katenali12 Member


  • Thanks Pnutcashew!
  • I've recently started measuring and had some days 2500 and at least one day with 5500. I'm going to commit to May, tracking at least 4 days a week, and keep it over 5500. Cheers!
  • Bravo on cutting back portion sizes. I plan extra snacks - fruit, cheese, veggies, hummus, etc throughout the day and am able to eat less at each meal. May it continue.
  • Bravo on adding all those wonderful things! I've added asparagus, strawberries, salsa, cucumbers, organic tomatoes, various kinds of apples, avocado.
  • I actually have to follow Mom's advice and ADD to lose: 1- More fruits 2- more veggies 3- A tad more exercise, even walking helps a lot! 4- More water or diet drinks, than diuretics (caffeine, alcohol, soda) 5- More Fat free dairy, especially in cooking! That said, I did find that 1- reducing my salt overall for several…
  • :heart: I'm in! SW: 230.8 ( Apr-30) CW: 230.8 GW: 222 (end of May) Weigh-in Dates: 5/7: 5/14 : 5/21: 6/28: : Total weight lost: fitness event: Sunday I caught up with a dear friend I hadn't seen in eons. Instead of going out for wine, food, or coffee, she suggested a walk int he woods at the local resevoir. I was so there!…
  • :heart: I'm in! SW: 230.8 ( Apr-30) CW: 230.8 GW: 180 Weigh-in Dates: 5/7: 5/14 : 5/21: 6/28: : Total weight lost: fitness event: Sunday I caught up with a dear friend I hadn't seen in eons. Instead of going out for wine, food, or coffee, she suggested a walk int he woods at the local resevoir. I was so there! We walked a…
  • :bigsmile: I would like to net no gain for new years~! Stretch goal: 6lbs loss. All the best!