btrippin Member


  • I would guess that you are better educated in matters of nutrition, especially as it pertains to weight loss, than your doctor.
  • If you eat really clean you can eat a lot more food. I've found that when I eat really clean it doesn't even feel like I'm dieting. For example, when I eat 6 oz of grilled chicken, a cup of green beans, and a half cup of mashed sweet potatoes with a big 40 oz glass of water I feel stuffed for hours. That meal has about 491…
  • Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, asparagus and green beans have a lot of protein. Also rice and beans, quinoa, and tempeh are good options. You could use a protein drink to supplement your protein intake if you wanted, but you really don't need all that much protein in your diet unless you are doing heavy resistance…
  • Crap I just turned 30 yesterday *facepalm* so I guess thread is for me *facepalm*
  • the answer to this post is obviously yes. life and health insurance companies do charge smokers more because smoking increases the chances of a person getting sick and dying sooner. as a former smoker i can say that smoking is one of the stupidest things a person can choose to do, and if you choose to do it you pretty much…
  • i used to love easy mac. used to add a bunch of shredded cheddar to it
  • Money he's a Tibetan Spaniel and he only has one eye
  • cheers. i'll have a bacardi and diet in a bit. half a cup of bacardi (the clear kind) = 4 oz = 260 calories. not the worst thing ever
  • gold star for creative forum topic title. sperm whale brain here
  • i like them both. tabasco is good too
  • One thing to consider is the possible effect that carb consumption at night could have on the body's human growth hormone production. HGH production mostly takes place at night as you sleep. Since carb consumption at night causes elevated levels of insulin and since elevated insulin levels can result in lower HGH…
  • I was a pack a day smoker, and I quit about 3 years ago with the help of nicorette gum. I still chew 1-2 pieces of the 2mg gum per day. Smoking is such an awful thing to do to yourself that my advice is to quit now no matter what. In a few months you'll be better equipped to lose weight because you'll be able to exercise…
  • I'm just a weight loss noob but I say best friends birthdays and weekend BBQs are the types of things that make life worth living. Just try and make good choices when you are there i.e. a turkey burger is better than ribs, and a whiskey and diet is better than a beer.
  • Wow man you have done exactly what I would like to do. I started at 210 and my goal is to get to 150 in a year. If I could end up with a physique like yours in one year I would be extremely happy about it. Now my goal has become much more clear in my mind, so thanks for that. Amazing work.
  • I'm 29 and am in my senior year in college. I definitely understand the idea of "starting over in life" also. As far as I can tell from my short time here this website is a great place for finding ways to adopt healthier habits in the areas of fitness and nutrition regardless of your weight loss goals. I personally am…
  • You can't let this experience get you down for 3 reasons: 1. The free weight section of the gym is the most intimidating place you can go to work out. You're a badass just for being there 2. You had the courage to stay there and finish two more sets 3. You learned from the experience, and weren't afraid to share what you…
  • hey, i guess we're in the same boat as noobs on this site. from what i've seen so far this website looks pretty cool, and i do believe that tracking the foods we eat will be a key part of losing weight along with exercise and proper nutrition. good luck to us all on our weight loss journey :)