The pitfalls of food ignorance.

So today I learned the importance of looking up food/drinks before rushing out to go grab a quick snack/drink. As usual, I was feeling that afternoon slump at work, and decided I wanted a pick-me-up.

Thought I would have a nice iced coffee, instead of soda, assuming it would be less sugar. I know, never assume. :-( I got back to the office, and it was sweet, very sweet. I figured I got it, so I might as well drink it. When I entered it in my food diary I was astounded to discover that each serving is 25g of sugar, and I got the x-large cup which is probably 4 servings.

So often I think I am getting something that is the "better option," and it ends up being one of the worst food decisions of my day. How can anyone stay on the right track when everything around us is so deceptively bad for us? No wonder there is a diabetes epidemic.

I also have a tendency to enter food after I have already eaten it, only to tally up the day and figure out that I went completely over my goal. It is hard for me to learn a new good behavior after having that bad behavior instilled in me for so many years. My main challenge on my road to health will have to be becoming more aware of what goes in my body.

At least today’s fiasco helped me learn the importance of portion control and knowledge. Next time I feel that slump, I think I'll have an apple. :-)


  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    I log my food before I eat it...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So today I learned the importance of looking up food/drinks before rushing out to go grab a quick snack/drink. As usual, I was feeling that afternoon slump at work, and decided I wanted a pick-me-up.

    Thought I would have a nice iced coffee, instead of soda, assuming it would be less sugar. I know, never assume. :-( I got back to the office, and it was sweet, very sweet. I figured I got it, so I might as well drink it. When I entered it in my food diary I was astounded to discover that each serving is 25g of sugar, and I got the x-large cup which is probably 4 servings.

    So often I think I am getting something that is the "better option," and it ends up being one of the worst food decisions of my day. How can anyone stay on the right track when everything around us is so deceptively bad for us? No wonder there is a diabetes epidemic.

    I also have a tendency to enter food after I have already eaten it, only to tally up the day and figure out that I went completely over my goal. It is hard for me to learn a new good behavior after having that bad behavior instilled in me for so many years. My main challenge on my road to health will have to be becoming more aware of what goes in my body.

    At least today’s fiasco helped me learn the importance of portion control and knowledge. Next time I feel that slump, I think I'll have an apple. :-)

    Iced coffee isn't black coffee with ice?
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I try to enter food ahead of time. Unfortunatley, you can't always do that. But it is best to avoid all liquid calories if possible, juices, coffee or tea with sugar, alcohol. Alcohol is a killer!
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    This is why I learned early- plan my food in advance. It's become an ingrained habit with me. I can see myself probably doing it for the rest of my life. :smile:
  • wannatangle
    wannatangle Posts: 80 Member
    I try to log my food before I eat it. We are going out tonight. I know I am getting sushi. I got on the computer and figured out a good option. That is what I'm having. It is already logged. This way, I usually have calories to play with at the end of the day or I know what I can have for a snack before I go out tonight. :)
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    So today I learned the importance of looking up food/drinks before rushing out to go grab a quick snack/drink. As usual, I was feeling that afternoon slump at work, and decided I wanted a pick-me-up.

    Thought I would have a nice iced coffee, instead of soda, assuming it would be less sugar. I know, never assume. :-( I got back to the office, and it was sweet, very sweet. I figured I got it, so I might as well drink it. When I entered it in my food diary I was astounded to discover that each serving is 25g of sugar, and I got the x-large cup which is probably 4 servings.

    So often I think I am getting something that is the "better option," and it ends up being one of the worst food decisions of my day. How can anyone stay on the right track when everything around us is so deceptively bad for us? No wonder there is a diabetes epidemic.

    I also have a tendency to enter food after I have already eaten it, only to tally up the day and figure out that I went completely over my goal. It is hard for me to learn a new good behavior after having that bad behavior instilled in me for so many years. My main challenge on my road to health will have to be becoming more aware of what goes in my body.

    At least today’s fiasco helped me learn the importance of portion control and knowledge. Next time I feel that slump, I think I'll have an apple. :-)

    Iced coffee isn't black coffee with ice?

    I'm so glad I drink black coffee.

    (of course put some fries in front of me and i'll always go for the large).

    I try to log everything for the day as I go before I eat it, look up anything before I buy or eat it, and plan my meals for the day.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    I try to enter food ahead of time. Unfortunatley, you can't always do that. But it is best to avoid all liquid calories if possible, juices, coffee or tea with sugar, alcohol. Alcohol is a killer!

  • chunkymonkey423
    The closest place to the office had cream pre-mixed in the iced coffee. I will definitely be looking up food options before I buy things in the future.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    The closest place to the office had cream pre-mixed in the iced coffee. I will definitely be looking up food options before I buy things in the future.

    Ugh, that's terrible!
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    Tell me about it! One day I went to Jason's Deli and had the salad bar, thinking that would be fewer calories than a sandwich. I calculated everything I had from the bar and it turned out to be 1000 calories and I still felt hungry! Geez!

    Do you have the mobile ap? It is free and might help you do a better job of logging before you eat.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I used to get caught in that trap as well. I learned not to eat anything I hadn't investigated. My estimation of calories and in servings sizes was so skewed that I couldn't trust myself to make snap decisions. I also pre log. I plan meals and snacks days in advance and I keep a few friendly snacks in my desk for just in case.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    The closest place to the office had cream pre-mixed in the iced coffee. I will definitely be looking up food options before I buy things in the future.

    You can always make your own iced coffee.... get a regualr cup of coffee, add the sugar sub and/or creamer then put it on ice. Thats what I do....
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I don't drink any sugar in coffee when it's hot, but iced I find it needs a little something, it's a little too bitter for my tastes. I typically ask for it "half-sweet" so they only put in half the amount of sugar that they usually do. I'm not sure how that fits in with your plan, but I've found it works for me.
  • chunkymonkey423
    Tell me about it! One day I went to Jason's Deli and had the salad bar, thinking that would be fewer calories than a sandwich. I calculated everything I had from the bar and it turned out to be 1000 calories and I still felt hungry! Geez!

    Do you have the mobile ap? It is free and might help you do a better job of logging before you eat.

    I have the app, but I've been very bad about using it properly. I try to cook at home, but logging homemade food is so difficult compared to the pre-packaged and fast-food options. It's a catch 22. The more homemade food I make, the less I log my meals. The more I eat out, the more I keep track. I'm hoping that by forcing myself to do it every meal, it will eventually become so natural that I won't have to think about it, and will just do it.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Whenever we're going out, I call up the restaurant menu on line in advance and figure out what will fit into my calorie count for that meal. Then I know what to order and what to avoid. Much easier.
  • ChelleBalady
    Hi Chunky Monkey! (LOVE the name by the way)

    As you continue to log your food you will begin to learn what a serving size and how many calories are in what. Don't be hard on yourself it is a learning process. I have traded my iced coffees at startbucks for iced green tea unsweetend. My best advice I think to give you is to be sure you read what a serving size is and meausre everything until you can "eyeball" it. Best of luck on your journey!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Make your own coffee drinks :) Then you can control the sugar, and use the recipe calculator to tally up the calories for your diary.
  • carriegubsch
    Tell me about it! One day I went to Jason's Deli and had the salad bar, thinking that would be fewer calories than a sandwich. I calculated everything I had from the bar and it turned out to be 1000 calories and I still felt hungry! Geez!

    Do you have the mobile ap? It is free and might help you do a better job of logging before you eat.

    I have the app, but I've been very bad about using it properly. I try to cook at home, but logging homemade food is so difficult compared to the pre-packaged and fast-food options. It's a catch 22. The more homemade food I make, the less I log my meals. The more I eat out, the more I keep track. I'm hoping that by forcing myself to do it every meal, it will eventually become so natural that I won't have to think about it, and will just do it.

    I've had a lot of luck using the recipe maker to measure how much homemade recipes count for. Its been really helpful! Good luck!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Moderations and pre-logging will save you a lot of the surprise. I literally pull out my phone to calculate on the go and very often plan my day before I even put a drip of water into my mouth! Keeps me out of trouble and I leave some extra calories unused so that I can splurge a little if I want and not feel guilty or feel like I need to burn it off.

    It takes time to get used to doing things this way and also takes time to find a mode and method that personally works for you to keep on track. These are just minor set backs and you can certainly learn from them so you will do better in the future :)
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    So today I learned the importance of looking up food/drinks before rushing out to go grab a quick snack/drink. As usual, I was feeling that afternoon slump at work, and decided I wanted a pick-me-up.

    Thought I would have a nice iced coffee, instead of soda, assuming it would be less sugar. I know, never assume. :-( I got back to the office, and it was sweet, very sweet. I figured I got it, so I might as well drink it. When I entered it in my food diary I was astounded to discover that each serving is 25g of sugar, and I got the x-large cup which is probably 4 servings.

    So often I think I am getting something that is the "better option," and it ends up being one of the worst food decisions of my day. How can anyone stay on the right track when everything around us is so deceptively bad for us? No wonder there is a diabetes epidemic.

    I also have a tendency to enter food after I have already eaten it, only to tally up the day and figure out that I went completely over my goal. It is hard for me to learn a new good behavior after having that bad behavior instilled in me for so many years. My main challenge on my road to health will have to be becoming more aware of what goes in my body.

    At least today’s fiasco helped me learn the importance of portion control and knowledge. Next time I feel that slump, I think I'll have an apple. :-)

    Iced coffee isn't black coffee with ice?

    Not at Starbucks.... it is mainly milk and sugar