Will I always be (mentally) fat??

Question more for those who have lost a lot of weight. I've lost a lot, i'm almost at goal but when I look at myself I still think i'm fat. Realistically I know that i've lost weight, i've gone from a size 22 to a size 8, i KNOW i don't look the same but i cant help thinking that i'm still fat. People will call me thin or "skinny minny" and I think they are making a joke of me because i'm not thin. Will I always feel like this or will I come around eventually? My husband worries about it a little.


  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    I have lot a lot as well and I still see myself at fat.
    I still choose the chairs that are way too big for me to sit in and I still grab clothes that do not fit.
    When I look in the mirror I still see the bloated whale that I was before.
    I too think ppl that call me skinny or make thin cracks are making fun of me.

    I too would like to know how to change my minds eye!!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • SarahIluvatariel
    SarahIluvatariel Posts: 96 Member
    I've still got 75 lbs to go, but I've noticed that when I look at pictures of when I was at my highest weight, I think, "Huh... Really? I was THAT overweight?"

    I've lost around 50, lbs, now, and lately, I've been feeling like: "Yeah, this (my current mirror reflection) is moreso the weight that I've mentally been thinking of myself as being, for the last several years".

    So it's kinda opposite from you - for the last 4 years or so, I stopped (or slowed down) gaining weight in my mind - and, in a way, only gained it in everyone else's eyes.

    I think it just takes a while for our minds to catch up with us - whichever direction the weight is going.
  • reese373
    reese373 Posts: 4 Member
    It will always be hard to get use to the new you. If you were once big and now you are not as you once were you will feel big still. Just remember how far you have come. You have been doing something right so keep at it. The people calling you skinny minnie are giving you compliments. They are't making fun of you. It's like for guys. You'll see some with big muscles but they still feel small so they continue to work hard to build more muscle. Best way is to use your insecurities as motivation to keep going as you already have. It's good that you are not satisfied so you will keep working hard. People in great shape never stop doing what they did to get in shape So KEEP GOING!
  • VanCityFit
    VanCityFit Posts: 105 Member
    No, after you start to admire the new you and get a little bit cocky(you deserve that), the confidence comes and the mental notes leave as well. I believe you will always remember your battles with weight and those will keep you grounded.
  • mrs_n_mommy
    mrs_n_mommy Posts: 20 Member
    mine is just d opposite..i just dont think myself as a fat person n that is a big problem...I would say stick on to that feeling as that is what motivated to lose all that weight..btw...kudos to you on losing so much, u r such an inspiration...where u r is a great place to be and please ensure you stay there...
  • p2smommy
    p2smommy Posts: 64
    I'm going to weigh in as well..

    First of all..

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-TAST-IC job ladies!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    I would be interested in hearing from some of the male population who have lost big as to their POV's on this.. or is it just a female thing?

    However, having been a thin(ner) girl for 2/3 my life, until the last 10 years, then getting up to 247, now falling back down the scale.. I don't think that once you get what I call the "Fatgirl Persona" living inside your head, that you'll ever get her out. I still see her when I look in the mirror, and I still "hear" her snarky replies when people make remarks about how much I've lost. I don't know if there's a way to beat her back into the corner and lock the door, or if I ever really want to get rid of her. I think I'd be afraid to be without that image, and totally forget that I was ever obese.. I think it keeps me vigilant if that makes sense?

    While I completely understand the OP's POV - it is still detrimental to our self image.. never truly feeling like you are thin.. Is there a happy place in the middle of the road? One where we get to actually see that we look good, but still keep a watchful eye and not forget what it's like to be big?
  • Bel0602
    Bel0602 Posts: 135 Member
    I think its something that never really goes away. I'm 5'2 currently at 126lbs (a tight fitting size 2) and I'm still not satisfied even though I know I'm not over weight.

    I use to weigh 135-137 pounds about a year and a half ago. I weighed that much for many years. I just felt uncomfortable with myself even before I realized I was a little bit over weight. I told myself I would stop dieting after I lost 10 pounds.

    But here I am 10-11pounds lighter and I'm still not happy with myself. I still feel fat. I think this is just something that will always stay with you. You (and me) just have to learn how to love ourselves regardless of what jean size we fit into.