

  • Maybe try and do some things together like walking and play the wi, or Xbox kinect if you have one, it's fun at the same time and you can bond together, obviously it's not ideal for every workout, but that will help you connect and feel involved together to stop your partner feeling left out. You don't even have to mention…
  • Having someone point out how fat I had got after having my baby, and saying that I used to look really hot. It made me feel awful and now I'm determined to be healthier. I'm also ashamed of how much bigger I look in photos and avoid having them! When my little boy is older I want there to be pictures of me and him in the…
  • You can get it most stores like tesco, boots, superdrug. It comes in a can that you shake up, kind of like a deodorant. It's so handy, and you can buy mini ones in the travel section, so if you go to the gym you don't have to cart it around with you.
  • I'm not sure if you've tried it but you can use stuff called a dry shampoo, I prefer batiste, and you spray that on the roots of the hair and it instantly refreshes it so it doesn't look greasy! It helps me last in between washes when I've been working out!
  • Hehe, I know, I'd have a magic wand and make the fat on my belly go on my bum! Don't worry, if we do some work outs with lots of squats and exercise that build up the muscles, we'll have lovely defined round bums! :)
  • Such a good question, my bf is worried about my butt shrinking when I lose weight lol
  • Aww I do hope you haven't come across horrible people on here, unfortunately you will always get some one thinking they are right, or are just over confident, others just don't realise they are offending people, sounds harsh but true. I prefer to go through and add people that you feel are supportive by the posts they have…
  • I love the idea of the marble jar, that's a great visual motivator, I might use that and sit them on top of the fridge so I think twice before boredom eating. :)
  • I'm going to reward myself with new little presents, like every 5lbs I'm going To get a new mac eyeshadow or lipstick, and when I get to my bigger goals I will treat myself to new work out clothes and a trip to the hairdressers!
  • Welcome bk, I've just started today, had the app on my phone for ages, But as soon as a picked up a chocolate bar I would 'forget' to scan it! I didn't realise that there was this site with a forum so am on here to add others and get support & Motivation! Best of luck to u, u'll do great :)
  • I know its hard but Try not to worry about what other people think of you, and do what you want to do because it makes you happier and healthier. And if someone does say you look great if you lose some weight take it as a compliment for your hard work! You deserve it! :)
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