PinkCuda13 Member


  • Thanks everyone! My clothes are looser, so that's a plus. Just gotta keep going! I am just waiting on that "wow" moment that everyone gets at some point. My goal is to lose 48 total pounds, so we will see! Thanks for the kind words :smile:
  • These posts have helped so much!!! Thank you everyone for your support! It was much needed and the extra motivation that will help me push through.
  • Thank you!! I am thinking it may be more nerves than anything else. I am looking forward to the events after I finish!!!!! :)
  • That is a good Quote :) Thank you!
  • I think having a goal will help you hold yourself accountable. Do not have such a big goal and then get discouraged. I think starting at small steps and working your way up to the big goal is much more attainable. I usually have monthly goals and seem to stick by them. I also record all the positive changes I do so I can…
  • I am definitely on a training plan with lifting, speed training and long runs. I am following the plan as well. I guess my question is on race day, do people typically do better than their training runs? I usually end up faster than when I train due to nerves, anticipation and the feel of race day. Good luck on your race!…