Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Welcome to the newbies and hello all my pals. My name is Steph. I am 28 and living in the DC metro area. I am glad for this challenge because it probably keeps me the most accountable. Plus, the people on this thread are really encouraging and lovely women :o) Okay, so...we're going to kick it up a notch in February! Less days to get things done and I have slacked off the last week of January. Snow is apparently my enemy. I did the same thing last year :o(

    2.1.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - eh
    2) If I'm not bowling tonight, I really need to make it to the grocery store - FAIL
    3) If I am bowling, no beer! - FAIL

    So last night I got suckered into going to the bowling alley to cheer and since there was not much for me to do I drank beer and was the dealer for poker. LOL

    2.2.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Power 90
    3) One load of laundry at least.
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifir and I recently restarted my calorie tracker on MFP. I'm a 34 year old single mom.

    1)No more hershey kisses
    2)Get my zumba workout in
    3)Not drink a glass of wine with dinner tonight
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    water= win
    chocolate= med. win
    extra work out to cancel out today's indulgent 4 course special chef dinner and half a bottle of wine= bikram yoga session
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-2-2011 goals
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals - Yep :smile:
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt - Just barely, but did it!
    3. Fit in at least 15 minutes of some type of exercise - Unless I count some of the walking I did at work, no such luck. :ohwell:
    4. Get to the bank and post office - Yep!
    5. In bed by 11, unless job #2 keeps me out later than that - On my way as soon as I finish this post!
    2-3-2011 goals
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt
    3. Do day 2 of "200 sit-up challenge"
    4. Get to the gym
    5. WRITE THE STUFF FOR MY GRAD SCHOOL APP!!! (This is actually higher priority right now than the gym. I should have had it done about a month ago and if I don't do this soon, then I could really be messing things up for myself.....)
    6. Figure out something to do with chicken leg quarters.....
  • frubjious

    1. Water – 7 glasses
    2. Calories - Yes
    3. Walk - Yes
    4. More laundry - No

    I worked late last night came home pretty much cooked dinner and went to bed. Must try and stay awake longer today and have a life outside of work.

    Thursday’s Goals:

    1. Water! Set my reminder alarm and knock it back all day.
    2. Under on calories, don’t get complacent after a couple of good days.
    3. Walk
    4. Laundry

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Feb 2nd Goals: GREAT MOOD AND HIGH ENERGY!!!

    1.) work work work-get everything on mydesk finished so tomorrow I won't feel bad about paying my personal bills while on the clock!!! lol. ---- GOT EVERYTHING DONE ON MY TO DO LIST!!!!!! YAY ME!!!!!
    2.)Clean out my van at lunch it's a wreck!
    3.) suck up the water. it can be done. it's not that bad!!!!! ---I DID GREAT!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    4.) tan after work-i haven't been in a couple days. --- YES I DID AND IT WAS GREAT
    5.) clean when I get home and maybe even step in and do some laundry to help out hubby (he usually takes care of the laundry)

    Feb 3 Goals:
    1.) Keep up on my work AND clean my office.
    2.) Tan at 10 or 10:30.
    3.) ONLY eat the lunch and snacks that I brought.
    4.) WATER
    5.)Work on laundry and cleaning out the junkroom/office tonight just as hard as I worked on the rest of the house last night.

    I have NO clue where this energy is coming from but I am in love with it!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Kathy--- that may not be a "fancy" job BUT I think it sounds rather fun!
  • AngieOnTheBeach
    AngieOnTheBeach Posts: 44 Member
    1) go to the gym today!
    2) water! No coke zero today
    3) 3 veggie servings
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    1. Go to bed before 11:30
    2. Get in at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardio
    3. Get the house cleaned (hey thats some cardio)
    4. NO EATING PAST 7:30
    5. Start on my psychology essays that are due in 2 days

    1. I was in bed by 11 but my husband snored so loud i didn't get to sleep until 12:30
    2. Did IT!
    3. DID IT!
    4. DID IT!
    5. Promise to do it today!

    My Goals for today 2-3-11

    1. Get TO SLEEP before 12:00
    2. Try to get some sleep even though my legs are killing me
    4. Wash @ least 3 loads of clothes
    5. No weighing today
    6. No eating after 7:30
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Hi, I'm Jennifir and I recently restarted my calorie tracker on MFP. I'm a 34 year old single mom.

    1)No more hershey kisses
    2)Get my zumba workout in
    3)Not drink a glass of wine with dinner tonight

    Hi Jennifir!!!

    I love goal #1!!!!!! Most of the time mine is NO POP TARTS!!! lol
  • rmeadows71
    Feb 2, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water - Yay did it again!!
    2) Get in some type of excercise - some walking, not as much as I wanted
    3) Clean up around the house - Laundry caught up/kitchen cleaned
    4) Read a book with my son before bed - Yes!!!

    Feb 3, 2011:
    1) At least 10 cups of water -
    2) keep carbs low -
    3) Read with Jordan before bed -
    4) Get to bed earlier -
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Kathy--- that may not be a "fancy" job BUT I think it sounds rather fun!

    It is--and I really build up some muscle, too. I get to move 8-ft tall towers of plants and trees as the season progresses--makes me feel like I can do ANYTHING! LOL!'
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 2:
    1 Water.--Did really well at work but not so much once I was home!
    2. Stay UNDER (a little) my calories!--Yes.
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes.--No. Too worn out and sore from work.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    I am not going to worry about extra workouts besides work just yet. I think I will let myself get used to my new schedule and then add it back in.

    Goals for Feb. 3:
    1. Water--even at home!
    2. Stay under my calories.
    3. Meditate before bed.

    Have a good day, everyone!

    (It's the Chinese New Year! Beef and Broccoli for supper tonight!)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I didn't post goals yesterday. Yesterday was a blur, I barely remember anything. So I will post today's goals:

    Thursday's goals:
    1. try to eat more solid foods as tolerated.
    2. maybe go to the gym, if the roads are clear, if not, workout from home.
    3. try to drink water.
  • Annybel
    Yesterday's Goals:
    1) Do the Laundry! (I have to get to it sometime this week...)
    2) Devote an entire hour to playing with my son (probably teach him a new word if he'll let me)
    3) Hydrate - Drink 5 bottles of water!

    I got the laundry on the wash, but then totally forgot about it. I have to run it again today. *sigh*
    I hadn't realized just how out of shape I was until I actually did devote an entire hour and a half to just playing with my son. He's 18 months old and he's all over the place. Apparently I'm his new favorite jungle gym and I'm almost certain that I burned off more calories doing that than anything else I've done all week. I just don't know how to put that into my exercise log, so when I went a bit over yesterday on my calorie count I figured it was alright for just that day.
    I drank 4/5 bottles of water, better than the day before, but still not on target. I'll get there.

    Today's Goals (2/3):
    1. Finish my Online Class assignments!
    2. Walk 2+ Miles
    3. Drink 5 Bottles of Water
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.2.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - bad
    2) Power 90 - CHECK
    3) One load of laundry at least. - FAIL

    HAHAHA Kim, so glad to hear it! :o) It's nice to see definition and the whittling down of "problem areas"

    Let's try this again...same goals...

    2.3.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Power 90
    3) Laundry
  • amberdiprima101
    Hello, my name is Amber and I am new on here. I have been married for 11 years. I have 3 children, a 11 year old daughter, a 4 year old son and a 18 month old son. I am a stay at home mom.

    My goals for 2-3-2011
    1. Drink water
    2. Clean my house
    3. Do Laundry
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-3-2011 goals
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals - JUST BARELY!! I would have gone over on carbs if it weren't for my 8 minutes from sit-ups.
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt - No. :ohwell:
    3. Do day 2 of "200 sit-up challenge" - Yep! :smile:
    4. Get to the gym - No.....
    5. WRITE THE STUFF FOR MY GRAD SCHOOL APP!!! (This is actually higher priority right now than the gym. I should have had it done about a month ago and if I don't do this soon, then I could really be messing things up for myself.....) - No. :grumble: Starting to get rather annoyed with myself on this one.....
    6. Figure out something to do with chicken leg quarters..... - Done. Found a few slow cooker recipes that say any chicken will work. Here's hoping that's true!

    2-4-2011 goals:
    1. Stay within calorie, carb and fat goals
    2. Drink 6-10 cups of water, depending on if I go over on salt
    3. Do some type of cardio
    4. START grad school writing..... (Cause apparently getting them completely done is too much for me to ask of myself.... Also hoping this is a case where getting started is the toughest part!)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's recap:
    Thursday's goals:
    1. try to eat more solid foods as tolerated. YES
    2. maybe go to the gym, if the roads are clear, if not, workout from home. NO, WORKED OUT FROM HOME
    3. try to drink water. YES 9 CUPS TOTAL

    Friday's goals:
    1. Go to the gym before noon.
    2. keep drinking water.
    3. continue doing daily ab work.

    Have a great weekend!
  • frubjious
    Thursday’s Goals:

    1. Water! - No didn't set the reminder and the water just didn't happen. Must set it now while I'm thinking about it.
    2. Under on calories - Yes
    3. Walk - Yes, it was such a rare gorgeous sunny day out there how could I not?
    4. Laundry - Oh the good intentions. The laundry didn't happen either.

    Morning Everyone,

    Just a quick post today.

    1. Water
    2. At least an hour drawing
    3. Laundry

    Have a good day everyone.