Long hair+ Working out

I have REALLY thick long hair that I love (most of the time) except when I work out. I have to wash it daily because it gets sweaty and gross. It took me forever to get it this long but now I've been considering cutting it pretty short.... Any girls out there had to chop off some hair in order to not deal with this annoying part of your life? Or am I alone :huh:


  • krystaljarv
    I'm not sure if you've tried it but you can use stuff called a dry shampoo, I prefer batiste, and you spray that on the roots of the hair and it instantly refreshes it so it doesn't look greasy! It helps me last in between washes when I've been working out!
  • ChristinaR720
    I have been tempted, but I have had short hair before and absolutely hated it. For me, it's worth the hassle, but it's truly a matter of preference!
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I have thick long hair, and since working out a lot more than I used to, I've been having to wash it at least every other day. Mine doesn't really get greasy very much and in between washings I can put it up in a bun in the shower and just wash the hair at the nape of my neck and roots, with water, without shampooing. Depends on the workout though. If need be, I'll shampoo it again. Make sure to condition it well too.
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    bump - i have the same issue and I have just been washing it everyday which isn't really great
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I recently donated two 14 inch braids to Locks of Love. All you have to do is braid your hair (minimum 10 inches), put it in an envelope, and mail it in. Some little kid out there will appreciate your donation, and you will have a wonderful story behind your cute new haircut!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    I have long, thick hair too. Chopping it off would be so much easier, but I love my hair whenever I'm not working out. So I'm torn! My hair gets wet when I run too. My advice would be to pull your hair back in a tight pony or bun, then wear a bandana around your forehead.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I have really long hair, down to my waist. I put it in a bun when working out and it doesn't bother me. Depending on the intensity of the workout, i too have to wash it afterwards. I am not sure how cutting it shorter would solve this since your scalp would still be sweaty.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member

    or at least I did when I made that plunge quite a few years ago.

    But I hear you on the long hair being annoying when you work out

    little funny well kinda gross but funny too, I was at the gym a few weeks back and had my hair in a pony. Ran about 7 miles on the treadmill, about 2 miles in I'm covered in sweat. Then some lady came on a treadmill ruight next to me! Gahhhh i hate that when there are other free machines leave spaces ppl!! Anyhoot I'm going along pony tail whipping back and forth and I get a droplet hit my arm. I then realize that my pony tail has been whipping sweat like a light rain back and forth. The lady soon got off the machine hahahahaha Im sure o got her
    serves her right! hahahahahaha Soo mean I know!!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I recently donated two 14 inch braids to Locks of Love. All you have to do is braid your hair (minimum 10 inches), put it in an envelope, and mail it in. Some little kid out there will appreciate your donation, and you will have a wonderful story behind your cute new haircut!

    Pantenes programs is much better. LoL sells their wigs, and barely uses all the hair get to give to cancer patients. They've been invested and rated badly by the Better Business Bureau and Charity Navigator.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Right now my hair hits my bra band when it's down and curly. Sometimes I let it get almost to my butt. I just put it in a low ponytail so that it doesn't bother me when it flies around. I don't look good with less than shoulder length hair, so I just deal. I wash my hair every other day.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    men adore thick, long hair, i have to put mine in a ponytail,
  • carmenni
    I have really long hair, down to my waist. I put it in a bun when working out and it doesn't bother me. Depending on the intensity of the workout, i too have to wash it afterwards. I am not sure how cutting it shorter would solve this since your scalp would still be sweaty.

    Cutting it would only help in the fact that drying it and straightening it would take me a lot less time. It takes me about 45 -50 minutes to straighten my hair now :explode:
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    I recently donated two 14 inch braids to Locks of Love. All you have to do is braid your hair (minimum 10 inches), put it in an envelope, and mail it in. Some little kid out there will appreciate your donation, and you will have a wonderful story behind your cute new haircut!

  • errorika
    errorika Posts: 89 Member
    I have really long thick hair too, but I'm lucky enough that it doesn't get greasy easily. I sweat like crazy when I work out, but I usually don't need to wash it more than every other day. Actually, not washing it after a workout makes it easier to manage, believe it or not.

    I agree that you should try out a dry shampoo. It will work wonders!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have... DON'T DO IT!


    I refuse to wash mine everyday even if it makes me insane - your hair will get use to washing it every 2nd day. My hair isn't thick, which makes it worse.

    Lush has an amazing dry shampoo - try that. It's about 11 bucks and lasts forever! If you cut it, I'm sure you will regret it... I know I did the first time :P
  • originalkazila
    Washing your hair everyday actually isn't that good for your hair and scalp. Dry shampoo is your best bet. :)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I have really long hair, down to my waist. I put it in a bun when working out and it doesn't bother me. Depending on the intensity of the workout, i too have to wash it afterwards. I am not sure how cutting it shorter would solve this since your scalp would still be sweaty.

    Cutting it would only help in the fact that drying it and straightening it would take me a lot less time. It takes me about 45 -50 minutes to straighten my hair now :explode:

    Wow! I have long, extremely thick hair and it has NEVER taken me that long to straighten mine.... if it did, I would never straighten it again. Maybe get a better straightener.
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    I had the same problem so got it all cut off - it was half way down my back and now it's pretty short. Makes life so much easier at the gym every day and I've stopped using "But i don't want to/have time to wash my hair!" as an excuse not to work out. I got a lot of mileage out of that excuse in the past.

    It's pretty scary and my hairdresser practically had to be forced to do it but I have no regrets. tough decision.

    I still have to wash my hair every time I go to the gym but I never have to blow dry or style it as it is so short it looks ok messy (I think!) and dries really quickly.
  • carmenni

    or at least I did when I made that plunge quite a few years ago.

    But I hear you on the long hair being annoying when you work out

    little funny well kinda gross but funny too, I was at the gym a few weeks back and had my hair in a pony. Ran about 7 miles on the treadmill, about 2 miles in I'm covered in sweat. Then some lady came on a treadmill ruight next to me! Gahhhh i hate that when there are other free machines leave spaces ppl!! Anyhoot I'm going along pony tail whipping back and forth and I get a droplet hit my arm. I then realize that my pony tail has been whipping sweat like a light rain back and forth. The lady soon got off the machine hahahahaha Im sure o got her
    serves her right! hahahahahaha Soo mean I know!!

    I know I'd regret it, lol. So its probably staying. I just WISHHHHHH there was an easier way! And that is a pretty funny story hahaha. I'm sure she will think twice next time she encounters the same situation :wink:
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    It depends if you like short hair or not. I tried having it up to my chin but I could never fix it when I went out with the hubby. With workouts I usually put it up in a bun or pony. Maybe just a few inches so its not too drastic? Either way it does grow :flowerforyou: