5 things you have cut out!



  • Focusedjessy
    Focusedjessy Posts: 114 Member
    Cream and sugar in my coffee ( took me a year to get to this point)
    Soda( quit drinking it a long time ago)
    Alcohol during the week
    pasta for lunch and no more than twice a week for dinner
  • michellechawner
    Nothing, and I'm still dropping the pounds! MODERATION IS KEY!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Technically nothing, but a few things I had eaten in the past that I really have no desire to eat anymore, so I don't.

    Fast Food
  • iamkass
    iamkass Posts: 122 Member
    1. Carbs (because they are the devil)
    2. Meats (because if I eat them apparently I'm the devil)
    3. Fruit (because of ALL THAT SUGAR)
    4. Fats (because I want to lose it, not eat it)
    5. Water (because, you know, can't have water retention if you don't drink water).

    Did I miss anything?

    ETA: fixing typos
  • dtroutman
    dtroutman Posts: 62
    For me my 5 are:

    1. Dr. Pepper
    2. These delicious sandwich cookies which are 2 snickerdoodles with gobs of icing in the middle from a bakery close to my work.
    3. Donuts every Friday morning.
    4. Take out for lunch 5 days a week. Cut it down to just once.
    5. Constant snacking.
  • kdmervin
    kdmervin Posts: 42
    Coffee (switched to decaff teas)
    Sitting at home watching TV (have been consitently going to gym 6 days a week and love it)
    Potato chips
    French fries (If I want fries, I bake them now)
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Well, I went Paleo! In other words, I've cut out almost everything...lol. No grains, no dairy, nothing processed. In other words.... Everything I've ever loved.
  • kristinebolton5
    kristinebolton5 Posts: 19 Member
    1. Sugar to my tea or coffee
    2. Soda
    3. Chips
    4. Fast food
    5. Adding extra salt.
  • bf43285
    bf43285 Posts: 43 Member
    I have yet to cut out anything completely, going for the moderation thing. I would be more successful to cut out these things but not very happy:

    1. ALCOHOL (Social drinker-not like I have a problem)
    2. Chocolate
    3. Anything fried
    4. Butter (I'm a southern lady and butter is in everything)
    5. Starchy carbs (I LOVE potatoes and bread!!!)
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    Honestly, nothing. If I really want something I have it. I just have to want it bad enough to make it myself, and most of the time I can't be bothered. :smile:
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Nothing completely cut out.

    I have stopped eating things that aren't worth the calories. When I wasn't counting calories I'd eat just to eat. If I was eating a piece of cake and it was too dry, I'd still finish it. Now, its just not worth the calories. I'll save my calories for some delicious ice cream or something I know I'll enjoy.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    White rice
    White bread
    Pop ( never really drank it anyways)
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't cut anything out. I have switched to full fat food instead of the low fat low calorie diet foods. I also drink regular soda on occasion instead of having diet sodas daily.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Stop start exercise in general including basketball, volley ball, baseball and kooshball. :noway:
    I also cut out tucking in any kind of shirt and wearing bikinis.
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    My husband and I have made this journey a life style change, not a short-term diet just to lose weight (and regain it in six months!). We started by watching our sodium (to decrease) and our potassium (to increase), which made us realize we weren't making the good food choices that we thought we were making. Now we try to just make better food choices rather than cutting out certain foods all together. My husband and son both love french fries, so we found ones that were lower in sodium and fat, and bake them. Ore Ida crispers have more than triple the fat of the steak fries! This way they get the fries they want, but don't overload on sodium and fat.

    We've learned that it's all about finding substitutes (baking vs. frying, lower sodium, etc.), eating in moderation (so you can still eat the foods you love!), and not telling yourself that you can never have some food, because you'll crave it even more!
  • Avnish8793
    Avnish8793 Posts: 1 Member
    1. Wasting calories on drinks.
    Be it juice or sodas or coffee with sugar and milk. Black Tea or Black Coffee and water are the best!
    I wanna eat my calories and savour them!

    2. Eating useless stuff like a big *kitten* loaf of bread just to eat a little of a delicious curry.
    I substitute with a whole wheat wrap ( Flatout's the best - 90 cals) and then fill with a little more curry :P
    More taste less cals!

    3. Being pressured into eating junk when in social situations.
    Yeah, i'm not going to blow my cals through the roof with half that pizza and a can of coke.
    I'd rather snack on apple slices dipped in peanut butter. Low cal and delicious and filling!

    4. The mentality that you have to stop eating what you love. I have a sweet tooth and have my sweet treat everyday.
    I just set aside about 150-200 cals to savour it instead of blasting through 500 cals worth of ice cream and not even feel that
    I ate some. .

    5. Feeling that i HAVE to make up for the slip-up of one particular day by punishing myself with an hour of hardcore cardio. Its gone. Mark up the calorie excess of that day and gradually work it off over time.

    Those are mine. Great stuff in here! :D
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1. Partially Hydrogenated Oil
    2. High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Anything with either of those two ingredients has been eliminated. Other than that I believe in hitting your macro goals and calorie goals and getting proper nutrition. So long as I get my proper nutrition for the day, nothing is really off limits unless it has PHO or HFCS.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Well, I went Paleo! In other words, I've cut out almost everything...lol. No grains, no dairy, nothing processed. In other words.... Everything I've ever loved.

    This reminds me of the quote. "You should live the healthiest life you can enjoy."
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    1. Partially Hydrogenated Oil
    2. High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Anything with either of those two ingredients has been eliminated. Other than that I believe in hitting your macro goals and calorie goals and getting proper nutrition. So long as I get my proper nutrition for the day, nothing is really off limits unless it has PHO or HFCS.

  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    1) red meat cuts (exception of ground beef 1x per month)
    2) cheese except lite laughing cow.
    3) rice (rarely eat it)
    4) pasta/bread (It's not something I've had except maybe every 90 days)
    5) potatoes (w/exception of my monthly Red Robin)

    All my exceptions are because to completely illuminate some foods
    might cause me more inner child tantrums. This way, w/in reason,
    once in a while sure. But I've grown out of the need for most of these.
    I stick pretty much to a routine that has my carbs under 45%.