GOOD food choices!!! - FAIR

    2.10.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Power 90
    3) Going out for lunch to celebrate friend's birthdays...UGH
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    3.) keep my cool with my daughter today when we have a very serious discussion.
    Yikes! Good luck with that, Jess! I'm not a mother (hopefully I can say "yet" cause I've always wanted kids) but I know those didn't always go real well between my mother and I.

  • 1. Water - Yes
    2. Healthy choices at dinner tonight. No booze. - Not really but it was lovely to have a night out and a bit of a giggle.
    3. Walk, shred & if I’m up to it Traci Anderson. - Walked but none of the more serious stuff, I went out a little earlier then I had planned.

    Goals for whats left of Thursday:

    1. Under on Calories
    2. Try new recipe (Weight Watchers Turkey Stroganoff)
    3. Wash some clothes.
    4. And my personal favourite - Relax work is done for the day, everything else can wait until tomorrow.

    Hope you're all having a good day.
  • So... I know you've all heard me talk about THON in earlier threads but Penn State THONs in 8 days!! 8 days!! I cannot believe it. It came on so fast and I've never been so excited. It's my favorite weekend of the year by far. For those of you who don't know... we have a 46 hr. no sleeping so sitting dance marathon where we raise millions of dollars for the four diamonds fund at the Hershey med Center. For the kids!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    That is amazing!!!! I'd love to figure out where I'd like to volunteer my time!!!
    Wow! That's incredible! I was wondering what that was. Good luck Nicole!!! :o)
  • 3.) keep my cool with my daughter today when we have a very serious discussion.
    Yikes! Good luck with that, Jess! I'm not a mother (hopefully I can say "yet" cause I've always wanted kids) but I know those didn't always go real well between my mother and I.

    Thanks........... If I knew how to post pics I would soooooooooooooooooooo post what I am upset about.

    Daycare handed me a pic that they found....Rylie drew it. And it says I hate "so and so".... Another kid in her class. That's not right. That's not the way I've raised her. Breaks my heart but I know all kids do things and that's how they learn but I'm really upset by it.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today.2/9
    1. Water, more than yesterday! Did good there
    2. go grocery shopping DONE
    3. do laundry. STARTED

    missed out on posting goals for today....But I got everything done I needed to do today:)

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. Water
    2. Laundry
    3. Clean house in general It all needs a good once over.
    4. Make my pot roast from scratch. Much better control over the sodium levels that way and my family loves a good pot roast.

    I'll try to catch up with what everyone has been up to today tomorrow. RIght now I'm gonna hit the hay. Night all.

  • Thursday:

    1. Under on Calories - Yup
    2. Try new recipe (Weight Watchers Turkey Stroganoff) - It was delicious! can see it becoming a bit of a favourite
    3. Wash some clothes. - No! Will have to do extra today
    4. Relax - Fell asleep on the sofa as soon as I sat down! Which counts I guess

    Fridays goals short and sweet:
    1. Get the house ready for friend coming for the weekend
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water

    Happy Friday everyone! have a great day.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's recap:
    I'll post Thursday's goals:
    1. Go to Curves before going to the dentist. YES
    2. Go to evening Zumba if my pain level is low. YES
    3. Abs. Try some of the ab moves that I did it training. YES
    4. Eat solid foods if I can tolerate it. YES

    I can't believe I was 4 for 4 yesterday. I hope to be as successful throughout the weekend.
    1. Go to the Y to play basketball and get in a few more miles.
    2. Go to the market to replenish fruits and veggies.
    3. Have a bottle of water in my hands at all time.
    4.Come up with a strategy for this weekend's eating.

    Everyone have a great Friday. Anyone have big plans for the weekend/ V-day?
  • First off, wow Nicole that sounds amazing! Good luck and let us know how you got on!

    Leela - weekend eating strategies - that's what I need! It's easier during the week when things are more structured with work and stuff, but when you eat out on a weekend once or twice or visit family I always end up bumping up those calories a bit. So I will joing you on that one tomorrow.

    Yesterdays goals
    1. Try for the 6 glasses of water! It will be good for you walking all the way to the water cooler so many times! MANAGED 8!
    2. Some exercise you weakling! DID HALF OF THE DVD, BUT ONLY COZ IT WAS 10PM
    3. No snack after dinner!! ACHEIVED

    Todays goals;
    1. 6 glasses of water. 2 DOWN
    2. Go for a walk at lunch. DONE
    3. Dvd after kids are in bed
    4. No snacking after dinner

  • Feb 10:
    1.) water --YES
    2.) work --YES
    3.) keep my cool with my daughter today when we have a very serious discussion. -- YES
    4.) walk on treadmill --NO
    5.) straighten up the house the best I can. --NO, HUBBY IS HOME TODAY HE CAN DO IT!!! LOLOL MAN I'M SO LUCKY

    Feb 11th goals:
    1.)Stick to my plan of eating to compensate for the cupcakes that I WILL have at my daughters Valentine Party. I had NOTHING at the Halloween Party and it just about KILLED me!!! So............ I will partake this time... lol
    2.) water
    3.) try to enjoy today and not get too sad. a year ago today I lost one of my very close friends in a car accident. I will be going to his families house this evening and to his grave. It's a very sad time, but relishing in misery will not bring him back.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    2/10/11 Goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water ( Completed)
    2) Track EVERYTHING (Completed)
    3) Do my dishes and 2 loads of laundry ( nope was upset last night, our family dog was killed so I didn't feel like doing anything!)
    4) 1/2 hour workout after Reagan goes to bed ( see above)

    2/11/11 Goals:
    1) 10 Glasses of Water
    2) Track EVERYTHING!!
    3) Make a plan for this weekends eating.
    4) Workout after Reagan goes to bed tonight.

    Determined to make this weekend go well. I really want to see a good loss on Monday morning!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Fed. 10:
    1. Water!!!--Not good. REALLY need to drink more when at home!
    2. Stay in my calories.--Yes.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.--Yes--15 minute walk before work.
    4. Meditate and EARLY to bed!!!--Yes to my meditation but no to the early bedtime.

    Goals for Feb. 11:
    1. WATER, WATER, WATER!!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.
    4 Meditate.

    Nicole--That looks like SO much fun AND for a great cause, too!

    Jess--Prayers and peace of mind for you.

    Hutchins123--I'm so sorry about your furry family member. That's so sad for you all.

    I really need to stay on track today and over the weekend. I feel like I've been blowing it completely on the weekends lately!

    Hope we all have a good day!
  • Todays goals;
    1. 6 glasses of water. FIVE, NOT BAD
    2. Go for a walk at lunch. DONE
    3. Dvd after kids are in bed - EVEN BETTER, THE KIDS JOINED IN A WHOLE 50 MINS!
    4. No snacking after dinner. - NOT SO FAR

    However I also did a tonne of cleaning tonight so have burned loads of calories, plus I weighed in this afternoon and have lost 3.4lbs in 8 days! I am rewarding myself with a cup of hot chocolate and an early night! Heard a rumour you burn calories sleeping so here goes... :-)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nichole, sry I never properly welcomed you! It's so good to see new faces committing day by day. So far my weekend menu is working out fine, how about yours? the key for me is keeping good foods in the house. We keep treats in the house for our daughter, but the second we run out of fruits and healthy snacks, I'll turn to things like pop tarts (love ya Jess! :) )
    I can't believe I was 4 for 4 yesterday. I hope to be as successful throughout the weekend.
    1. Go to the Y to play basketball and get in a few more miles. YES AND YES
    2. Go to the market to replenish fruits and veggies. YES
    3. Have a bottle of water in my hands at all time. ENDED WITH 80 OZ OF WATER AND 8 OZ OF TEA ALSO HAD 20 OZ OF DIET SODA BOOO
    4.Come up with a strategy for this weekend's eating. YES

    Everyone have a great Friday. Anyone have big plans for the weekend/ V-day?

    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before anyone wakes up!
    2. create all the food in advance and put it in tupperware bowls so I can just grab it.
    3. keep water by my side again, no cut off time for drinking water.
    4. continue working on abs!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 11:
    1. WATER, WATER, WATER!!!!--Better but need to drink more.
    2. Stay in my calories.--Good.
    3. Exercise for at least 15 minutes.--Yes. 15 minutes before work.
    4 Meditate.--No.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. I did stay up later than I should have but I slept in today.
    I am taking today as a rest day as my feet are feeling all the walking they have been doing at work (I have some problems with my feet).

    Goals for Feb. 12:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Put away my laundry.
    4. Straighten up my room.
    5. Meditate before bed.

    I'm going to throw a stew in the crockpot and dig out my 'healthified' dumpling recipe. It looks like it is going to rain in a bit!

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Keep drinking that water!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes for THON. We dance in 6 days!! WOOOO. Anyway... my week of all nighters is finally over and, all things, considered I did fairly well eatingwise.

    hutchins123: I'm so sorry about your dog. I can't imagine.

    So goals for today:

    1. Water
    2. No caffeine
    3. Clean and homework homework homework.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Fridays goals short and sweet:
    1. Get the house ready for friend coming for the weekend - Yes, barely recognise the place.
    2. Under on calories - No very much not under on calories
    3. Water - Yes

    Hutchins - I'm so sorry about your dog.

    Nicole - the THON sounds fantastic! Sounds tough but great.

    Morning all,

    I hope you are all having a great weekend. Mine so far has been fantastic. Man candy is away snowboarding and my best friend has come to stay the weekend. Yesterday was facials (bliss!) then bridesmaid dress shopping. We managed to get it sorted in half an hour and its gorgeous! Today is body balance and hopefully if time a swimming.

    Recently I've been wavering. I've lost enough weight to be pleased and I get nice comments from people I haven't seen in a while but though I'm not at my goal and I'm getting complacent. The old bad habits have been creeping back in. I say creeping but more like rushing to fighting for my time. I'm getting home from work and thinking "its been a tough day" and the usual line of excuses that leads to eating junk and no exercise or "its the weekend! Woo hoo! Day off surely?!", if I have a treat I don't just have one and rather tellingly I think of them as treats. It has to stop and today seems like as good a day as any. Better in fact because I've just got my bridesmaid dress and its a bit on the tight side. Now I really need to do it.

    Sorry to write such a long post, but I really needed to fess up.

    Goals for Sunday:
    1. Body Balance, Shred and if possible swim
    2. Under on calories
    3. Healthy choices
    4. Water
    5. Draw
    6. Plan meals for the week.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    K, I know that dress will fit before the big day and you're going to look and feel fab!

    Ok, so I wasn't as successful as I would have liked, but it was still a decent day.
    Saturday's recap:
    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before anyone wakes up! YES
    2. create all the food in advance and put it in tupperware bowls so I can just grab it. YES
    3. keep water by my side again, no cut off time for drinking water. SORT OF
    4. continue working on abs! NO

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Don't cook more food than I plan to eat today.
    2. go to zumba, plus a few miles.
    3. do a workout video in the afternoon.
    4. work on abs.
    5, keep chuggin'
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