5 things you have cut out!



  • DaniInMaine
    DaniInMaine Posts: 23
    Things I have cut out (or severely restricted)
    1. Pizza (now do a modified one on tortilla when I crave it).
    2. Making excuses to Not get the cardio and strength training done (I simply schedule it and then DO it. It's my prioity)
    3. Cheese (and crackers). My downfall. Now they are scheduled to once a week and controlled/measured amounts.
    4. Wine..... another downfall and also only have when it's been planned into the day.
    5. Peanut butter. Can't (or don't) eat just a little. Easier to stay away from it until I REALLY want it and then plan for i.
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Pirate's booty
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Nothing at all.

    How do I do it? I look at my overall week, not just daily calories. One day isn't going to break me but a month will kill the new habits I am developing.

    I try to eat in moderation and make much better choices 80% of the time. I also plan, plan, plan. I know Wednesdays are church potluck so I eat very lightly all day and save calories for the potluck. I also make sure Wednesday is NOT a rest day! I need to burn extra calories! I try to eat less on rest days so for me, keeping calories low and eating back exercise calories works.

    This is a lifestyle change, NOT a diet! A diet has an end point!

    Good luck!! :drinker:
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    I've not been strict and completely cut out anything; but I have been better about sweets, breads, soda, and mindless amounts of dairy ( I now pay attention to how much cheese, sour cream, or cheese cheese I eat).
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    1. soda diet and regular
    2. fast food
    3. skim milk, I now use unsweetned almond no sugar and half the calories
    4. candy (for the most part everyone once in a while I allow myself a piece)
    5. margine, I use real light butter
  • Gpsylady
    Gpsylady Posts: 1
    No deep fried anything
    No soda at all
    Heavy veggies
    No white flour, only whole grains
    Cut way back on sugars
    Lots of fruit - no juice

  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I can not say I cut out any food entirely because moderation really is key to this lifestyle! :wink:

    But I have cut way back on:

    Macaroni and cheese/pasta (because I KNOW I have no portion control when it comes to that!) save that for an off meal!
    Candy/cakes (I am an addict)
    White bread (I just like wheat better)
    Whole eggs (I am watching my cholesterol)
    Fast food (^^^^^^^^^^)
  • Nothing in particular...BUT I have stopped eating any food that I find I don't thoroughly enjoy--for example, if the "old me" went to a restaurant or a party and had an item she didn't particularly like (a pie that was too sweet or tart; some BBQ that wasn't quite up to par, cold french fries) she used to continue eating it until she finished the item. Now if "New Me" gets an item I don't find delicious, I STOP EATING IMMEDIATELY and either send it back or trash it. I don't want to waste a single calorie on sub-par food or snacks.

    Definitely this!! I used to eat a lot of stuff that was mediocre just because it was there. Like grocery store bakery birthday cake, donuts at work from a place that really wasn't that amazing, stuff like that. Now that I have the mentality of "spending" my calories I don't feel the drive to eat those things, because it really is a waste. Sometimes stuff is worth it, like when a friend of mine makes chocolate raspberry cheesecake cupcakes. You'd have to be crazy or deathly allergic to turn that down! But when it's high calorie AND not that great, I'm not going to bother. And it's not a struggle anymore either, I'm just like eh not really worth it. I think that's because I know I CAN have it, so it doesn't have that lure of the forbidden. It's just me deciding if I want something or not, just a normal part of life.

    So clearly, I don't cut things out entirely. Some things I don't eat just because I don't want to, but I don't forbid myself anything. I do limit portion sizes and fit things into my calorie totals of course. And I do cut DOWN on stuff. A big one was cutting down on going out to restaurants. I had gotten into a habit of meeting up with friends and having dinner out several times a week, and I did deliberately slash that and start cooking more. I think that's important because almost any meal at a restaurant, even a healthy one, is going to be higher calorie than what you really need.
  • bcassill2013
    bcassill2013 Posts: 72 Member
    Most restaurants
    Anything fried
    Ice Cream
    Anything sugary
    Chips (potato, corn, etc....)
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    I haven't cut anything out completely, however there are things I eat less of now, chiefly:

    Potato salad (at least, multiple helpings!)
    Chocolate bars
    Crisps dipped in cheese spread (seems kinda gross to me now!)
    Alcohol (I still drink but nowhere near as much as I used to)
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    The five things I have cut out that seem to be helping me the most are:

    1. "Excuses" i.e. too hard, don't wanna, no time

    2. Denial - I no longer pretend I didn't eat something. now that I use MFP, everything is logged and accounted for

    3. My Gym Requirement - Turns out I don't need a gym to exercise! Duh!

    4. Overall laziness has also been cut out. I find value in doing ANYthing that gets me off the couch/ desk chair!

    5. The mindset that Pregnancy is a Free Pass - I learned from my 1st that "eating for two" is not the way to go about this. So far I have had a perfectly healthy level of weight gain and I'll be halfway next week!

    P.S. I still pretty much eat what I want but have made the switch to healthier substitutions. Like: whole grain foods, fat free milk, more protein instead of the pure and processed junk I was (mostly) eating before. In the year +3 months since I started here, I have never once thought "I'm on a diet" and have always viewed this as a lifestyle change. It's the only way I've been able to keep the weight off for good.
  • B0B_25
    B0B_25 Posts: 4 Member
    Soda and ice-cream.

    Really, for me it was just cut portion sizes and choose healthier alterative.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 390 Member
    salty foods
  • KristieTbs
    KristieTbs Posts: 4
    Hi everyone! I just joined 3 days ago and am trying to not cut out-but cut down on:

    1) Soda
    2) Ice Cream
    3) Cheese Quesadillas (yum!)
    4) Alcoholic beverages
    5) Top Raman
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Here is what I have cut out:
    Real sugar soda
    French fries
    Pretty much any type of fast food

    Things I have ADDED to my diet in their place:
    fresh green beans
    fresh peas
    fresh lima beans
    fresh zucchini
    Special K cereal
    baked potatoes
    WW fudge bars
    Parmesan cheese on everything
    Any other type of fresh produce I can get my hands on.

    Notice how the list of things of things I have added is much larger than the things I have cut out...
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    High Fructose Corn Syrup
    Most sugar (still use Stevia and eat sweets occasionally)
    Sodium (as much as possible)
    Fast food (too hard to find food there that won't set off one of my medical conditions)
    Pizza (cut WAY back, for the same reason as above)
    'White' grains
    White potatoes
  • katenali12
    katenali12 Posts: 8 Member
    I actually have to follow Mom's advice and ADD to lose:
    1- More fruits
    2- more veggies
    3- A tad more exercise, even walking helps a lot!
    4- More water or diet drinks, than diuretics (caffeine, alcohol, soda)
    5- More Fat free dairy, especially in cooking!

    That said, I did find that
    1- reducing my salt overall for several weeks, and
    2- reducing takeout/fastfood
    3- reduce alcohol
    4- reduce the volume of French fries. REALLY
    5- less crackers and cheese, more strawberries, pickles, carrots, and other crunchy stuff!

  • katenali12
    katenali12 Posts: 8 Member
    Bravo on adding all those wonderful things!

    I've added asparagus, strawberries, salsa, cucumbers, organic tomatoes, various kinds of apples, avocado.
  • katenali12
    katenali12 Posts: 8 Member
    Bravo on cutting back portion sizes. I plan extra snacks - fruit, cheese, veggies, hummus, etc throughout the day and am able to eat less at each meal. May it continue.
  • carmieg
    carmieg Posts: 1
    Good Idea :

    drumstick ice cream
    limit bread
    limit cheese
    eat more but healthier choices