appetite suppresant

Has anyone tried an appetite suppresant they are having luck with?


  • mnmpc
    mnmpc Posts: 5 Member
    Has anyone tried an appetite suppresant they are having luck with?
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    If you really want long term success you need to learn to eat right. I would suggest that you plan 5-6 small meals a day and eat every 2-3 hours and stay hydrated, most hunger pains are caused because you are actually becoming dehydrated.

    There is no miracle, just consistency.
  • jreeves1
    try that 5-hour energy stuff they sell at gas stations on the counter. It worked temporarily for me but I didn't want to take it everyday. I don't know how you feel about caffeine but you should at least try it once. It totally wakes you up! Or you should look into "5-htp" google it & read about it, it sounds pretty interesting & I heard it's good.
  • blessedmamma
    I'll admit that the appetite suppressant commercials, such as everything hoodia, look tempting, but would that not lower the body's metabolism?

    I am of the personality that I prefer to get straight the hard way. I think it's called penance. I engaged the overindulgence and underactivity, knowing full well, the end results. I don't want an easy way out of the mess I got myself into. I went off of caffeine cold turkey as well. That was definitely motivation for not going back to it!

    My tough ways aside, I would second learning self control. It's a slower harder road, but I think you'll tend to stay on it.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It isn't easy and it has its challenges but self control has less side effects too! lol
  • mnmpc
    mnmpc Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your input. I've been counting calories and walking when I can manage to fit it in my crazy day. I've lost 50 pounds over the last year but have put 10 back on since Thanksgiving. I let myself slack over the holidays and am now desperate to regain my lost ground. This back peddling has me searching for a quick fix. I know the right way to do it but am always on the look out for a little extra help.
  • jreeves1
    Also, I have serious issues with cravings & it causes me to binge. I went to a naturopathic doctor (Bastyr Clinic) & the doctor prescribed me 3 things: Chromium for sugar cravings, Niacinamide for sugar cravings & L-Tryptophan for sugar cravings & mood. L-Tryptophan is also in the 5-htp that I mentioned earlier. I have only been taking these since Tuesday so I don't really know if they are working 100% but I think today was better. Go to a place like Bastyr & get their advice. They are very helpful & caring people. I am also going to see a food therapist for my addiction to food. Having self control would be great for me but sometimes it goes waaaay beyond that.
  • mnmpc
    mnmpc Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advise. Cravings to eat when you are watching your intake are the worst ever. I know that I'll regret it if I give in but sometimes thats not enough. I'll check out the 5-htp website. Thanks again.