

  • I had to C Sections and about a year and a half ago lost 90 lbs. My stomach shrunk a bit but the extra skin will only go away with surgery. Also, after I had maintained my weight for a bit it did shrink some more. Nothing some spanx doesn't fix.
  • I lost 90 lbs with zero cheat days and I learned that for me they just derail everything. I personally need to have zero sugar or I lose it. I started to gain back when I got to the holiday season last year and let myself have sugar. My addictive personality is a none kind of one. I have a hard time stopping once I start.…
  • i lost about 90 lbs and clothes fit better but some things will just have to be tailored. If you watch What Not To Wear, almost everyone has this issue. They say buy for your biggest body part and get the other part taken in.