

  • I'm definitely in! If anyone would like to add me, I need some motivating and positivity! :smile: let's do this!
  • Oh my goodness, when I do one of the cardio classes on Kinect and the Alegira Pa Zumbar song comes on, I cringe. It is so intesne! Definitely an AMAZING workout for the obliques!
  • The calorie count is wayyyy off. But I think Core is CRAZYYYY intense, especially compared to Zumba Rush. I love Rush and got Core as soon as it came out (for the Kinect) Hate the calorie counter, but am in love with it. I am beyond winded even after a couple of songs, but this is something that you love to sweat your butt…
  • You mentioned you use a 24oz bottle- as do I. I am super forgetful, and have a hard time tracking as well. I bought a water bottle made by Thermos, and it has a dial on it to help you keep track. But if you are worried about your kids taking the rubber bands, there is a possibility they could mess with the dial too.…
  • What an amazing success! So wonderful to see that with will power, determination, and a great motivator, success can be had! Thank you so much for sharing!! **Hoping one day I can have my success story!
  • Now I want nachos! LoL Nacho Party!!!!
  • They sound so delish! Although, I can think of some ways to make them a tad healthier but have similar tastes. Instead of frying, bake in the oven sprayed with a little cooking spray sprinkle with cinnamon. Instead of whipped cream, use greek yogurt (could sweeten with stevia or honey). If you wanted to go a little…
  • Amazing story. Your determination has gotten you so far and will take you to amazing places! Best of luck to you in your journey, and thank you for the inspirational story to help me in reaching my goals. Truly amazing. :) Way to go!!
  • I'm definitely no pro and I know that every person is different in how they lose in general. For me, I found that drinking around 10-12 cups worked for me. Also, I found that I was losing more when I would sweat it out daily. Even doing 20 minutes of exercise helped me to lose more. I agree with kellicci, green tea is…
  • Considering it is a wedding, I would not pick #3, it looks much more like a club dress-- definitely cute, but not of a farm/backyard type outdoor wedding. I would go with #5. Not only is the dress gorgeous, but I think with a pair of cute flats it would be great for an outdoor wedding. It's a gorgeous dress, and because of…
  • I so know what you mean. I would exercise all week, and then the weekend came. I never did any workouts, ate whatever I wanted, and really just put caution to the wind. when the week came, I went back to it, often feeling worse off about all the things I should have done. After joining this site, the tools have helped me…
  • Amazing! Way to go!! :) I hope one day I can become a great success story like you have. Best Wishes.
  • I love doing Zumba! I don't have the sets, I do Zumba with the Kinect. I know it isn't the same, but I can be a Zumba buddy! :)
  • I am new to the site, just joined today. :) I need to lose over 100 pounds. Based on my height, I should probably weight around 120, but currently weighing 290 (Was 315). I would be over the moon if I could get down to 185, having a support system would be amazing, as I currently do not have one. Let's all help eachother…