Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Apparently my weekend started on Thursday night this week or something! :laugh: Or at least I made an assumption I could let ya'll know how I did Thursday and make Friday goals ON Friday.... Obviously that didn't happen!
    2-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats - Went over on carbs.... And that was the best day I've had since!
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - 5 again.... Seems like I'm hitting a wall here!
    3. 30 minutes of cardio - Yes, but that included my cool down
    4. Week 2, Day 2 of sit-up challenge - No, and still haven't yet. :ohwell: I'm debating repeating Week 2 of it this week anyway.

    2-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Wish my sister happy birthday! (And HOPEFULLY go shopping for a present for her.) - Yep! Well, shopping didn't happen until yesterday, but that's when I saw her anyway.
    2. Complete grad school application - Have continued to try, but I'm having issues with uploading the last document.... Went to an information session at the school yesterday, though, and mentioned it to them. Someone is supposed to call me about it tomorrow.
    3. Update finances (Hopefully doing this won't mean I learn I can't afford #4...) - Not completely.
    4. Bed by 10 - I don't believe so, but can't remember now!

    Friday and yesterday were a bit rough fitness wise.... Went over on calories and stuff both days, yesterday went WAY over due to going out with my mom and sister to Olive Garden in celebration of my sister's and my birthdays. (mine's coming up March 2nd) Also, have been so busy that workouts haven't fit in at all.... Yesterday I left my apartment at about 10 AM and didn't get home until after 10 PM!

    Jess - Glad to hear your conversation with your daughter went decently. I certainly hope there are no repeats!

    Hutchins - So very sorry to hear about your dog! I know that is basically losing a family member, so you'll be in my thoughts and prayers....

    K - Good luck kicking the bad habits that are trying to come back!

    Now, time for ME to get back into better habits!

    2-13-2011 fitness goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. Get to the gym for BOTH weight training and at least 30 minutes of cardio
    4. Bed by 10

    2-13-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish updating finances
    2. Cut coupons
    3. Grocery shopping
    4. Shave legs (If this one is too personal, then let me know! lol It's just something I struggle with remembering to fit into my schedule regularly. :laugh:)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sunday's recap:
    Sunday's goals:
    1. Don't cook more food than I plan to eat today. CHECKI
    2. go to zumba, plus a few miles. CHECK
    3. do a workout video in the afternoon. CHECK
    4. work on abs. CHECK

    Monday's goals:
    1. workout early.
    2. enjoy my dinner and treats without thinking about the calories.
    3. keep chugging.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-13-2011 fitness goals
    1. Stay under on calories, carbs and fats - YES!
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - YES!
    3. Get to the gym for BOTH weight training and at least 30 minutes of cardio - No.... Only did weight training. However, this was because the gym closed at 8 and I forgot that little detail because I've never gone on a Sunday before, let alone Sunday NIGHT.... Had they been open until 9, I woulda gotten both done.
    4. Bed by 10 - It's currently ~10:15, so no.....

    2-13-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Finish updating finances - No
    2. Cut coupons - No
    3. Grocery shopping - Did the part I really needed to do. Might make another trip before Thursday, though; it's hard to say.
    4. Shave legs (If this one is too personal, then let me know! lol It's just something I struggle with remembering to fit into my schedule regularly. :laugh:) - No.... (See why I need to list it? lol)

    Spent most of my day sitting watching stuff off my DVR.... :embarassed: Fortunately, that means I have a decent amount of room open on it, so I might actually be able to get more than usual done this week!

    2-14-2011 goals
    1. Stay reasonably close to my goals.... Not going more than 500 over would be terrific!
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing
    3. Start getting ready for my night out IMMEDIATELY when I get home from work. No being distracted by TV or internet!
    4. Enjoy the evening with my boyfriend :smile:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    MIA for the weekend but I'm here now and so plan to stay on track today to make up for it. I'm a little down about a couple little things but, there is nothing I can do to change any of it, so I need to learn to get over it.

    1.) water today like crazy
    2.)watch the CALS and carbs
    3.) payroll
    4.) rylie dentist and my chiro

    Thank each and every one of you for your prayers for me on Friday. Xoxoxoxoxoxo
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    2/11/11 Goals:
    1) 10 Glasses of Water ( I think I had 8)
    2) Track EVERYTHING!! (done)
    3) Make a plan for this weekends eating. ( done and I did great over the weekend)
    4) Workout after Reagan goes to bed tonight. ( not done :(

    Determined to make this weekend go well. I really want to see a good loss on Monday morning!!!

    Well it's Monday morning, had a wonderful weekend. Got on the scale this morning, (monday is my weigh-in day) 7.2 lbs lost. I was soo happy, now I'm even more motivated to have another GREAT week!!

    So today's goals:
    1) 10 Glasses of Water
    2) Track EVERYTHING!!!
    3) Get 2 loads of laundry done tonight
    4) Go to the gym with my hubby if I can find a babysitter
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 12:
    1. WATER!!!--Did okay.
    2. Stay in my calories.--No (sigh).
    3. Put away my laundry.--Yes!
    4. Straighten up my room.--Yes.
    5. Meditate before bed.--Yes.

    Didn't get here yesterday but had a fairly good day. I am still working in my room but I also went through my closet and drawers and have a bag of clothes that no longer fit to donate.

    Also did the grocery shopping--the prices on fresh foods are still going up! Even frozen is getting expensive!

    Yesterday was a good day. Took a long walk with the baby as it was sunny instead of pouring rain as was predicted. Met lots of other babies, too. Everyone was taking advantage of the unexpected sunshine!

    Goals for Feb.14:
    1. Water.
    2, Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate and get to bed on time!

  • frubjious

    Fridays goals short and sweet:
    1. Get the house ready for friend coming for the weekend - Yes, barely recognise the place.
    2. Under on calories - No very much not under on calories
    3. Water - Yes

    Goals for Sunday:
    1. Body Balance, Shred and if possible swim – I managed body balance, swim and walk.
    2. Under on calories – Yup!
    3. Healthy choices – Did pretty well, I did go to starbucks but used the words skinny and free a lot in my order :wink:
    4. Water - Yes
    5. Draw – Yes
    6. Plan meals for the week. Yes!



    I’m posting pretty late here but I’ve been training up a new person at work.

    Thanks guys for all your confidence. You’re right, it’ll be fine, just keep going.

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Under on calories – This is going to be a close run thing today.
    2. Water
    3. Exercise : Walk (done!) & something else

    Hope you’re all have a lovely Valentines Day! :heart:
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    :love: :heart: :flowerforyou: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: :love:

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. Water
    2. Laundry
    3. Clean house in general It all needs a good once over.
    4. Make my pot roast from scratch. Much better control over the sodium levels that way and my family loves a good pot roast.

    So major fail on Fri but it was because a friend needed me to take her to the ER. She's ok now but she apparently piinched a nerve in her back and it was intensified by the fact that she has fibromayalgia (I know i didn't spell that right.) so she's in constant pain already. Just glad she ended up being ok. Thought it was something worse then what it turned out to be.

    Had a decent weekend but didn't do anything special. TOM hit this weekend and so I've been over cause I need to have my chocolate and peanut butter in the form of a reese's cup. So bad for me but it helps with the icky feeling that comes along too... Just trying to limit how much I eat of them.

    Goals for Mon 2/14
    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Water
    4. Log everything

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning! I've been away from this thread for what seems like ages...time to get back to it!! Will catch up with posts later today but in the meantime:

    Tuesday goals
    1. Circuit class this morning.
    2. At least 8 cups of water.
    3. Stay within cals.
    4. Eat some of the green stuff!

    You guys are doing so well with keeping up with this challenge! Keep it up!!

    Have a great day!!
  • frubjious

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Under on calories – No I was over.
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Exercise : Walk (done!) & something else – The something else was a another walk, but I guess it still counts.

    Morning Everyone,

    Just a quick post this morning. Hope its going well for all of you at the moment.

    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Walk, shred, & something else
    4. Remain patient and cheerful all day at work

    Have a great day everyone! See you later.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Recap from yesterday :
    1) 10 Glasses of Water ( Had 8 glasses)
    2) Track EVERYTHING!!! ( yes)
    3) Get 2 loads of laundry done tonight ( nope)
    4) Go to the gym with my hubby if I can find a babysitter ( I went alone, hubby stayed home with Reagan)

    Goals for today
    1) 10 Glasses of Water
    2) Track Everything
    3) Do my dishes
    4) 45 minutes of gym tonight!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Keep Smiling :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb.14:
    1. Water.--No.
    2, Stay in my calories.--Yes.
    3. Exercise.--Yes, 30 minutes before work.
    4. Meditate and get to bed on time!--Yes.

    Nasty day yesterday, weatherwise. Supposed to be much the same today.

    Goals for Feb. 15:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay in my cakories.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate and bed by 10.

    I do well with the water until I am home for the day. REALLY need to drink more in the afternoons!

    Have a wonderful day, everybody!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    Goals for Mon 2/14
    1. Laundry
    2. Dishes
    3. Water
    4. Log everything

    Well Except for the laundry yesterday was good:) YAY!! hehe I have been doing so badly lately. So now for today.

    1. Laundry it must get done!!
    2. water
    3. log everything
    4. clean living room

    Well off I go to get things done!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-14-2011 goals
    1. Stay reasonably close to my goals.... Not going more than 500 over would be terrific! - Not entirely sure, (one of a kind restaurant, so couldn't find the nutritional information) but probably not. :laugh:
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on the sodium thing - I think I came up short, but again, not sure. They kept the glass full, so I might have drank more than I think!
    3. Start getting ready for my night out IMMEDIATELY when I get home from work. No being distracted by TV or internet! - Sort of.... Had some phone calls that required me to be on the internet a little bit.
    4. Enjoy the evening with my boyfriend :smile: - YES! lol

    2-15-2011 goals
    1. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on sodium
    3. Get to the gym, preferably for both weight training and cardio
    4. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-up challenge (Re-doing Week 2 because I only did one day last week.)
    5. Bed by 10! (This one is becoming more important.... Had to take a half day instead of a full day because I could NOT get up this morning.)
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.15.11 Goals:

    1) WATER
    2) Exercise
    3) Eat sensibly

    70+ days till vacation...
  • frubjious

    1. Water – Yes! Perfect 10!
    2. Calories – Yes!
    3. Walk, shred, & something else – Yes,
    4. Remain patient and cheerful all day at work - Mostly

    Morning Everyone!

    Foodwise yesterday had only one blip (the infamous banoffee pie) brought on by having lunch too early but rather then closing the day over my calorie limit I went on the stationary bike I have at home and burnt off the extra calories. I watched the biggest loser USA while I did it (I really am that cool), it was a bit like having Jillian and Bob training me!

    So today I want to keep on the good work:


    1. Water
    2. Calories
    3. Walk, Shred, & Something else
    4. Laundry! I’m down to the weird clothes.

    Hope you’re all having a lovely day!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Not being able to exercise, I just cant seem to control myself. I have the "why bother" attitude when I should be the opposite. I should be watching what I eat even more!!! I have no idea why my brain is such hogwash sometimes!!! urgh....

    Lets try this today.

    1.) WATER period.
    2.) NO chocolates
    3.) stay in cals
    4.) don't miss chiro
    5.) take the kids to church.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Laundry it must get done!!
    2. water
    3. log everything
    4. clean living room

    Well I did pretty well yesterday. I didn't get the living room completely clean but I did get most of the trash and stuff out of it that had piled up (mostly newspapers and magazines).

    Part of the reason I didn't finish is that I found out one of my fave cousins has passed away this last sunday.:sad: :sad: :sad: She was in her 70s and had cancer but the last time I had seen her she was in such good spirits and up and moving around. It came as such a shock to me. She was like another grandmother to me. I have really good memories though and have been thinking about things alot since I found out last night. I wish I could've made it for the funeral but she lived in PA and I just can't afford to drive out there right now:cry: I'm just glad to know that she is now with her husband and I'm sure he was very happy to see her.

    My goals for today
    1. water
    2. log everything
    3. try to keep a positive attitude today.

    Hope you all Have a good day!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday's Goals
    1) 10 Glasses of Water (had 9)
    2) Track Everything ( Yep, I actually didn't eat enought yesterday)
    3) Do my dishes (YES!!)
    4) 45 minutes of gym tonight! ( 50 minutes of gym time with my 2 best friends)

    Yesterday was great, but when I logged my food in for the night, I got a message that I didn't eat enough yesterday. I have to change my mindset that I need to eat to lose weight!! So today's goals

    1) 10 Glasses of Water
    2) Track Everything and make sure it's enough!
    3) Go to my nephews birthday party and have one SMALL piece of cake!
    4) Do 25 minutes on the Elliptical tonight, I've done 20 the last two days and want to improve!!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 15:
    1. WATER!!!--Better, need a bit more, though!
    2. Stay in my calories.--Yes.
    3. Exercise.--30 minutes before work.
    4. Meditate and bed by 10.--No.

    Goals for Feb.16:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate and BED ON TIME!!!

    Lots of plants coming in today at work--I'll get strength training for sure! LOL!