
  • Hi Jeanne, Haven't read either of the books so I can't be of any help there. I did find the Flat-Belly Diet book very helpful. I still try to stick fairly close to it, but am only following it generally now, and am still getting results. I can relate to it being hard to plan healthy meals while at work. I've started going…
  • Welcome! I've been on MFP a few weeks now. It's really easy to use, and has great tools! I still have loads to lose too, but I'm really feeling good about the positive changes I've been making. You've taken the first step to getting healthier just by signing up. Good luck!!:bigsmile:
  • I live/work in Southeastern Va near the shore. The trail club I belong to has the distinction of being the farthest away from the section of trail they maintain! We maintain about 11 1/2 miles near Waynesboro Va. Parts of our section are pretty steep including a 4000+ foot mountain called Three Ridges. It's really…
    in Hi! :) Comment by LABONTEM October 2009
  • I'm a veggie too!!! Really I call myself a semi-veg because I still eat some fish from time to time. But I can soooo relate!! I became a vegetarian when I was in my teens, and I've found it is really easy to gain weight being a vegetarian. Whole grains and legumes have plenty of calories! I also have a very active sweet…
    in Hi! :) Comment by LABONTEM October 2009
  • Welcome to MFP! I only joined a couple of days ago, but I've been at the weight loss game a long time... I've always struggled with my weight. For me I have to use a combo of diet AND exercise. Just diet won't do it.... just exercise won't do it. I need both! I don't want any fad diet that won't transfer to a healthy…
  • Welcome to MFP!!! I think you'll find it really easy to use. I only joined a couple of days ago myself, and have NEVER done anything like this before. I've never been to a chatroom on the Internet or anything like that. However, I'm really enjoying getting to know the folks on MFP! Also, I'm really loving the tools!…
  • Welcome to MFP!!!! I've only been on here a couple of days myself, but I'm finding the support of others very beneficial!
  • WAY TO GO!!!! What an inspiration you are!!!! 97 pounds in 10 months is amazing. You MUST have been doing a lot of exercise as well as watching what you eat to come up with numbers like that! GOOD FOR YOU!!!:bigsmile: I've only been on this site for a few days, but I'm lovin' it!!! The tools are so easy to use...…
  • Ditto on the great suggestions I've read on this topic. I read a book called the "Flat Belly Diet" that has been helping a lot. I've lost 15 since mid-August, and 2 inches from my waist. I decided to try this diet after a friend of mine had excellent results with it. Unlike me, she didn't have a huge amount to lose, but…
  • Thanks, Feisty Girl! I can already see where I'm adjusting my eating habits! Last night when I was having my evening snack, I checked to see how many calories I had left before getting something to eat. This morning I changed what I would normally have for breakfast so I could save some of those calories later in the day.…
  • Thanks, SweetPea! I've already noticed just from today that I probably wasn't counting calories correctly. I really do have a long journey, but I know it's do-able. I didn't put it on overnight, and it won't come off overnight! I'm in it for the long haul!! :smile: