

  • That's amazing, well done! I have just recently been diagnosed as a diabetic and I didn't know it was possible to reverse it, this has given me a boost to try harder to lose weight, I only wish I had the will power and ability to do it as quickly as you. Thanks for sharing your story, I'm sure there are alot more people…
  • Hi I have also gained weight recently and lost again, I have read on here and from other sources that when you exercise you gain muscle mass even though at the same time you may have lost fat, but it doesnt show up on the scales as weightloss. If you measure yourself regularly as I do you will see that you have lost inches…
  • Well done! thank you for posting your story, I too have PCOS and i have found it very difficult losing weight but its coming off very slowly, may I take a peek at your diary to see what kind of food you are eating as I have been trying to lose weight since beginning of september and I have only managed 5lbs so far, all my…
  • Congratulations! What an achievement! Im amazed and inspired, I will definately look at your blogs, I wish you all the best for the future and have no doubts you will achieve all you set out to do, well done!
  • My sister had a similar problem, for about a month she didnt lose anything, so she didnt bother to weigh herself for a few weeks but kept up with healthy eating and exercise, then when she weighed herself at the end of the next month she had lost 1 stone! It just doesnt show up sometimes because of exercise and muscle…
  • Wow! thats great, in only 3 months! I have been told Im verging on type 2 diabetes good to know it can be reversed with weight loss
  • Wow! What a transformation, you look younger but also your neck looks longer too
  • you look 10 years younger, well done
  • I can see quite a difference you look younger your face looks much slimmer, your eyes look wider and more awake, even your nose looks more defined and slimmer, actually never noticed until now what a difference it make to someones nose too. well done! you look great
  • you dont have to go to a gym to workout if you do it at home you can save time watever time of day you decide to do it, I hate gyms and have been doing dancing, fitness videos, strength training at home, do watever you enjoy for me its dancing but dont forget to include cooking, cleaning, and other types of activities in…
  • Dont worry things will be ok just keep going, everyone has days when they eat more than they should or unhealthy snacks but its the total in a week that counts. I have little snacks incoporated into my diet so I dont have to go cold turkey with things but Im gradually cutting more and more out as I know I can have them if…
  • I dont know too much about dieting but my sister did lose 14lbs a month by being very strict on healthy eating during the week and having one day on the weekend where she would eat what she wanted she lost 8 stone by the time she finished. I have heard from a dietician at my hospital that its the total calories you…
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