Well doesn't look like this will happen. Im signing off thanks to all the feedback I got.
Thanks anyways but I don't really know what i expected coming into this site but doesn't look like I'll be getting that kinda motivation i needed huh
looool! No I wouldn't because I would reintroduce food slowly and after this I decided to go vegetarian so I wouldn't be consuming too much fatty foods.
Actually one girl that did this is a member of this site.
No just a water fast where I don't consume any solid foods for one month. I had a friend that did it so I know its possible.
Thanx :D
So no one huh? :D
None taken and thank you.
its not like it hasn't been done before.
I just feel like that would give me the appropriate time for my body detoxify and adjust to new ways of healthy eating once I break my fast. Also i haven't been able to commit to anything longer in the past.
Actually water fasts are in fact not dangerous and have proven to be great detoxification methods for the body. I wanted to lost 25 lbs which has proven to be very difficult because as I stated i have not had proper motivation and support and also focus. I'm hoping to modify that problem now.