graceacruz Member


  • Hi there, I don’t know where your weight was when you started, but like losing 23 pounds is great! I just started on Contrave 6 days ago so I’m only at the 1 pill a day stage. Still, I have lost 2.5 lbs and feeling more in control of my eating. I hope I’ll be as successful as you. Feel free to keep in touch to bounce ideas…
  • LOL, not true. It's not approved in Europe and I read that they decided not bother trying to get approval there, however, they did submit for approval in Mexico. I actually looked and no one is selling without a prescription on line. It's a Schedule IV drug so maybe that's why? I actually thought about getting stock since…
  • I've been taking Belviq for 6-7 weeks now and have lost ~17 pounds. I started at just over 218. I am not one of those who has zero appetite. Less definitely... like I can go 4-5 hours without thinking about food but when dinner time rolls around, I am hungry. I am satisfied with less and even over Thanksgiving where I…
  • The real problem I see with everyone posting that "diet and exercise" works is that they happen to be in the class of people for whom it does. I understand... I used to be that person, too!! Please understand that a variety of medical conditions as well as genetics can cause obesity: - Cushing's Disease/Cyclical…
  • My goodness, you all sound exactly like I used to sound. Please DO SOME RESEARCH on obesity. It is NOT always as it appears. Would you try to treat the Type 1 diabetic with a low carb diet (instead of insulin) when the real problem is a lack of insulin producing cells? Again, stop painting everyone with such a broad brush.…
  • That's wonderful for you! I think for most people, this is the case - - however, not all. I'd challenge you to do some research on Cushing's Disease or Cyclical Cushing's. Certain endocrine problems can make weight loss difficult if not impossible. Remember, I had PRECISELY the same attitude before I got sick. Sometimes, I…
  • I certainly agree that much of the problem with obesity is the abundance of extremely high calorie/poor nutrient density food, limited access to healthy alternatives, and jobs/lifestyles that are primarily sedentary. Hearing what people think is healthy or a normal portion is frustrating. To that end, when I have been in…
  • I'm not an associated with Arena in any way. My knowledge of Belviq came as a medical student. I'm now 5 months from graduation. For certain (presumably well-meaning) people to suggest this is all a matter of "discipline" insults my intelligence. I have plenty of discipline. I have excelled in med school despite being an…
  • I personally find my weight loss so pitifully slow at 1400-1500 calories that I get frustrated and quit. And since motivation is 90% of the battle for me, I'm happier at 1200. To be honest, I usually have one heavier day (like 1800 calories) which is compensated by a couple 900-1000 days. You might think I'm eating nothing…
  • Wow! You guys are awesome! These are great suggestions. :smile: I need to take some time to digest it all, then decide on the right approach. Looks like I have several options!
  • Hi Brittany, It is possible! You've taken the first step by having the desire to make a change. I think this is a great place for support and encouragement, to get you through those times where you might otherwise feel like giving up! Believe me, I understand what a challenge it can be, both fitting in the time for…
  • Hi Ashley, I wish you success in this most important process! I understand about having people around you to support your healthy eating. My husband was never fat and nor was he a big sugar eater, but in the last couple of years his eating habits went down hill .... and mine with his. Now that I am trying to lose it is SO…
  • Oh that stinks! Here it is for everyone: Two Bunches of Kale, stems removed & torn in pieces 1.2 lbs extra lean ground pork (or use ground chicken) Head of cauliflower broken in pieces 12 cups of low fat chicken broth 1 tsp Italian Seasoning 1 tsp Poultry Seasoning 1/2 tsp Adobo Seasoning (or to taste) Cooking oil spray In…
  • Love those cherry tomatoes someone else mentioned! This is another one of my "keep on hand" snacks! :)
  • Make sure you "save up" some calories for night time... and then also make sure you have something "good" (meaning something YOU like and and something you'll EAT) available. If you are hungry or wanting to snack and you've eaten all your calories already it's going to be mighty hard to resist. Likewise, if all you have is…
  • Hi there, I added one to the database. It's called "Kale, Cauliflower & Ground Pork Soup (Homemade)" You can also substitute ground chicken.. It's really, really tasty! One serving (12 oz) has less than 100 calories, 6 grams carbs, 3 grams fat, and 12 grams protein. I'm not a fan of cauliflower normally, but it substitutes…