

  • Okay mustanggirl, Nurse 2 Nurse: You're drinking twice the recommended H20, you're tired, an you're not concerned. That's not sarcastic, but I really want to know. I'm headed towards 120 oz H20 for the day, and there fore going to the bathroom all day, and I've been wondering if this is okay. I've dropped 10 lbs in the…
  • If it's Tae Bo kicking your butt, you've probably gained muscle! That will help you to lose even more every other time he kicks your butt! He just kicked mine for 35 min. tonight! Hang in there. Keep up the good work!
  • Hello, You will find that befoe you even see any weight loss, you will fell better emotionally from the exercise. You're in a stressful time of life that I've only seen. This is a great time to start! Find an exercise you like, find healthy food you like, and jump in, but jump in easily. Don't start off at 500 mph. and…
  • Tae Bo Baby!!! I've done Step Rebok and Denise Austin also. I have 4 children and am big into running. I usually do Tae Bo when the treadmill gets boring. I've also found that if I train the children to leave me alone while on the treadmill, or run when they're in bed, I can put something ont he tv, muted, and have music…
  • Hi, I'm blunt, and your health is at stake. All words are spoken out of love and urgency. 1. I am sorry about your loss. I too have been there and know the pain it brings. There was a time when I thought I'd never survive a miscarriage. I found out, though, that I really can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.…
  • That's correct! That's why strength training is so important - even for us females!
  • You're at a tough point in life right now. I have 4 children - been there 4 times. You may have to sit and schedule your day with pen and paper. Just find 30 min/day to get your work-out in. If you have to split it into 15 min. segments, do so. Unless you need the extra motivation of a gym, working out at home is best for…
  • I think we're all a bit tired at that time of the month. I know I feel absolutely drained for about a day and a half just before. The more I cramp, the more I exercise! It works so much better than any pill or potion I've tried! Also, watch your diet. The more junk you eat, the worse you'll feel at that time of the month.…
  • I have lots of thoughts, but only about half of them have anything to do with your diet! Are the children old enough to help with the milking or meal preparing? You milk cows, but you're eating weight watchers yogurt? I amen the slow cooker idea. You could also plan your day so that you get the meal prepared before going…
  • Ya know? I thought I was doing pretty good with my tae-bo. I'd planned to do 30 minutes/day on the treadmill, but have been doing more thatn 50 with Billy Blanks. When all these new injuries heal( from doing to much, too soon, in the wrong shoes), I'm going to have to hit it! Great job y'all!:wink:
  • Woo-hoo Sue!!!! :drinker: I'm going to go find that article!
  • I had a session with a personal trainer a few weeks ago, and he told me that strength trainng increases your metabolism for 24-72 hrs, whereas cardio keeps it up for 4-6 hrs. It was suggested that I do cardio, then lift weights for at least 20 minutes. This way I'd still burn fat while lifting. I wouldn't burn as much fat,…
  • That's where I have trouble. I'm from the South - Old School South!!! If there is food on our plates, we are taught to eat it - or else! I've heard, for years now, that we should stop eating when we're full, regardless of what's on our plates. I understand that logic, and sometimes follow it, but I see waste. Of course, it…
  • I'm just watching, but not forming opinions right now. I'm not affiliated with either party, so who I vote for depends on those who are not straddling this fence with me!
  • It's definitely worth looking into the high cacao content chocolates. I too have chocolate issues (I think that's carried on the x chromosome!). I've found that when I eat 70% chocolate, I can eat no more than 1/4 of a bar. I actually ate a whole bar once and got sick! Look into the higher percent chocolates. This way, you…
  • I think different shoes just work for different people. I'm a Saucony person. I just bought Asics and don't really like them. I'm going to get Saucony's again. I did like the Nike Air Pegasus in the past, but they became history when I was introduced to Saucony! As far as your shin splints go, wrap them when you run. Run…
  • Well, I put the children to bed and DID NOT feel like that 55 minute tae bo session. Instead ..... I did the 53 MINUTE SESSION!!!! I FEEL GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! HALLELUJAH!!! DJ
  • I was doing so well today! I had a big breakfast (my favorite meal of the day), but a small lunch to make up for it. Then I "bought" some extra calories with exercise. I thought, "surely I won't blow my "budget" (calories) today! Then I got hungry. With 400 calories to spare, I ordered pizza! I would have been fine eating…
  • How long have you been consistently working out - this time? You may have plateaued. Your body may have gotten accustomed to what you're doing, and found a way to do it with the least caloric expenditure possible. Try changing up your routine. Kick up the intensity. Be sure to incorporate strength training; it really is a…
  • Would you mind my asking what you consider "eating right"? Would would an average day look right when you eat right? How many days per week do you eat right? Are the others just junk days, or quasi-"right"? DJ