

  • When you find some stores let me know! Lol I am 5'1 and I have a hard time find petite shirts that are my style, but the jeans...I have super long lets so that poses a problem for me as well. Normally I'll find some from the juniors section or go online to inexpensive boutiques like Sexymodest.com, whiteplum etc and hem…
  • I used to reward myself with cupcakes lol, but now I don't know what to reward myself with. I think just being able to reach my goal is rewarding enough...hopefully I can reach my goal!
  • I'm 5'1 and 125 lbs now. I'm at my heaviest I've been since 6 years ago. My comfortable weight is between 110-114. It's been dramatically fluxuating since last year, due falling ill, taking sterroids and starting new BC (birth control), and becoming unemployed. So now I'm trying to be even more focused than before to keep…
  • I'm 5'1 and now 121 ish pounds. I was 111 last year and hope to go down to 108-110 by July, but that's a long shot! I need to start eating more calories. I would say my average calorie is between 900-1200. It rarely goes over 1000 calories. I live a sedentary life from working and am trying to change that. I was so active…
  • Do some weight training about 2x3 times a week to help burn the fat fast and tone yourself. Just cardio won't do it, your calorie intake looks fine, but you might want to check what your eating and how much strength training you are doing :) I can't seem to lose 2 lbs either, but I guarantee once you put the first two…
  • I don't have before or after posted here, b/c I'm not comfortable with it, but my lowest weight was 110. I'm 5'1 now 115-116 and I'd like to get down to 105-108, but I'm fine with 110 again. I overall would like my skinny/fat to look toned and my eating habits are good. My husband strives to be as fit as he can for his job…
  • 28 Height: 5'1 sw: 116 cw 114-115 (my scale might be off) gw: 105-108
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