

  • no that is not true at all. i've taken everyones advice.. my issue is that we have gotten to the point that he neglects me and i feel disrespected and he does this because i'm "a nag" i know that i have not been the most pleasant person for a while so it really is both of us at fault. he should communicate with me better…
  • hey guys. you all have valid points about this whole thing. i showed him the forum last night and we talked about it but of course i'm a girl and i'm still hurt and upset which turns him off even more. we are still together because we do have our really good times and we use to be best friends. i keep making excuses for…
  • at least you're honest!
  • unfortunately this is a real situation and i'm a real person :( it's not even that i'm insecure because when i go out i get hit on all the time i guess i'm just upset that i could give my whole heart to someone who can just hurt me and think saying sorry is going to make it okay.
  • but sadly based on everything in this world it seems like i have no choice but to either accept feeling disrespected or being alone forever. i feel like i should just be with someone for convenience because falling for someone just makes it complicated and someone always gets hurt.
  • oh calm down i wasn't insulting you i'm saying that I personally think its stupid that i have to choose to either be cheated on or him looking at porn. why am i not enough?
  • thinking oh at least he's just watching porn not effing another girl as if we have to accept either is stupid. thats what the boyfriend said like i have to pick one um neither please thanks.
  • the fact that it has to be either watch porn or cheat is completely effed up. what has society come to that women are to be disrespected like this and be okay with it? ugh
  • but i don't do any of that i've given so much to him and i feel like he doesn't care :(
  • he withdraws and it makes me think he's up to that.
  • thank you!! the real problem is that he can't talk to me about his issues with me. and i'm not going to lie the fact that it was all sorts of different genres makes me feel icky.
  • THIS :( i have to do it myself jeeze
  • thank you yes he said my "nagging" makes me unattractive but that is after the fact of him getting caught that he lied. he doesn't communicate until he just blows up and that's a problem. i don't know what to dooo. couples counseling sounds like a good idea.
  • i understand what you're saying that he's secretive because he feels like he needs to be but at the same time if he was just honest there would be no need to be so secretive!
  • it's not the porn itself its the fact that he lies to me about it, our sex life suffers and it's happened more than once. that is my issue
  • i really want to believe him when he says that he will change this time around but the fact that he has been caught with it THREE times makes me feel otherwise and is driving me crazy!!! how do we rebuild trust when there is 0 there??
  • i do try to initiate and he says he's tired or doesn't want to etc and that upsets me because then i think he's watching porn instead which he was!!
  • yes he says that i complain too much and he doesn't want to be around me but the thing is when i "complain" its usually just the basics of living together like do the dishes tonight, clean up after yourself in the bathroom, etc and he just shuts down and doesn't communicate with me at all. he just gets angry and tells me…
  • i refuse to compromise on something that results in practically no sex life and being disrespected and lied to.
  • thank you for this and i agree. i really love him but i feel like i've given him so many chances. i'm not ready to walk away this time but next time i will. i just don't know what to do. i'm so upset right now and it doesn't help that we live together and i have to see him everyday. ugh :(
  • after i asked him how he could lie to me and he said because he didn't want it to turn to this which was fighting. and i said then why would you do it in the first place if you knew how it made me feel? he said he wasn't thinking.. but really all he was thinking about was himself.
  • my issue is that we like never have sex anymore and that week that i found it he lied to me when i asked him about it.
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