

  • Thank you for this! when and why you CAN run.. after reading this i realized i have been making excuses for the wrong things!! i need to focus on when and how i can workout!! that was very motivational
  • i did thia yesterday with popcorn!! So i will try this first from now on!
  • love love love avacados!
  • That pancake looks verry satisfying! the reat look very yummy as well.. where do you get the recipes from¡
  • My co-worker told me about the boco burgers too! he loves them! .. the thing is .. is i dont want to eat hanburger fries and shake! well... i do but i know its bad unless i have time to make it homemade! in that id rather eat a turkey burger with all of the topings wrapped in lettuce like a pocket! Thank you for all of the…
  • I always aim to eat the proper portions.. the thing is i hardly eat fast food! But you are right i need to becareful i dont want to binge or something!
  • It was the grease n salt.. lol wow that sounds nasty now that iv got over it!! ithink the peanut hutter helped..
  • I just tried a table spoon of peanut butter! ... better than a burger n curly fies n chocolate! ( mmmmmm) {its all just in my head} >.< these are the moments where i could be weak... This seems like a harsh fight!