

  • not calls --> calories i mean
  • If you go too low on your calls then you won't lose weight. I have been doing this trial and error process for the past year. Also, based on your body weight, BMR, RMR, etc. - there are excellent tools and nutrition calculators on - You can figure out what the calories you need to take in to sustain your…
  • It's the start ... this will taper off. Also, realize that there's a difference between losing fat, muscle, and water weight. You are doing a great job, whatever you are doing continue it. Make sure you get enough calories, work out and get the appropriate ratio of macronutrients. Some recommend a 50/30/20 and others a…
  • I have sushi / sashimi all the time, but I tell them to hold the rice. My ultimate favorite is Spicy tuna tartar with no tempura flakes. I add a nice salad to the meal with some low fat ginger miso dressing. Now we are talking an amazing and palatable Japanese meal at a restaurant or even delivered to your house!
  • You are welcome to add me as well. I'm not perfect, but I do get the job done (eating clean and exercising as lifestyle not just diet) ... slowly but surely. Cheers!
  • Makenexcuses ... Definite 8-9! Sweet girl next door! More of the rest of you would be a 10.
  • I'm not the sentimental type, but that brought tears to my eyes .. was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.