Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6

:smile: :smile: :smile: This is copied and pasted from Leela's First post on January. I think she explains it much better than I and the only reason I am starting this one is because I need to get back on it!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:

Toward the end of summer, an awesome MFP named Nicole started this challenge. She is a full time student at PSU and a very active member of THON. She started setting small goals for herself and the thread just grew and grew from there. The concept is simple, instead of setting weekly goals or monthly goals, you set daily goals. Typically 3 things that you want to accomplish. They can be fitness related or not. The next day, you come back on, recap the day before stating if you met your goals or not. And then leave 3 more goals for the upcoming day.

This thread is not "cut throat" where you have to come on everyday. Sometimes people will leave their goals for the whole weekend if they know they won't be able to come back on daily. Most times, the goals are pretty much the same. But we set them until they become habits and just part of our daily routines.

Since it is a new month, you can start by telling a little about yourself if you life. If this is your first time on the thread, welcome. And to all the vets, I hope you found it ok!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. just said it best "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

:wink: :wink: :wink: My name is Jess, Jessica, Jessie-I usually answer to just about anything. lol

I have been struggling since a little before Christmas. I had lost 20 lbs in two months and got cocky or something not really sure, but now I'm ready to kick it's *kitten* again. I've gained 6 lbs since before Christmas and this saturday I restarted my weightloss tracker. (the day after my 29th bday) I plan on being a hot 30 year old mom who can keep up with her kids while looking good. Who's with me?


  • TheNewJessieMae
    Ok so here I go

    Feb 1 Goals:
    2.) NO poptarts!! NONE whatsoever!!! GOT IT??? lol
    3.) Calorie control.
    4.) Clean as much as I can from the time I get home until the time I go to bed. My house is a mess where my back has been on the fritz, I've had this nasty cold, and hubby working nights...... NO EXCUSES!!
  • qtwells82
    I like this!

    My goals:
    1) At least 12 cups of water today
    2) An Hour on the Treadmill
    3) A long awaited game of UNO with my daughter :)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I like this!

    My goals:
    1) At least 12 cups of water today
    2) An Hour on the Treadmill
    3) A long awaited game of UNO with my daughter :)

    Glad you came!!!!

    Oh and ya gotta LOVE some UNO!!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Hi!. My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mom of 1 beautiful 4-year-old boy, fulll time worker, part time worker, and part time student. I have been struggling with weight most of my life. Recently (Sept 2, 2010) my grandfather passed away. We were very close. For some reason this set me on a mission to finally set my mind to the fact I am not dieting I am embarking on a new lifestyle to be healthy and lose weight and gain strength along the way. He was an inspiration to me and was taken from me prematurely but I am glad for all the time I did have with him and that my son got to know him and treasure him as I did and still do.

    I started originally at the end of the summer at 193 lbs. I am currently 167. At first the weight came off relativley fast (2-3 lbs a week) but now I am at a snails pace. I have been sneaking bites of cookies here, a few dorritos there, eating late at night. This has to stop.

    Here are my goals for today!
    1. No snacking and not tracking it. This means no sneaking bites of this and that.
    2. Go to bed before midnight.
    3. No snacking after 7:00 pm
    4. Get my cardio workout in today.

    Okay there it is!. Good luck to you all. We are strong people and we will not let this weight get us down. LETS DO THIS! WHOOO HOO
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Hi!. My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mom of 1 beautiful 4-year-old boy, fulll time worker, part time worker, and part time student. I have been struggling with weight most of my life. Recently (Sept 2, 2010) my grandfather passed away. We were very close. For some reason this set me on a mission to finally set my mind to the fact I am not dieting I am embarking on a new lifestyle to be healthy and lose weight and gain strength along the way. He was an inspiration to me and was taken from me prematurely but I am glad for all the time I did have with him and that my son got to know him and treasure him as I did and still do.

    I started originally at the end of the summer at 193 lbs. I am currently 167. At first the weight came off relativley fast (2-3 lbs a week) but now I am at a snails pace. I have been sneaking bites of cookies here, a few dorritos there, eating late at night. This has to stop.

    Here are my goals for today!
    1. No snacking and not tracking it. This means no sneaking bites of this and that.
    2. Go to bed before midnight.
    3. No snacking after 7:00 pm
    4. Get my cardio workout in today.

    Okay there it is!. Good luck to you all. We are strong people and we will not let this weight get us down. LETS DO THIS! WHOOO HOO

    Hi Shannon!!!!! I hope you will find that you LOVE this challenge!!
  • Annybel
    I get on MFP every day, but all my challenges thus far have been weekly and not exactly interactive.
    Here's hoping that the daily updates to this thread help promote my new routine goals. Thanks for posting it!

    My Goals:
    1) Do some laundry (it's been piling up)
    2) Drink 5 bottles of water - at least 2 without flavor packets in them
    3)No Fast Food!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I get on MFP every day, but all my challenges thus far have been weekly and not exactly interactive.
    Here's hoping that the daily updates to this thread help promote my new routine goals. Thanks for posting it!

    My Goals:
    1) Do some laundry (it's been piling up)
    2) Drink 5 bottles of water - at least 2 without flavor packets in them
    3)No Fast Food!

    Sounds like some great goals to me!!!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    tried to not eat chocolate today
    up water intake
    so far so good
  • qtwells82
    Hi!. My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mom of 1 beautiful 4-year-old boy, fulll time worker, part time worker, and part time student. I have been struggling with weight most of my life. Recently (Sept 2, 2010) my grandfather passed away. We were very close. For some reason this set me on a mission to finally set my mind to the fact I am not dieting I am embarking on a new lifestyle to be healthy and lose weight and gain strength along the way. He was an inspiration to me and was taken from me prematurely but I am glad for all the time I did have with him and that my son got to know him and treasure him as I did and still do.

    I started originally at the end of the summer at 193 lbs. I am currently 167. At first the weight came off relativley fast (2-3 lbs a week) but now I am at a snails pace. I have been sneaking bites of cookies here, a few dorritos there, eating late at night. This has to stop.

    Here are my goals for today!
    1. No snacking and not tracking it. This means no sneaking bites of this and that.
    2. Go to bed before midnight.
    3. No snacking after 7:00 pm
    4. Get my cardio workout in today.

    Okay there it is!. Good luck to you all. We are strong people and we will not let this weight get us down. LETS DO THIS! WHOOO HOO

    Hi! You can do this!!!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    tried to not eat chocolate today
    up water intake
    so far so good

    Glad you found us!!!
  • rmeadows71
    Hi! My name is Roberta. I am married to my high shool sweetie (been together for 22 yrs, married for 16). I have a wonderful 10 yr old son who is hearing impaired and he keeps me on the go constantly. I have tried several weight loss attempts, only to fail and gain everything (plus some) back. I have decided that this is not a "diet" because that sounds so temporary...This is my new lifestyle of healthy eating. Since the end of September I have lost 30 pounds (with lots more to lose) but with the help of all MFP buddies I CAN DO THIS!!!

    My goals for Feb 1, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water
    2) Get in some type of excerice today
    3) Read a book with my son (been slacking with this lately)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Hi! My name is Roberta. I am married to my high shool sweetie (been together for 22 yrs, married for 16). I have a wonderful 10 yr old son who is hearing impaired and he keeps me on the go constantly. I have tried several weight loss attempts, only to fail and gain everything (plus some) back. I have decided that this is not a "diet" because that sounds so temporary...This is my new lifestyle of healthy eating. Since the end of September I have lost 30 pounds (with lots more to lose) but with the help of all MFP buddies I CAN DO THIS!!!

    My goals for Feb 1, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water
    2) Get in some type of excerice today
    3) Read a book with my son (been slacking with this lately)

    So glad you are here Roberta!!! You are very inspirational to me and such a great supporter!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Jess, thanks for starting the topic. My name is Leela, you can call me Leela, or Lee. I have been committed to this process to a long time now. I have had my share of bumps in the road, but I always manage to find my way back. There are a lot of awesome people on this thread. They keep me motivated, esp when I start to fall through the cracks. I have a 7 y/o daughter, who is the love my life. I am fortunate right now to be a stay at home mom, the company I worked for closed last August. But all good things must come to an end and I think that I may have to get back in the work world by summer. So until then, it is my mission to get as healthy and fit as possible before that time comes.

    Today's goals:
    1. go to the gym. A little snow never stopped me before.
    2. drink a lot of protein. I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled this afternoon and probably won't be able to eat.
    3. get rest and drink water.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Welcome to the newbies and hello all my pals. My name is Steph. I am 28 and living in the DC metro area. I am glad for this challenge because it probably keeps me the most accountable. Plus, the people on this thread are really encouraging and lovely women :o) Okay, so...we're going to kick it up a notch in February! Less days to get things done and I have slacked off the last week of January. Snow is apparently my enemy. I did the same thing last year :o(

    2.1.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) If I'm not bowling tonight, I really need to make it to the grocery store
    3) If I am bowling, no beer!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Steph, I know what you mean about the snow. This time last year, I would have just said forget it, I'll start over again in the spring. But now, if push comes to shove, I'll do a workout video or something on exercisetv. After I had my m&m attack last night, I did zumba on wii for 50 minutes!! small steps lead to big successes! Keep up the good work. Have fun bowling (if you go)!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I plan on being a hot 30 year old mom who can keep up with her kids while looking good. Who's with me?

    Girl you know you can count me in!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    You are very welcome Leela!! Love ya!!!
    And great to have you back Steph!!
    You all need to stay on my AZZZ this month!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I found you all!! Thanks for starting up this month Jess. I was going to do it today but had to leave at a ridiculous hour this morning for a visit and only managed to log on a short while ago.

    I'm Nam, 30 from London. I LOVE this thread and it has kept me totally accountable and also give me the sense of feeling safe with my buddies on here to admit when I've had a bad day health and fitness related or otherwise.

    Welcome to all the newbies! Hope you stick with us!

    It's already mid afternoon here but I'll still post goals for today...
    1. Combat and Tri class tonight. Carry a bit of a muscle strain in my shoulder but really want to go to class so will have to make sure I don't overdo it.
    2. Log off from MFP and get on with some work!!
    3. At least 10 cups of water today.
    4. Stop stressing about the annoying man trouble I'm having. Honestly. Men. Why do they have to be such arses (excuse my bad language)?!!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I found you all!! Thanks for starting up this month Jess. I was going to do it today but had to leave at a ridiculous hour this morning for a visit and only managed to log on a short while ago.

    I'm Nam, 30 from London. I LOVE this thread and it has kept me totally accountable and also give me the sense of feeling safe with my buddies on here to admit when I've had a bad day health and fitness related or otherwise.

    Welcome to all the newbies! Hope you stick with us!

    It's already mid afternoon here but I'll still post goals for today...
    1. Combat and Tri class tonight. Carry a bit of a muscle strain in my shoulder but really want to go to class so will have to make sure I don't overdo it.
    2. Log off from MFP and get on with some work!!
    3. At least 10 cups of water today.
    4. Stop stressing about the annoying man trouble I'm having. Honestly. Men. Why do they have to be such arses (excuse my bad language)?!!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    So happy you are here Nam!!!!!!! love ya!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello Everyone! I took a month off to really figure out what was going on with me. I'm back! I missed you guys!! Thank you Jess for starting this:)

    To introduce myself, My name is Beth. I'm a stay at home mom of 2, 8 yr old son and 5 yr old daughter. I have a thyroid issue which is affecting my weight loss. I have finally started to lose some weight and have been quite happy about it. My thyroid issue has even been confusing my dr. He doesn't seem to know what is going on. LOL I started my weightloss journey and lifestyle change so that I didn't end up like my Grandmother who was almost 300 lbs when she passed. She was too young when she passed and even though it was cancer that took her I feel that her weight played a big roll in how well she was able to fight it. I also realized that I was becoming that mom at the park who let her kids runn off but couldn't keep up with them if she tried. I didn't want to be that mom cause that isn't fair to my kids. They were missing out on alot of fun times with me because of it.

    I'm recommiting myself to this but am going to start small.

    Goals for 2/1
    1. clean out fridge in basement.
    2. move camping gear to under stairs storage area.
    3. log everything I've had today no matter how small.

    Hope you all have a good day and I look forward to catching up with you all!!