

  • Hi, Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the website. Its very user friendly. If we can all do it you can! Were all here to motivate each other. Good luck to you and I wish you well. Keep me posted on your progress!! I have lost 29 lbs. My goal is to loose 80 more. If you set your mind to it, you can do it!! Breanna
  • Welcome jzbaby, Good Luck to you I hope you do well. Let me know your progress! Myfitnesspals is awesome! Everyone is really nice and it helps. Keeps ya motivated when you have supporters! Nice to meet you! Breanna
  • Aww Thanks! Nice to meet you all! Hope you all had a great day! Keep me posted on your success its a motivation for me to keep on!!
  • Hey guys, Can anyone tell me how to join groups? I am new here to MFP. Thank youQ Breanna
  • Alot depends on the brands that you use: The frozen yogurt has less than normal yogurt. The peanut butter really depends on the brand. The cool whip isnt going to have alot of calories nor does the pudding. The entire dish is about 625 calories for the whole thing. I cut them small and that way I feel like I have gotten a…
  • Good Luck to you as well! Welcome . Just put your mind to it and you can do it! Breanna
  • So we as American's eat WAY to much. I was one of these people. I fixed my plate and if I wanted more.....I went back and fixed more. I finally reached a point where I was tired of being over weight and started to do something about it. This is silly and may sound stupid, but it has worked for me. I have co-workers who do…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Calculator Down 29 lbs! Yah! Good Luck To You All! Breanna
  • Kellog's has "Special K" bars. They have 90 calories and they come in a variety of flavors. The vanilla goes great with my afternoon coffee! Try them!
  • Hi Emma! I am also trying to loose about 90 lbs. So good luck to you and I wish you the best! this wesite ROCKS, it makes it so much easier to track everything! Good Luck and keep me posted on your progress! breanna