

  • Don't think it as starting over. That is where I always go wrong. For me, phsycologically, this puts a huge amount of pressure on to myself in one way but also gives me an 'out' in another. But this is because I am a habitual procrastinator. Think of it as a continuation, a whoopsidaisy but the show must go on, must try…
  • Oh, and DO NOT get a too small bra - this is idiotic and how to potentially cripple yourself and or cause permanent damage to your nerves and such what.
    in Breasts Comment by Pema91 June 2014
  • So I have a twisted spine because of big boobs and bad posture. So safe to say my boobs are damn heavy. I tried wearing multiple sports bras but that actually gave me friction burn! I recently bought a panache bra from Bravissimo and oh my god I can even do bouncercise now! It doesn't rub under the arm, under the boobs or…
    in Breasts Comment by Pema91 June 2014
  • ^This EXACTLY It is *just* food. You are clearly obsessing way to much about this OP, and by the looks of it so are a lot of people on this forum.
  • Wishing your dad a speedy recovery! That is one amazing surgery/GP you have there. I think the NHS is a good thing, it's just luck of the draw if you get a good doctor. I have been forced on to private after no results from NHS. We definitely need more funding and then the NHS can be as good as they were for you and your…
    in Good old NHS Comment by Pema91 May 2013
  • Apparently it's good for you but it just makes me pee a lot.... XD Now don't substitute food for water but if you are having pangs outside your normal eating, drink a couple pints of water and *then* see how you feel. If you are still hungry ten minutes later, you are actually hungry!
  • Hi, well you can just log on this or you can add 'friends' to support and be supported by, comment on forums, keep a blog... all sorts! :) Friend request a coming! Ms Px
  • Yay I get to talk about myself again!! ;) What: Me, pouting Where: In a studio When: Last summer Why: Having fun on a test shoot, and because I am vain :-P Ms Px
  • ^^This!!
  • Well I did it, it was awful, I'll stick to Rammstein ;-P
  • I think you may be the only person on earth who could make me listen to a One Direction song...
  • Definite stress factor rather than lack of movement re my job and weight gain...
  • If I'm working with my PT, I'm thinking 'I hate you, I hate you', probably the same as what women think of their husbands as they are giving birth!! If I am on my own and doing cardio I'll zone out to whatever is relevant in my life at that moment and if I am weight lifting I'll be concentrating on that to increase…
  • Thanks guys for your advice. Having been so active, I've fallen hard from this and have been quite down recently. I'm now having to take time off work and will be seeing a neurosurgeon at the end of the month so surely the only way from here is up! :) Ms Px
  • Dear oxjennalee, thoracic pain comes from repetitive strain, esp from activities that include raising your arms so swimming may not be the best for me. Thanks AmyMgetsfit, I'll google some balance ball exercises. Yep my PT thought it could be the cuff as well because the sort of activities that was setting off the pain.…
  • Hey :) Add me if you like, looking for support too! x
  • Oh me too! I drink a lot of water when I get stressed so I a) don't eat too much b) don't smoke a cigarette!! x
  • Hey I'll add you, always looking for new friends :) x
  • I tend to have music (some heavy metal always gets me moving ;)) But if I'm not lifting, where you do have to concentrate on what you are doing, I tend to just go inside my own head... Work out the days problems or plan the day ahead of me. I seldom get bored with an overactive imagination like mine!
  • Cut your carbs and up your protein!! And get to some short high intensity circuit training sessions in. I think you may be aiming a bit too high in your goal so please be careful. Good luck and congrats Px
  • I think mine was about 45 mins.. But I had not ran at all for a very long time and was my first run to get me kick started.
  • Shock Absorber bras are all you need. I have 28E (Big boobs and small back - hard to find NORMAL bras that fit properly) but Shock Absorber is a great brand with the bigger bust in mind. And they aren't too expensive - £25 roughly I think? Plus they last for ages! They do not look pretty (make you look flat chested) on but…
  • Virtual age of 16 (I'm 21) and life expectancy 78.3 only brought lower by stress and work! Who knew that could be a factor? I need to chill out if I want to live longer ;)
  • Ba ha ha ha ha yes... This!
  • Vanity sizing has been known for years. Sizes have been getting smaller in general but also some stores will size their clothes so you feel better in them than in others. No longer competing in price but how small a jean you can get into!! Example: I am a size 8-10 in H&M but more like 12-14 in Topshop! The same with bras…
  • I see a lot of the rants are about stupid *kitten* other people post on fb. I delete on the spot if I see a stupid status update. ESPECIALLY if they try to preach their religion, post graphic photos of cancer victims/african children/abused animals or get overly patriotic about the military/war. Unfortunately I have had to…
  • This. All of this. Exactly.
  • Welcome! I'm relatively a newbie too. Absolutely hear you about the social side of things, now I've stopped drinking I never see any of my friends! Sad but true... Maybe they can't stand me when they're sober!! Anyway, you will find all the support you need right here, the community on mfp is amazing. The tracking is…