

  • I have them and keep most of them. But two got the boot for posting things that we need Jesus in our schools to prevent gun violence.
  • I'm fine with religion as long as it stays out of politics or education. Or gets presented as fact.
  • No. Believing in ghosts requires belief in a soul and an afterlife. I don't believe in those things.
  • I figure I didn't get fat from eating fruit. I got fat eating donuts and McFlurries. So, IMHO, have a banana.
  • I initially found The Thinking Atheist on Facebook, and I like his weekly podcast. His YouTube channel is my second favorite, with AronRa's being my very favorite. He has a pretty good website too at www.thethinkingatheist.com. It has a forum which I do read but don't post on a lot.
  • Hi! I'm Jen. I'm 41, life long atheist (with a little side-adventure into Catholicism of all things). I lost 55 pounds about 10 years ago and am a former Weight Watchers leader. I've regained most of it back. That avatar is me at goal in about 2002. I just downloaded the MFP app based on the recommendation of posters on…