dossha Member


  • Understand it's a process. You didn't get this way overnight and your not going to get slim that way either. Until the gears shift, trying eating what you want but measure it from hence forth. Like try a 1/4 cup of something, a actually tablespoon of something. Begin seeing what the right proportions are. Hope this…
  • It's amazing what children are up against now. My advice, build your childs confidence. Get him involved in self defense classes with good instructors that are not teaching just self-defense, but disciplines that will equip him with knowlege of when to defend and when to walk away. Request a conference with the parents,…
  • Thanks, I needed that inspiration.
  • Welcome, I'm a grandma too. Stay steady and we will get there
  • Just make up your mind to keep going. The race is not always given to swift, but to those that can endure to the end. You didn't put in on overnight and you won't take it off the same. Just don't give up.
  • I'm not much of a blogger, but welcome, I've been here for a week and thus far I enjoy it. Looking forward to my new self. It took me years to put on all this weight, I'm not expecting years to take it off just some time.
  • My need to get in shape is for me. I've always been a diva and I like my body to reflect that. We as black women give so much of our self away and forget about us. It's time to place things in proper persepective and treat our own bodies right. It's hard work and we do it everyday, just not for ourselves. So let's get…