davidbchu Member


  • Took my post-challenge photos at CF St Paul last night so I guess I can eat whatever now. I think someone mentioned this at the kick-off but definitely ease back into sweets. Just double chocolate chip cookie and it was way too sweet.
  • I also vote for brunch.
  • Hey guys, I doing well energy-wise. I feel much better this week than last. Not as hungry and don't feel like I'm overeating to make up for the lack of carbs. Tried the Steve's Original jerky packs, which are good mid-day snacks. Cooking all my meals was an adjustment the first week too but I've gotten into it. I don't…
  • I tried to keep my day pretty normal as far as activity level. Went climbing in the morning and walked a few hours with my dog. Felt a little lethargic/hungry in the afternoon but I think its b/c I'm still trying to figure out meals and what's paleo/what's not. Overall not too bad so far.