I love the post-it idea. I will make sure to keep a note pad handy. Thanks!
Salad! I totally agree. I looked up salads on a few restaurant websites. Most are worse than having a regular entree.
My father has been diabetic for decades now and my sister was just diagnosed a little over a year ago. I grew up in a family that taught me that a meal is not complete without something sweet at the end. There is always ice cream in the fridge, and cookies in the cabinet. Doesn't help that I love to bake, and what is the…
Thanks for all the great advice. Although I'm still at the starting line, I am just glad that I am at least attempting the race. I know that just last year, I would have had the coffee and not thought twice about it. One step at a time, right?
I have the app, but I've been very bad about using it properly. I try to cook at home, but logging homemade food is so difficult compared to the pre-packaged and fast-food options. It's a catch 22. The more homemade food I make, the less I log my meals. The more I eat out, the more I keep track. I'm hoping that by forcing…
The closest place to the office had cream pre-mixed in the iced coffee. I will definitely be looking up food options before I buy things in the future.