

  • Another endorphin junkie like myself! Hi! I would suggest, in addition to the modifications, like you've been doing, to ice down the injured area for 20 min. after exercising. Wrapping the knee during a workout is also good for quick warming and added support. Some sort of anti-inflammatory wouln't hurt either. It doesn't…
  • Tae Bo isn't in the list of exercises, but kick boxing/tae-kwon-do (sp?) is. I always use that one. The calories burned are the same.
  • I've been reading on how we must eat all our caloies if we plan to lose pounds, but that just didn't jive with my logic; therefore, the scientist/rebel in me had to see for myself. I was eating no more than 1500 cal/day, regardless of exercise. Prior to this I was hitting 1800-1900 and just making sure I was covered with…
  • Hey All! I've looked this up on the net, but come up with 0. Should I continue to stick to my 1200 calories while dealing with a cold, or should I bump it up to help my body get over the illness? Just a history: I was fine yesterday untill about 8pm when I noticed that my throat felt a little scratchy. by 10pm I had to sit…
  • I ran track "back in the day", and I've found that a good game of basketball can require just as much running as track practice! I'd say that's a pretty good way to get in cardio - as long as people aren't constantly fouling! Enjoy! P.S. No 3's now, DUNK!!!
  • I just researched the issue of women lifting too much, and don't see anything specifically saying that women shouldn't lift any certain amount. I lift too, so I wanted to know. I must say that I wouldn't have slowed down on it anyway!
  • Im 33.5. My real age is 33.7. Considering all the stressful life factors included, I'd say that's pretty good!
  • I'm thinking you're talking about Shellie - Billy's daughter. She irritated me in the beginning, but became a motivator as her form is flawless! I guess the irritating part was so was her body! She's got a 10 month old now, so some things have c hanged!
  • I workout 5-6 days/week. I'd planned to do 30 minutes, but I usually go for 45 min. to 1hr. I usually run or do Tae Bo. I do strength training 2 days/week, but I'm going to increase it to 3 next week. I just read on how to do it correctly. I like having the extra muscle mass to keep the mebabolism up!
  • I noticed that when I worked out in the mornings, I'd crash around 9 - In Class - and I sat in the front - until I learned! When I've made myself work-out early recently, I was really hyped when I got the children up and off to school, but I still want to crash around 9. Has anyone experienced this! Would diet have…
  • I used to be a morning person. Now that I'm a single parent, things are changing. I find it easier to get things done after the children have gone to bed in the evening. I used to exercise at 4:30 am. Now, getting to bed at 2-3 am, I have no plans to be lucid anywhere near 4. I, therefore, workout late at night now. I'm…
  • You're taking my prayers with you. If possible find time to keep up some type of exercise routine. It will help you to release stress. If possible, find time to take time for yourself every now and again. You need this to maintain your sanity. Get the most of the remaining time with your mother. Take full advantage of the…
  • I saw a site that gave a really low number too. Whomever came up with that doesn't know what I know!:love: Been in a few marathons, I've "hit the wall" as athletes say....and the floor, and the dresser, etc. Tae Bo has never left me completely unable to move!
  • I'll admit that the appetite suppressant commercials, such as everything hoodia, look tempting, but would that not lower the body's metabolism? I am of the personality that I prefer to get straight the hard way. I think it's called penance. I engaged the overindulgence and underactivity, knowing full well, the end results.…
  • I have undiagnosed asthma. Why do I need to spend $85 to have someone tell me I'm wheezing? Anyway, I find that I need to warm-up really well before I turn up the intensity on my workout. If I start to wheeze, I just slow down, focus on my breathing, and pick it back up if I want.
  • You could kill two birds with one stone (sorry bird lovers) and get your fiber in fresh fruits and vegetables. It tastes better, and it will help you to get your calories in.
  • Someone suggested to drink your calories. I know I could take care of a couple hundred with just a cup of chocolate milk!
  • Got a jump rope?
  • Treadmill! Treadmill! Treadmill! Dealing with shin splints and foot issues right now, so its Tae Bo! Tae Bo! Tae Bo!
  • Hi Prarie, #1. Now is not the time to count calories - unless it makes you feel better. As a matter of fact, a steaming cup of hot chocolate with real milk would probably be very relaxing right now. #2. If you're a praying person, now is the time. #3. If you're not a praying person, now is a great time to start. #4. How…
  • I don't have the heart palpitations that would keep me in bed all day. I have a thickened mitral valve, so my heart has to work harder to get blood pumped around my body. I would spend 2-3 days a week in bed because my heard was pounding so, I was so puffy with retained fluid, and I felt just yucky! I knew I had to…
  • Guess we're in a class by ourselves indigirl! I just bought the Amped series on ebay! I just found Ultimate Tae Bo! I'll be sure to get it when it fits into the budget!
  • I seem to have roots in Missouri..... I've read all posts on both threads, and I'm just going to have to see for myself. My initial caloric allowance is 1200 cal. I eat that easily, but then I exercise and get like 600 added! There's no way I'm eating all that. I actually stay under 1500 cal/day on purpose. It's something…
  • Work on losing fat. Do whatever is your favorite ab excercise to tighten the abs. My favorite is Tae Bo! The fat will fall off of the stomach, but here's the catch. You'll start to see your face, forearms and lower legs trim down first. then will come the upper arms, chest and thighs. Lastly, the stomach and buttock will…
  • Beating yourself up (too much) over this doesn't help you. Take it as a lesson. Remember what it took for you to resist all the munchies after class. Hold on to that. Remember how horrible you feel for eating the pound cake. Was it worth it? All you really need to do is more cardio to make up for it. Next time you're…
  • I missed it! I really didn't want the pink team to go home, though! I liked the mom also. I like her personality. She seems pretty tough on the outside, but like most of us, she's a big cream puff on the inside! Kind of like my mom!
  • I mention it often in my posts, but let me just clarify that I LOVE TAE BO!!! It just fits my personality. I was turned on to it after a not so pretty nursing school ordeal. It was much safer for me to punch air than people, so I fell right into it!!! I started aerobics at the age of 10 with a Kathy Smith CASSETTE!!! After…
  • You know? I had to reschedule my workouts to evenings. Whenever I'd workout at 6am, I'd crash at 9. Now, The crash helps to get me to sleep!