curryandmango Member


  • We have the same start day. Friday, May 13, 2022 at night. It’s now Sunday afternoon, not too many side effects for me, but noticed appetite is less crazy than it has been this last month (I got off prednisone the month before). I still have an appetite though, and can eat normal portions. I was wondering if I injected…
  • Phew! :) Now, how do you know if you have a standard 45# bar or a #35 bar in terms of appearance? There are some 'newer' bars that look like the 45# ones but they can be less.
  • I want to lift heavy! Question: when you ladies list your stats, are you listing what weights you are putting on the bar or are you counting the bar weight (i.e. 45lbs) as part of your stats? For example, If you added two 25# plates to your bar when squatting, are you counting your stats to be 25+25+45 or just counting it…
  • Hi, I started Day 1 yesterday! May I please also get an invite to the group? Thanks!