mrs_n_mommy Member


  • Very funny Upright man. What I meant by I'm not in deficit was I wasn't starving myself but definitely not over indulging :wink: I had a lot of eye opening from my logging experience earlier hence thought I can trust my judgement on diet. Anyways I will get back in a month.
  • Every time I did logging in the past I strayed away after a few weeks hence I was trying to do it without the logging this time. You all seem to be suggesting just that, may be I will give it a shot. I sure wish May month shows some improvement. May be I will also up a notch with reducing more carbs. Vitamix is coming in 2…
  • I have not been logging everything I eat. I decided this should be a lifestyle change and logging is something I didn't think I can do in the long term. I definitely am not in the deficit at the same time Im not binging or eating anything bad. Lots of vegetables, been trying vegetable smoothies for dinner. I have not been…
  • In on day 1 of my second attempt..i did for a week and it literally crippled me..took a week off..shin splits from the shred, anybody??? started again today..God save me!!! I'm Breastfeeding..Overweight close to obese...Haven't had much physical activity for close to 2 years now..Should I be doing the beginner shred…
  • As difficult as it is, in my opinion you should concentrate on yourself now...get healthy get fit..may be concentrate on studies or work...these are the things that are in your hands...its takes 2 to fall in will happen when the time is right...u seem like a nice boy..u will meet ur mr.right wishes...
  • all deep fried snacks...I like them way too much and at this time Im not at a place to hav them in moderation..
  • I'm gonna try...i hav never sticked with anything for so long..this may be it...
  • Awesome....keep up the good work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey..did your doc suggests hormone/thyroid tests...I was stuck of sorts and lot disappointed and also had girl problems. Went to a gyn, she ordered blood work and it came back with hormone doc told me that it wud explain the stubborness...
  • calories in - calories out > 0 - gain calories out - calories in > 0 - loss
  • know what..I had a fairly good last week and a slightly bad weekend food wise...and to see a poor end of the week weigh in I was pretty upset....I wrote that post hoping to see some response like 'tell me abt it" sorts...but wht was I thinking...u guys are a winning team and every word of every reply is exactly what I…
  • :flowerforyou: Hearty congratulations!!!!
  • mine is just d opposite..i just dont think myself as a fat person n that is a big problem...I would say stick on to that feeling as that is what motivated to lose all that weight..btw...kudos to you on losing so much, u r such an inspiration...where u r is a great place to be and please ensure you stay there...
  • u guys are awesome and a lot of great tips...thank you much...I have been thinking about this since morning and think going forwrad I should allow myself a good snack everyday... I going to keep the cap at 250 calories for the snacking...I see its a lot but I think for a junkie its a good place to start and go down from…