Workouts and Having a Life...



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I have a full time job and twin 4 yr olds at home. My husband works nights 6pm - 6am. My gym doesn't open till 9 am. Originally I was up at 6 and out the door by 715 to take the girls to daycare and be at work by 8. Got off at 5, picked up the girls, got to the gym by 6 or 630, worked out till 730, got home by 8, fed everyone, baths and bed. Hated it. It wasn't fair to the girls because they had been in daycare all day then got stuck in another childcare at the gym and had no time with me. So now, I am up at 430 am while everyone is still in bed. I do my workout then get ready for work. This leave me time after work to spend with the kids, clean my house, grocery shop or just whatever. It's hard to get used to but I find it works best for me.

    Oh and being a crazy person in the morning because you have to get up is all in your head. I don't mean to sound mean but you only act the way you allow yoursef to act. Plus at 430 am you don't have to deal with anyone and have that time to wake up and put on your happy pants.

    I would have to agree. I get about 3:30am to get to my gym by 4am and I honestly feel better if I get up and work out than if I sleep until 6.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I feel the struggle! I've also overcome it...

    As K2ofCU said (I think) DON'T want to wait for the heart attack. I just had one a month ago and I'm 26 years old.
    I'm done. I work out for two days, take a day off (Due to strength training, I don't want to grow broken muscles.) That gets me about five days a week where I get up at 9AM (I don't get home from work until midnight) and spend an hour...hour twenty at the gym. I do 20-30 minutes of cardio and a solid 45 minutes of strength with a ten minute cool down stretch routine.

    Sometimes I get up in the morning and think 'I'd rather stab my eye out with a pen then go to the gym' then I remember that I'm night blind because of my blood sugar and go to the gym anyway.

    You can do it! You just have to DO IT. :)
  • Ndeeps27
    its more mental than anything. once youre in the gym and warmup and stretch etc, your soreness and worries and whatever are usually gone. getting up and getting there is the hard part.

    you either want it or you dont
  • stefaiman
    Yes I would say you have to make it a priority, and if it takes getting up 1/2 hour earlier to meet you goal then that's what it takes :) I also think to myself that doing the workout earlier is more beneficial as in my mind it boost your calorie burning for the day so the longer that you can burn those calories at an increased rate to better your weight loss will be also. So stick to your goal and dig in!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Are you working 16hrs a day? No? Then you have time for your fitness program. It's all a matter of priorities - if you really want to do something you'll find a way.
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    I could relate to your schedule! I have 6 1/2 year old twin girls, work full time and the only time I can find is in the early AM too! If I go to the gym its usually at 5AM. If I try to squeeze it in at night I get the guilt factor. Then I seem to be exhausted the second the girls go to bed for the night (which is usually 7:45-8PM now)... I'm in a "rut" with the working out right now...gotta snap out of it... :(
  • MeccaLoves2Sleep
    MeccaLoves2Sleep Posts: 43 Member
    I used to work for a company that allowed me to flex my schedule. It started with me changing my hours to start at 7:30 am-somehow getting up early for work is easier than if I have to do it to get to the gym- maybe the paycheck thing. PLUS I don't like that I have to shower and change and fit that in before work (is the beast in me). I'd eat at my desk for lunch so I could get out by 4:30, then workout right after. Later they let me work one day at home. Now, I don't have the flexibility but still make it work.

    Another trick is I sometimes make meals on the weekend so I just have to re-heat it during the week (or at least cook some of the meat/ make a red sauce, whatever helps). If you make enough you can eat leftovers for lunch the next day. I also pack my gym bag with 5 sets of work out clothes so I don't have to deal with it before I leave the house in the AM.

    Good luck!
  • Irish_eyes75
    Tough love: No more excuses - Get up at 8 and move for 30 minutes. Done! Getting up 30 minutes earlier than you normally do is worth the reward!
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    Okay, you describe me completely. I have to get up by 7, but I am too exhausted to exercise. My schedule is as follows:

    7- up, brisk clean up on the house, kids out of bed
    8- read bible, get kids working on school
    9-6 - schooling kids, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc....
    6-7 - cleaning up dinner, giving kids baths, and last minute pick ups
    7-10 - put kids in bed, exercise, shower, put myself to bed

    I'm tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    I exercise right after work before I have time to relax or get comfortable.
  • pinkrose99
    you dont have to go to a gym to workout if you do it at home you can save time watever time of day you decide to do it, I hate gyms and have been doing dancing, fitness videos, strength training at home, do watever you enjoy for me its dancing but dont forget to include cooking, cleaning, and other types of activities in your exercise diary I started doing this recently and was amazed i had burned 800 calories in one day when I started adding everything I do in a day.

    You could even try walking or cycling to work if its possible that would then be your exercise for the day, I used to walk to work it would take me 30 minutes one way so I would end up doing 60 minutes of walking, if its too far perhaps you could park your car a further distance away or get off a few stops early if by bus and walk from there to work.
  • shannonmci
    shannonmci Posts: 56 Member
    I am a mom of three and my husband works second shift. Because I am the only one home at night, I get my butt out of bed at 3:45 four mornings a week to be dressed and out the door by 4:00. I go for a 45 minute run and come home and get ready for work. At work at 7:00. Work ends at 3:30. On the days I don't get up at 3:45, I go to the gym right after I get out of work. I spend about 50 minutes at the gym and come home to start the nightly routine. I think that if you get up just 30 minutes earlier in the mornings, you will come to enjoy it. This is my ME time with no one else around and I think that everyone needs that!
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Wow! Reading this post makes me rethink my schedule. Things has been tight with they football season so i haven't been going to the gym.I'm thinking about going early morning or late nite I have got to get back on top of this.
  • Sogj76
    I'm definitely adding little workouts here and there to get things started and it's good to get away from my desk a few minutes every couple hours. And I'm trying to shift around my evening things, since I'm usually up until 1 am it's getting easier to work out right after work then have evening meetings/coffee with friends/date start around 8/8:30. It's all a process I know.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Morning people just will never understand those of us who are NOT morning people - and vice versa!

    I had one friend who was always buggin me about how peaceful and quiet it is in the early morning. I finally told her I was one of those people that provided that peace and quiet!

    At times I've had all the motivation in the world and would get up early in the morning to work out. It would last a week - maybe 2 weeks. The whole point is that it has to be sustainable for you.
  • andeehrdz
    andeehrdz Posts: 59 Member

    that is all..
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I wake up at 5-5:30 a.m. to be at work by 6:30-7:00 a.m. This leaves me more time after I get home at 5:30 p.m. to work out before 9-10 p.m., when I go to bed.

    If you're sleeping in until 8:30 a.m., I'm assuming you're going to bed around 11 p.m. or midnight. If you get home around 6 p.m., that leaves you with 6 hours to work out!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    I found I needed a way to figure out how to do my strength training in different ways.
    Sometimes I do it at the gym.
    I also have some weights at home.
    Also I have resistance bands and those I can take a run with to the pier near my house and do a workout that way.
    A trainer showed me some of the things I do and that was helpful.

    I also like to play tennis - but that is more involved to make happen, so that is maybe 1-2x a week and with the winter coming I will have to find other ways.

    Finally Walking and Biking are great - because they can get you from place to place AND give you a workout. Lunchtime walks can also be nice.

    So sometimes I bike to work (cardio that helps me get TO work) and sometimes I even walk to work.

    The other one is Stairs - stairs are a great workout and most people can find a set of stairs somewhere.

    So there are a number of different ways you can make it happen - if you really want to.

    Yes, sometimes I have to be very disciplined, and sometimes I make a judgment call. For example I am invited to a "Ribs Smackdown!" at a good friend's house. I will plan on loosening things up, but I will probably try to get a good solid workout that day in, and maybe a bike ride the day after.

    It's definitely about a lifestyle, and I have found that every so often that includes letting myself enjoy things a bit.

    You can do it!
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    i plan it into my work days. I have to be to work usually by 7 am so I'm not doing it in the morning. So, I usually pack my gym bag and go immediately after work. Before I go home It's easier that way and makes it part of my work day. and then the rest of the night is mine to do as I please. I work a physical job where I am always moving so I am tired after work, the cardio and weights give me energy to get on with my day.
  • LeslieC1970
    I had a challenge getting work outs in because of my long commute in the morning and night. I have since found that using my lunch hour and going to the gym near work is effective for me. I am fitting in my workout and using my lunch time to invest in my health.