I'll tell my Gp at next appointment,am scheduled to see her in 3 weeks for an injection. There's actually a reason beyond basic health as to why I'm concerned enough about body weight,but it belongs elsewhere.
I'm being honest yes I've been just a little bit bullimic,just a bit,due to lack a broadly developed diet. Yes sounds alarming,it's only been the past few months and not much but yes......what would a doctor tell me though? The disordered thinking is too much importance placed on weight and inability to develope a broad…
Thanks,what would you recommend? not been a very nutty person,how about dates? raisins?.
Hi I could probably run a half marathon now,I usually run for about 40 minutes but could easily do twice or 3 times that on rare occasions,the difference today being that I'm pumping the bicyle for 90 minutes as well in the hope of burning calories...and eat a bit less,that's 2 days and feels ok....