meggo Member


  • I'm in! Today is day 1 for me.
  • Hello! I'm late to join, but I've started running again. I would really love to have a half marathon checked off by the end of this year. So far I have only run 5ks, and would really like encouragement from a group to continue pushing myself. Currently doing runs on the treadmill due to ice/snow, but hoping to get outdoors…
  • I just did 1 week of Shred and started using her 'Shred with Weights' to change things up a bit. Loving it so far! Let us know how you like the other videos. Has anyone done her yoga video? I'm using Amazon Prime videos so it's nice to have a variety. I get bored quickly.
  • I would like to join the group! I'm 25 and can't believe I let my body get to where it is. In the past month or so I have lost inches off my waist and hips & have lost 6 lbs. I would love to go home at Christmas and be able to bring back my favorite old jeans that were too small to bring with me in August. I joined a…
  • I enjoy trying out different herbal teas- especially when I get that late night craving for something sweet. I just bought a sampler box from Twinings that soothes my sweet tooth before bed.
  • Thank you all for the advice and support! I love the website already! :)