I am so discouraged :(



  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Good for you for posting, for me, that keeps me from giving up and going back to my old ways. Oh well, so you ate something you should not have. No big deal. Log your calories, and start over right now not having any more snacks. We are human you know. :heart: :flowerforyou: Joni
  • 120111
    120111 Posts: 22 Member
    Please get back on track...When I tarted the same thing happen to me and now I can't get my slf together...Please don't the same thing happen to you!
  • pinkrose99
    Dont worry things will be ok just keep going, everyone has days when they eat more than they should or unhealthy snacks but its the total in a week that counts.
    I have little snacks incoporated into my diet so I dont have to go cold turkey with things but Im gradually cutting more and more out as I know I can have them if I want but Im choosing not to alot more now.
    If you totally deprive yourself you will crave things more, I hope to eventually do what my sister does which is to be very strict during the week eating healthy foods then on the weekend pick one day to have your treats.
    Or you could save that day for a special event, party you are going to that week instead without ruining your diet I have done this before and not put on any weight.
    Hope this helps, if you want to chat let me know we can all do with support not sure where you are but Im in the UK.
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    No sympathy here. Get off your butt and exercise and use some will power for petes sake.

    ^^ what a idiot
  • LCgymnast
    Don't be discouraged. We all have times of not seeing the results as much or thinking like why don't I just go back to my old ways. Believe me I've done before where I thought this is to challenging for me. Don't give up and keep pushing forward! I'll add you for more support. We can do it! Good Luck.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Saw a great motivational pic. on pinterest.com; the caption said:

    "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

    Makes sense, I thought. :smile: